Proceso de pre entrega de tractores agrícolas marca Valtra, distribuidos por UNIMAQ a nivel nacional en el periodo 2018 -2020
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El presente trabajo se realizó con la finalidad de poder mejorar los procesos de pre entrega de los tractores agrícolas Valtra A73O, adquiridos por los clientes de Unimaq, nuestro objetivo es proponer mejoras en el proceso de pre entrega de los tractores, distribuidos a nivel nacional en el periodo 2018 -2020, para ello se analizó los historiales de las máquinas desde su llegada de importación hasta la culminación del periodo de garantía de estos, con la finalidad de obtener información de máquinas ya vendidas y máquinas en proceso de ventas o stock, de esa manera poder determinar la causa principal que generaba los problemas que se venían presentando, así se logró identificar la causa principal de fallas, como también los sistemas y componentes del tractor más afectados, de esta manera se pudo dar a conocer que la principal causa no estaba dentro del proceso de pre entrega si no en el mal proceso de almacenaje de los tractores, pues esta repercute directamente en los trabajos y tiempos que se deben disponer en las pre entregas de estos modelos de tractor, por ende se debe hacer una evaluación de procedimientos al formato que se viene aplicando, añadiendo las labores necesarias para poder corregir los efectos producidos por el almacenaje en la pre entrega, así entregar al cliente una máquina con las condiciones correctas satisfactorias.
The present work was carried out with the purpose of being able to improve the pre-delivery processes of the Valtra A73O agricultural tractors, acquired by Unimaq customers, our objective is to propose improvements in the pre-delivery process of the tractors, distributed nationwide in the period 2018 -2020, for this, the histories of the machines were analyzed from their import arrival until the end of their guarantee period, in order to obtain information on machines already sold and machines in the process of sales or stock, of In this way, it was possible to determine the main cause that generated the problems that had been appearing, thus it was possible to identify the main cause of failures, as well as the most affected systems and components of the tractor, in this way it was possible to make known that the main cause was not was within the pre-delivery process if not in the poor storage process of the tractors, since this has a direct impact on work and time s that must be arranged in the pre-delivery of these tractor models, therefore an evaluation of procedures must be made to the format that is being applied, adding the necessary tasks to be able to correct the effects produced by the storage in the pre-delivery, as well deliver to the client a machine with the correct satisfactory conditions.
The present work was carried out with the purpose of being able to improve the pre-delivery processes of the Valtra A73O agricultural tractors, acquired by Unimaq customers, our objective is to propose improvements in the pre-delivery process of the tractors, distributed nationwide in the period 2018 -2020, for this, the histories of the machines were analyzed from their import arrival until the end of their guarantee period, in order to obtain information on machines already sold and machines in the process of sales or stock, of In this way, it was possible to determine the main cause that generated the problems that had been appearing, thus it was possible to identify the main cause of failures, as well as the most affected systems and components of the tractor, in this way it was possible to make known that the main cause was not was within the pre-delivery process if not in the poor storage process of the tractors, since this has a direct impact on work and time s that must be arranged in the pre-delivery of these tractor models, therefore an evaluation of procedures must be made to the format that is being applied, adding the necessary tasks to be able to correct the effects produced by the storage in the pre-delivery, as well deliver to the client a machine with the correct satisfactory conditions.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ingeniería Agrícola. Departamento Académico de Mecanización y Energía
Tractores; Ingeniería mecánica; Equipo; Maquinaria de cultivo; Entrega; Evaluación; Perú; Maquinaria agrícola
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