Efecto de polialcoholes en el retardo de la eflorescencia grasa en chocolate oscuro
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Rodriguez Espada, José Luis
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La presente investigación buscó conocer el tratamiento que maximiza la reducción de la eflorescencia grasa en muestras de chocolate oscuro al 70 por ciento de cacao. A partir de grano de cacao CCN 51 se elaboró chocolate en tableta con la formulación: pasta de cacao, azúcar blanca y dos agentes de retardo de eflorescencia grasa (glicerol y sorbitol) en proporciones 25/75, 50/50 y 75/25. Se empleó una cámara climática para acelerar el envejecimiento del chocolate oscuro y, con el uso de un colorímetro, se registró el índice de blancura (IB) en la superficie del chocolate. Los resultados muestran que con el tratamiento que tuvo la mayor cantidad de glicerol en la tableta de chocolate (T4) tuvo mayor retardo en la eflorescencia grasa en la superficie. Se modeló matemáticamente el índice de blancura con respecto al tiempo, teniendo como resultado una relación moderada decreciente. Se caracterizó por análisis proximal la tableta de chocolate oscuro, mostrando un 36,91 por ciento de grasa cruda en base seca. Se tuvo una aceptabilidad general por seis jueces entrenados y calibrados de 8,3 puntos, sobre una escala estructurada de 10 puntos. Con los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el glicerol es el polialcohol que mayor estabiliza la manteca de cacao retardando la aparición de la eflorescencia grasa.
This research sought to know the treatment that maximizes the reduction of fat bloom in samples of dark chocolate at 70 percent cocoa. From CCN 51 cocoa beans, chocolate tablets were made with the formulation: cocoa paste, white sugar and two fatty bloom retardants (glycerol and sorbitol) in proportions 25/75, 50/50 and 75/25. A climatic chamber was used to accelerate the aging of the dark chocolate and, using a colorimeter, the whiteness index (WI) on the surface of the chocolate was recorded. The results show that the treatment that had the highest amount of glycerol in the chocolate tablet (T4) had a greater delay in the fat bloom on the surface. The whiteness index was modeled mathematically with respect to time, resulting in a moderately decreasing relationship. The dark chocolate tablet was characterized by proximal analysis, showing 36.91 percent crude fat on a dry basis. There was a general acceptability by six trained and calibrated judges of 8,3 points, on a structured scale of 10 points. With the results obtained, it is concluded that glycerol is the polyalcohol that stabilizes cocoa butter the most, delaying the appearance of fat efflorescence.
This research sought to know the treatment that maximizes the reduction of fat bloom in samples of dark chocolate at 70 percent cocoa. From CCN 51 cocoa beans, chocolate tablets were made with the formulation: cocoa paste, white sugar and two fatty bloom retardants (glycerol and sorbitol) in proportions 25/75, 50/50 and 75/25. A climatic chamber was used to accelerate the aging of the dark chocolate and, using a colorimeter, the whiteness index (WI) on the surface of the chocolate was recorded. The results show that the treatment that had the highest amount of glycerol in the chocolate tablet (T4) had a greater delay in the fat bloom on the surface. The whiteness index was modeled mathematically with respect to time, resulting in a moderately decreasing relationship. The dark chocolate tablet was characterized by proximal analysis, showing 36.91 percent crude fat on a dry basis. There was a general acceptability by six trained and calibrated judges of 8,3 points, on a structured scale of 10 points. With the results obtained, it is concluded that glycerol is the polyalcohol that stabilizes cocoa butter the most, delaying the appearance of fat efflorescence.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Cristalización de manteca de cacao
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