Caracterización química, antimicrobiana y antioxidante de los aceites esenciales obtenidos de plantas utilizadas en medicina tradicional
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Rivadeneira Mallqui, Carla Evelin
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Aloysia herrerae y Hedeoma mandoniana Wedd, comúnmente denominadas cedroncillo y pampa muña, respectivamente; son especies que crecen en la región Cusco y a todo lo largo de la Cordillera de los Andes del Perú. Son utilizadas en medicina tradicional para aliviar dolencias y mitigar afecciones, tales como: trastornos digestivos, dolores menstruales y enfermedades respiratorias. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo principal caracterizar los compuestos terpénicos del aceite esencial (AE) de las hojas de cedroncillo y del AE de las hojas de pampa muña. También se evaluó la capacidad antioxidante (CA), inhibición de lipasa (InL), α-amilasa (InA) y α-glucosidasa (InG) y actividad antimicrobiana. En el AE de cedroncillo (AEC) se encontraron 30 compuestos terpénicos que en orden de importancia fueron: D-Limoneno > Sabineno > (R)-(+)-Pulegona > (R)-(+)-Citronelal (45.77; 29.60; 9.91 y 9.33 por ciento, respectivamente). La CA ABTS y ORAC del AEC fue de 17.83 y 1,801 μmol trolox equivalente (TE)/mL, respectivamente. La InL e InG del AEC reportó valores de IC50 de 3.72 y 0.73 µmol de AE /mL, respectivamente; y la actividad antimicrobiana de AEC fue efectiva contra el crecimiento de cepas de Candida albicans y Bacillus subtilis. En cuanto al AE de pampa muña (AEPM) presentó 15 compuestos terpénicos, siendo los más representativos en orden de importancia: (R)-(+)-Pulegona, D isomentona, α-Pineno y D-Limoneno (68.31; 19.00; 7.13 y 2.05 por ciento, respectivamente). La CA ABTS y ORAC del AEPM fue de 38.91 y 1,368 µmol TE/mL, respectivamente. La InL e InG del AEPM dio valores IC50 de 1.38 y 0.63 µmol de AE /mL, respectivamente; y presentó destacable actividad frente a cepas de Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli y Salmonella enteritidis. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, el AEC y el AEPM contienen compuestos terpénicos con actividad bioactiva y antimicrobiana, con potencial aplicación para la industria alimentaria y farmacéutica.
Aloysia herrerae and Hedeoma mandoniana Wedd, commonly referred to as cedroncillo and pampa muña respectively, are species that grow in the Cusco region and throughout the Peruvian Andes Mountains. They are used in traditional medicine to relieve ailments and mitigate health conditions such as digestive disorders, menstrual pain, and respiratory diseases. The main objective of the present study was to characterize the terpenic compounds of the cedroncillo leaves' essential oil (CEO) and pampa muña leaves' essential oil (PMEO). Antioxidant capacity (AC), lipase inhibition (LIn), α-amylase inhibition (AIn), α glucosidase inhibition (GIn), and antimicrobial activity were also evaluated. In the CEO, 30 terpene compounds were found in the order of importance: D-Limonene > Sabinene > (R) (+)-Pulegone > (R)-(+)-Citronellal (45.77%; 29.60%; 9.91% and 9.33% respectively). The AC ABTS and ORAC of CEO were 17.83 and 1801 μmol trolox equivalent (TE)/mL respectively. The LIn and GIn of CEO reported IC50 values of 3.72 and 0.73 µmol of essential oil (EO)/mL respectively. The antimicrobial activity of CEO was effective against the growth of Candida albicans and Bacillus subtilis strains. Regarding PMEO, we found 15 terpene compounds, the most representative being in the order of importance: (R)-(+) Pulegone, D-isomenthone, α-Pinene, and D-Limonene (68.31%; 19.00%; 7.13% and 2.05% respectively). The AC ABTS and ORAC of PMEO were 38.91 and 1368 µmol TE/mL respectively. The LIn and GIn of PMEO reported IC50 values of 1.38 and 0.63 µmol EO/mL respectively and had remarkable activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis strains. According to the results obtained, CEO and PMEO contain terpenic compounds with bioactive and antimicrobial activity, with potential application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Aloysia herrerae and Hedeoma mandoniana Wedd, commonly referred to as cedroncillo and pampa muña respectively, are species that grow in the Cusco region and throughout the Peruvian Andes Mountains. They are used in traditional medicine to relieve ailments and mitigate health conditions such as digestive disorders, menstrual pain, and respiratory diseases. The main objective of the present study was to characterize the terpenic compounds of the cedroncillo leaves' essential oil (CEO) and pampa muña leaves' essential oil (PMEO). Antioxidant capacity (AC), lipase inhibition (LIn), α-amylase inhibition (AIn), α glucosidase inhibition (GIn), and antimicrobial activity were also evaluated. In the CEO, 30 terpene compounds were found in the order of importance: D-Limonene > Sabinene > (R) (+)-Pulegone > (R)-(+)-Citronellal (45.77%; 29.60%; 9.91% and 9.33% respectively). The AC ABTS and ORAC of CEO were 17.83 and 1801 μmol trolox equivalent (TE)/mL respectively. The LIn and GIn of CEO reported IC50 values of 3.72 and 0.73 µmol of essential oil (EO)/mL respectively. The antimicrobial activity of CEO was effective against the growth of Candida albicans and Bacillus subtilis strains. Regarding PMEO, we found 15 terpene compounds, the most representative being in the order of importance: (R)-(+) Pulegone, D-isomenthone, α-Pinene, and D-Limonene (68.31%; 19.00%; 7.13% and 2.05% respectively). The AC ABTS and ORAC of PMEO were 38.91 and 1368 µmol TE/mL respectively. The LIn and GIn of PMEO reported IC50 values of 1.38 and 0.63 µmol EO/mL respectively and had remarkable activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis strains. According to the results obtained, CEO and PMEO contain terpenic compounds with bioactive and antimicrobial activity, with potential application in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en
Tecnología de Alimentos
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