Elaboración de fideos de arroz enriquecidos con harina de Eisenia cokeri
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Roca Matias, Ivette Isaura
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Los fideos de arroz, una excelente alternativa para quienes sufren de celiaquía o buscan productos sin gluten, presentan deficiencias nutricionales y tecnológicas, de ahí la necesidad de su enriquecimiento. En ese contexto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar fideos de arroz enriquecidos con harina de alga Eisenia cokeri (HAEc), la cual presentó proteínas (14,2 %), calcio (2103,13 mg/100 g), hierro (256,56 mg/100 g), compuestos fenólicos (9,21 mg AGE/g) y capacidad antioxidante (>79 %, evaluada con DPPH y ABTS). Se prepararon cuatro mezclas en proporciones de harina de arroz: HAEc: T1 (100:0), T2 (95:5), T3 (90:10), y T4 (85:15). La hidrofilicidad de los fideos se evaluó mediante ángulo de contacto; la porosidad, mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido; calidad de cocción (tiempo de cocción, absorción de agua, expansión de volumen y pérdida por cocción), con métodos físicos; y textura, mediante ensayos de tracción. Se realizó una evaluación sensorial con 45 panelistas, utilizando escalas Just-About-Right. La inclusión de HAEc aumentó la hidrofilicidad y disminuyó la porosidad; incrementó el tiempo de cocción (11,88 – 12,36 min) y la tasa de pérdida por cocción (5,39 – 15,6 %), sin afectar significativamente la absorción de agua (119,70 – 125,41 %) y expansión de volumen (1,49 – 1,63 mL/g) de los fideos. También incrementó la resistencia a la tracción en T2 y T3, aunque limitó la elasticidad, mejorada extendiendo el amasado a 9 minutos. La formulación T3, con mayor aceptación sensorial, presentó 6,75 % de proteínas, 7,41 % de fibra dietética, compuestos fenólicos (70,71 mg AGE/100 g) y capacidad antioxidante (185,04 y 2721,52 µmol TE/100 g para los radicales DPPH y ABTS, respectivamente). Estos cumplieron con los límites permisibles de calidad microbiológica según la NTP 206.010. En conclusión, la HAEc podría emplearse en la preparación de fideos de arroz sin gluten con buena calidad textural, nutricional, sensorial y de cocción.
Rice noodles, an excellent alternative for those suffering from celiac disease or seeking gluten-free products, present nutritional and technological deficiencies, hence the need for their enrichment. In this context, the objective of this research was to develop rice noodles enriched with Eisenia cokeri seaweed powder (EcSP), which exhibited proteins (14.2 %), calcium (2103.13 mg/100 g), iron (256.56 mg/100 g), phenolic compounds (9.21 mg GAE/g), and antioxidant capacity (>79 %, evaluated with DPPH and ABTS). Four blends were prepared in rice flour: EcSP ratios: T1 (100:0), T2 (95:5), T3 (90:10), and T4 (85:15). The hydrophilicity of the noodles was measured using the contact angle method; porosity, using scanning electron microscopy; cooking quality (cooking time, water absorption, volume expansion, and cooking loss) with physical methods; and texture, through tensile tests. A sensory evaluation was conducted with 45 panelists using Just-About-Right scales. The inclusion of EcSP increased hydrophilicity and decreased porosity; it increased cooking time (11.88 – 12.36 min) and cooking loss rate (5.39 – 15.6 %) without significantly affecting water uptake ratio (119.70 – 125.41 %) and volume expansion (1.49 – 1.63 mL/g)of the noodles. It also enhanced tensile strength in T2 and T3, though it limited elasticity, and improved by extending kneading to 9 minutes. The T3 formulation, which had the highest sensory acceptance, contained 6.75 % proteins, 7.41 % dietary fiber, phenolic compounds (70.71 mg GAE/100 g), and antioxidant capacity (185.04 and 2721.52 µmol TE/100 g for DPPH and ABTS radicals, respectively). These complied with the permissiblelimits of microbiological quality according to NTP 206.010. In conclusion, EcSP could be used to prepare gluten-free rice noodles with good textural, nutritional, sensory, and cookingquality.
Rice noodles, an excellent alternative for those suffering from celiac disease or seeking gluten-free products, present nutritional and technological deficiencies, hence the need for their enrichment. In this context, the objective of this research was to develop rice noodles enriched with Eisenia cokeri seaweed powder (EcSP), which exhibited proteins (14.2 %), calcium (2103.13 mg/100 g), iron (256.56 mg/100 g), phenolic compounds (9.21 mg GAE/g), and antioxidant capacity (>79 %, evaluated with DPPH and ABTS). Four blends were prepared in rice flour: EcSP ratios: T1 (100:0), T2 (95:5), T3 (90:10), and T4 (85:15). The hydrophilicity of the noodles was measured using the contact angle method; porosity, using scanning electron microscopy; cooking quality (cooking time, water absorption, volume expansion, and cooking loss) with physical methods; and texture, through tensile tests. A sensory evaluation was conducted with 45 panelists using Just-About-Right scales. The inclusion of EcSP increased hydrophilicity and decreased porosity; it increased cooking time (11.88 – 12.36 min) and cooking loss rate (5.39 – 15.6 %) without significantly affecting water uptake ratio (119.70 – 125.41 %) and volume expansion (1.49 – 1.63 mL/g)of the noodles. It also enhanced tensile strength in T2 and T3, though it limited elasticity, and improved by extending kneading to 9 minutes. The T3 formulation, which had the highest sensory acceptance, contained 6.75 % proteins, 7.41 % dietary fiber, phenolic compounds (70.71 mg GAE/100 g), and antioxidant capacity (185.04 and 2721.52 µmol TE/100 g for DPPH and ABTS radicals, respectively). These complied with the permissiblelimits of microbiological quality according to NTP 206.010. In conclusion, EcSP could be used to prepare gluten-free rice noodles with good textural, nutritional, sensory, and cookingquality.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
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