Mitigación de la formación de acrilamida e hidroximetilfurfural en hojuelas de papas mediante adición de antioxidantes de tara (Caesalpinia spinosa)
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Huaraca Espinoza, Paola Marilyn
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La acrilamida e hidroximetilfurfural son neo-contaminantes formados durante el
procesamiento térmico de los alimentos a través de la reacción de Maillard. Según la IARC
(1994) y la Unión Europea (2017) son posibles cancerígenos y se encuentran presentes en
diversos alimentos sometidos a tratamiento térmico como café, pan, hojuelas de papa frita,
entre otros. El objetivo fue evaluar el impacto de los compuestos fenólicos presentes en los
extractos de tara crudo (ECT) e hidrolizado (EHT) purificados parcialmente mediante
cromatogafía de adsorción (CA) o partición líquido-líquido (PL), sobre la mitigación de
acrilamida (AA) e hidroximetilfurfural (HMF), en un sistema modelo (asparagina-glucosa) y
en un sistema real (hojuelas de papa frita). En el sistema modelo, los compuestos fenólicos del
ECTCA y el EHTCA, evaluados a las concentraciones de 5 y 7.5 mg AGE/mL, tuvieron mayor
impacto en la mitigación de la acrilamida (entre 81 y 96 por ciento), mientras que efectos sobre
la mitigación del HMF, no fueron evidenciados. En el sistema real los ECTPL y el EHTPL
aplicados bajo inmersión a presión atmosférica lograron la mayor mitigación de acrilamida con
29 y 58 por ciento a los 5 min de inmersión, respectivamente. En la impregnación bajo presión
de vacío el ECTPL mitigo la acrilamida entre 60.0 y 66.0 por ciento en tiempos de 2 a 10 min
de impregnación, respectivamente. Al evaluar el EHTPL la mitigación de acrilamida para los
tiempos de impregnación entre 2 y 10 min fue entre 65 y 73 por ciento. La mitigación de HMF
de todos los tratamientos evaluados, estuvo comprendida entre un 29 y 68 por ciento. El color
de las hojuelas de papa frita, empleando todos los extractos de tara y las diferentes formas de
aplicación, indican que las papas presentaron una coloración amarilla dorada, al ser
comparadas con las hojuelas de papa control (sin adición de antioxidantes fenólicos) se
encontaron ligeros cambios con tendencia a la opacidad; siendo éstos cambios marcados para
el tratamiento de impregnación de las papas con el EHTPL. Estos resultados muestran que el
extracto hidrolizado de tara constituye una fuente importante de compuestos fenólicos con
potencial aplicación en la industria alimentaria para la mitigación de la acrilamida y HMF, en
hojuelas de papas fritas.
Acrylamide and hydroxymethylfurfural are neo-contaminants formed during the thermal processing of foods through the Maillard reaction. According to the IARC (1994) and the European Union (2017) they are possible carcinogens and are present in various foods subjected to heat treatment such as coffee, bread, potato chips, among others. The objetive was to evaluate the impact of phenolic compounds present in crude tara (ECT) and hydrolyzed (EHT) extracts partially purified by adsorption chromatography (CA) or liquid-liquid partition (PL), on the mitigation of acrylamide (AA) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), was evaluated in a model system (asparagine-glucose) and in a real system (potato chips). In the model system, the phenolic compounds of ECTCA and EHTCA, evaluated at concentrations of 5 and 7.5 mg AGE/mL, had a greater impact on the mitigation of acrylamide (between 81 and 96 percent), while effects on the mitigation of the HMF, were not evidenced. In the real system, the ECTPL and EHTPL applied under atmospheric pressure immersion achieved the highest acrylamide mitigation with 29 and 58 percent at 5 min immersion, respectively. In the impregnation under vacuum pressure, the ECTPL mitigated the acrylamide between 60.0 and 66.0 percent in times of 2 to 10 min of impregnation, respectively. When evaluating the EHTPL, the acrylamide mitigation for the impregnation times between 2 and 10 min was between 65 and 73 percent. The mitigation of HMF of all the treatments evaluated was between 29 and 68 percent. The color of the fried potato flakes, using all the tara extracts and the different forms of application, indicate that the potatoes have a golden yellow coloration, when compared with the control potato flakes (without the addition of phenolic antioxidants) they were found slight changes with a tendency to opacity; these changes being marked for the impregnation treatment of potatoes with EHTPL. These results show that the hydrolyzed tara extract constitutes an important source of phenolic compounds with potential application in the food industry for the mitigation of acrylamide and HMF, in potato chips.
Acrylamide and hydroxymethylfurfural are neo-contaminants formed during the thermal processing of foods through the Maillard reaction. According to the IARC (1994) and the European Union (2017) they are possible carcinogens and are present in various foods subjected to heat treatment such as coffee, bread, potato chips, among others. The objetive was to evaluate the impact of phenolic compounds present in crude tara (ECT) and hydrolyzed (EHT) extracts partially purified by adsorption chromatography (CA) or liquid-liquid partition (PL), on the mitigation of acrylamide (AA) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), was evaluated in a model system (asparagine-glucose) and in a real system (potato chips). In the model system, the phenolic compounds of ECTCA and EHTCA, evaluated at concentrations of 5 and 7.5 mg AGE/mL, had a greater impact on the mitigation of acrylamide (between 81 and 96 percent), while effects on the mitigation of the HMF, were not evidenced. In the real system, the ECTPL and EHTPL applied under atmospheric pressure immersion achieved the highest acrylamide mitigation with 29 and 58 percent at 5 min immersion, respectively. In the impregnation under vacuum pressure, the ECTPL mitigated the acrylamide between 60.0 and 66.0 percent in times of 2 to 10 min of impregnation, respectively. When evaluating the EHTPL, the acrylamide mitigation for the impregnation times between 2 and 10 min was between 65 and 73 percent. The mitigation of HMF of all the treatments evaluated was between 29 and 68 percent. The color of the fried potato flakes, using all the tara extracts and the different forms of application, indicate that the potatoes have a golden yellow coloration, when compared with the control potato flakes (without the addition of phenolic antioxidants) they were found slight changes with a tendency to opacity; these changes being marked for the impregnation treatment of potatoes with EHTPL. These results show that the hydrolyzed tara extract constitutes an important source of phenolic compounds with potential application in the food industry for the mitigation of acrylamide and HMF, in potato chips.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Tecnología de Alimentos
Acrilamida; Analisis organoleptico; Aptitud para la conservación; Composición química; Control de calidad; Evaluación; Papas; Hojuelas
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