Eficiencia de factores productivos y optimización económica en el proceso de innovación agrícola sobre la oferta de la cebolla roja
Bermúdez Reyes, Teófilo Fredy
La cebolla roja (Allium cepa L.) es la hortaliza que más se produce en el Perú y es la más importante del sector agropecuario peruano; por ello, dada su gran importancia, se evalúa la eficiencia de los factores productivos y su optimización económica en el proceso de innovación agrícola arequipeño. Arequipa es la región de mayor producción y principal abastecedora del mercado interno; en el año 2017 produjo 449,797 TM, el 62.3 por ciento de la producción nacional (722,436 TM); entre el año 2000 y 2017, su superficie cosechada, producción y rendimiento han crecido a tasas de 1.5, 3.6 y 2.1 por ciento anual, pasando de una superficie cosechada de 8,080 has a 10,410 has; de una producción de 245,457 TM a 449,797 TM y de un rendimiento de 30.4 TM/ha a 43.2 TM/ha. Este importante desarrollo de su eficiencia productiva, se ha dado por la mejora tecnológica del cultivo; sin embargo, no ha logrado mejorar la eficiencia económica del cultivo, porque el costo total medio de producción se ha incrementado de S/0.29/Kg a S/0.48/Kg, por aumento del costo total de producción (de S/11,494/ha a S/20,856/ha) que casi se ha duplicado, mas no el rendimiento, entre el 2010 y 2017. Con la innovación en la siembra de la cebolla roja, al hacer uso de “cocos” o bulbillos, se mejora el rendimiento en 12.3 TM/ha, alcanzado 55.5 TM/ha, en promedio (año 2017). Con esta innovación se obtiene una mejor rentabilidad (S/22,393/ha), en promedio, que con la siembra tradicional (S/16,158/ha), pudiendo alcanzar una rentabilidad máxima de S/48,695/ha. Por lo tanto, se concluye que entre el año 2000 y 2017, ha habido un importante desarrollo de la estructura productiva y se obtiene una mayor rentabilidad, 38.6 por ciento más, cuando se produce haciendo uso de los “cocos”.
Red onion (Allium cepa L.) is the vegetable that is most produced in Peru and is the most important in the Peruvian agricultural sector; for this reason, given its great importance, the efficiency of the productive factors and their economic optimization in the agricultural innovation process of Arequipa are evaluated. Arequipa is the region with the highest production and main supplier of the domestic market; in 2017 it produced 449,797 TM, 62.3 percent of national production (722,436 TM); between 2000 and 2017, its harvested area, production and yield have grown at rates of 1.5, 3.6 and 2.1 percent per year, from a harvested area of 8,080 hectares to 10,410 hectares; from a production of 245,457 TM to 449,797 TM and a yield of 30.4 TM/ha at 43.2 TM/ha. This important development of its productive efficiency has been given by the technological improvement of the crop; however, it has failed to improve the economic efficiency of the crop, because the average total cost of production has increased from S/0.29/Kg to S/0.48/Kg, due to an increase in the total cost of production (from S/11,494/ha to S/20,856/ha) that has almost doubled, but not the yield, between 2010 and 2017. With the innovation in the planting of the red onion, when making use of “coconuts” or bulbs, the yield in 12.3 TM/ha, reached 55.5 TM/ha, on average (2017). With this innovation a better profitability (S/22,393/ha) is obtained, on average, than with traditional planting (S/16,158/ha), being able to reach a maximum profitability of S/48,695/ha. Therefore, it is concluded that between 2000 and 2017, there has been an important development of the productive structure and a higher profitability is obtained, 38.6 percent more, when it is produced using the “coconuts”.
Red onion (Allium cepa L.) is the vegetable that is most produced in Peru and is the most important in the Peruvian agricultural sector; for this reason, given its great importance, the efficiency of the productive factors and their economic optimization in the agricultural innovation process of Arequipa are evaluated. Arequipa is the region with the highest production and main supplier of the domestic market; in 2017 it produced 449,797 TM, 62.3 percent of national production (722,436 TM); between 2000 and 2017, its harvested area, production and yield have grown at rates of 1.5, 3.6 and 2.1 percent per year, from a harvested area of 8,080 hectares to 10,410 hectares; from a production of 245,457 TM to 449,797 TM and a yield of 30.4 TM/ha at 43.2 TM/ha. This important development of its productive efficiency has been given by the technological improvement of the crop; however, it has failed to improve the economic efficiency of the crop, because the average total cost of production has increased from S/0.29/Kg to S/0.48/Kg, due to an increase in the total cost of production (from S/11,494/ha to S/20,856/ha) that has almost doubled, but not the yield, between 2010 and 2017. With the innovation in the planting of the red onion, when making use of “coconuts” or bulbs, the yield in 12.3 TM/ha, reached 55.5 TM/ha, on average (2017). With this innovation a better profitability (S/22,393/ha) is obtained, on average, than with traditional planting (S/16,158/ha), being able to reach a maximum profitability of S/48,695/ha. Therefore, it is concluded that between 2000 and 2017, there has been an important development of the productive structure and a higher profitability is obtained, 38.6 percent more, when it is produced using the “coconuts”.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Economía Agrícola
Cebolla; Producción vegetal; Factores de producción; Mejora; Innovación; Adopción de innovación; Desarrollo de un producto; Rendimiento de cultivos; Oferta y demanda; Costos de producción; Rentabilidad; Resultados de la explotación; Evaluación; Perú; Cebolla roja; Optimización económica; Innovación agricola; Región Arequipa
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