Comparación técnico-económico del trasplante tradicional vs el trasplante en hileras del arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en Bellavista - San Martín
Ortiz Zelada, José Deciderio
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La presente investigación se fundamenta en la comparación de los métodos de trasplante tradicional y trasplante en hileras sobre el crecimiento y producción del cultivo del arroz (Oryza sativa L.). Fue llevada a cabo durante el periodo de Septiembre del 2016 a Enero del 2016, en las parcelas experimentales en el sector de Vainillas, Distrito de Bajo Biavo, Provincia de Bellavista, Departamento de San Martin. Comparando dos métodos de trasplante: trasplante tradicional y trasplante en hileras en parcelas divididas con cuatro parcelas (P1,P2, P3, P4). Las variables en estudio fueron: capacidad teórica de trabajo (CTT), capacidad efectiva de trabajo (CET), eficiencia de campo (Ef) en la preparación de suelos de ambos métodos, demanda de agua del cultivo, eficiencia del uso del agua, habilidad de macollamiento (CnM), altura de planta (HT), acame o volcamiento de planta (Lg), fertilidad de panículas (St), maduración (Mat), longitud de panícula (PNL), número de panículas por planta (Npp), número de granos por panícula (Ngp), número de granos vanos por panícula (Nvp), peso de mil gramos (PMG), rendimiento de grano (Kg/ha) y calidad industrial requeridas para alcanzar cada fase de desarrollo y el análisis financiero Beneficio/Costo (B/C). Una vez concluido el estudio, las variables en estudio alcanzaron los siguientes resultados: la capacidad teórica de trabajo de la máquina de preparación de suelos del sistema de trasplante en hileras fue 0.47 ha/h y de tradicional con 0.44 ha/h y la capacidad efectiva de trabajo de los métodos de trasplante en hileras y tradicional fueron0.33 y 0.22 ha/h, respectivamente. La eficiencia de campo obtenida fue de 71.68% para trasplante en hileras y 50.51% para tradicional. El volumen total de agua aplicada bajo el sistema de trasplante en hileras fue 6601.1 m3/ha y en la tradicional 14180.7 m3/ha. La eficiencia del uso de agua obtenida fue de 0.51 kg/m3 para tradicional y 1.33 kg/m3 para trasplante en hileras. La habilidad de macollamiento (CnM) a 81 DDS fue superior (31.4) en 30x30 en comparación con tradicional (24.9). La altura de planta (HT) a 106 DDS fue superior (117.1 cm) por 30x30 en comparación con el tradicional (111 cm). El índice de fertilidad óptima obtuvo (90.27) bajo 30x30 y (86.15) bajo trasplante tradicional, la longitud de panoja por 30x30 fue altamente significativo con un valor de (26.62) a diferencia del tradicional con (25.15). El sistema de trasplante en hileras (30x30) tuvo el mayor rendimiento con 8799 Kg/ha seguido por tradicional con 7255 Kg. /ha. La mayor calidad industrial fue bajo trasplante en hileras (30x30) con 78% y la menor en tradicional con 66.7%. El análisis financiero B/C y rentabilidad determinan que el mejor tratamiento es 30x30 con 1.81 B/C y 68.58% de rentabilidad y lo secunda trasplante tradicional con 1.09 B/C y 48.00% de rentabilidad. La demanda de agua, la eficiencia del uso de agua, el desarrollo del cultivo y el análisis financiero Beneficio/Costo respondieron positivamente en la producción del cultivo de arroz bajo el sistema de trasplante en hileras a diferencia del tradicional.
This research is based on the comparison of methods of traditional transplanting and transplanting in rows on the growth and yield of rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.). It was conducted during the period September 2016 to January 2016, in the experimental plots in the sector Vainillas, District Biavo Under, Bellavista Province, Department of San Martin. Comparing two transplanting methods: traditional transplanting and transplanting in rows divided with four plots (P1, P2, P3, P4). The variables studied were: theoretical work capacity (CTT), effective working capacity (CET), field efficiency (Ef) in the soil preparation in both methods, water demand growing, efficiency of water use, tillering ability (CnM), height plant (HT), flattens or toppling plant (Lg), panicles fertility (St), maturation (Mat), panicle length (PNL), number of panicle per plant (Npp), number of grains per panicle (Ngp) , number of voids per panicle grains (Nvp), weight of thousand grams (PMG), grain yield (kg / ha) and industrial quality required to achieve each stage of development and financial analysis Benefit/Cost (B/C). Once the study is completed, the variables in study achieved the following results: the theoretical capacity of the machine soil preparation transplant system in rows with 0.47 ha/h and traditional was 0.44 ha/h effective capacity working methods of transplanting in rows and traditional was 0.33 and 0.22 ha/h, respectively. Field efficiency obtained was 71.68% to 50.51% for transplantation in rows and traditional. The total volume of water applied under the transplanting in rows was 6601.1 m3/ha and in the traditional 14180.7 m3/ha. The water use efficiency obtained was 0.51 kg/m3 for traditional and 1.33 kg/m3 for transplanting in rows. The ability of tillering (CnM) to 81 DDS was higher (31.4) in 30x30 compared to traditional (24.9). Plant height (HT) 106 DDS was higher (117.1 cm) 30x30 compared to traditional (111 cm). The obtained optimum fertility rate (90.27) under 30x30 and (86.15) under traditional transplanting, 30x30 panicle length was highly significant with a value of (26.62) unlike traditional with (25.15). The transplanting in rows system (30x30) had the highest yield with 8799 Kg/ha it followed by traditional with 7255 Kg/ha. Most industrial quality was low transplantation in rows (30x30) with 78% and the lowest in traditional with 66.7%. The financial analysis B/C profitability and determine the best transplanting in rows system is 30x30 with 1.81 B/C and 68.58% return and secondary traditional transplanting with 1.09 B/C and 48.00% return. The demand for water, water use efficiency, crop development and financial analysis Benefit/Cost responded positively in the production of rice cultivation transplanting in rows system unlike traditional transplanting.
This research is based on the comparison of methods of traditional transplanting and transplanting in rows on the growth and yield of rice cultivation (Oryza sativa L.). It was conducted during the period September 2016 to January 2016, in the experimental plots in the sector Vainillas, District Biavo Under, Bellavista Province, Department of San Martin. Comparing two transplanting methods: traditional transplanting and transplanting in rows divided with four plots (P1, P2, P3, P4). The variables studied were: theoretical work capacity (CTT), effective working capacity (CET), field efficiency (Ef) in the soil preparation in both methods, water demand growing, efficiency of water use, tillering ability (CnM), height plant (HT), flattens or toppling plant (Lg), panicles fertility (St), maturation (Mat), panicle length (PNL), number of panicle per plant (Npp), number of grains per panicle (Ngp) , number of voids per panicle grains (Nvp), weight of thousand grams (PMG), grain yield (kg / ha) and industrial quality required to achieve each stage of development and financial analysis Benefit/Cost (B/C). Once the study is completed, the variables in study achieved the following results: the theoretical capacity of the machine soil preparation transplant system in rows with 0.47 ha/h and traditional was 0.44 ha/h effective capacity working methods of transplanting in rows and traditional was 0.33 and 0.22 ha/h, respectively. Field efficiency obtained was 71.68% to 50.51% for transplantation in rows and traditional. The total volume of water applied under the transplanting in rows was 6601.1 m3/ha and in the traditional 14180.7 m3/ha. The water use efficiency obtained was 0.51 kg/m3 for traditional and 1.33 kg/m3 for transplanting in rows. The ability of tillering (CnM) to 81 DDS was higher (31.4) in 30x30 compared to traditional (24.9). Plant height (HT) 106 DDS was higher (117.1 cm) 30x30 compared to traditional (111 cm). The obtained optimum fertility rate (90.27) under 30x30 and (86.15) under traditional transplanting, 30x30 panicle length was highly significant with a value of (26.62) unlike traditional with (25.15). The transplanting in rows system (30x30) had the highest yield with 8799 Kg/ha it followed by traditional with 7255 Kg/ha. Most industrial quality was low transplantation in rows (30x30) with 78% and the lowest in traditional with 66.7%. The financial analysis B/C profitability and determine the best transplanting in rows system is 30x30 with 1.81 B/C and 68.58% return and secondary traditional transplanting with 1.09 B/C and 48.00% return. The demand for water, water use efficiency, crop development and financial analysis Benefit/Cost responded positively in the production of rice cultivation transplanting in rows system unlike traditional transplanting.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Mecanización y Energía
Oryza sativa; Siembra; Sistemas de cultivo; Trasplante; Sistemas de riego; Rendimiento de cultivos; Métodos; Costos de producción; Evaluación; Perú; Sistemas de siembra; Trasplante en hileras; Métodos tradicionales; Control del volúmen de agua; Láminas de agua; Bajo bievo (dist); Bellavista (prov); San Martín (dpto)
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