Optimización de los parámetros de extracción por fluidos supercríticos en la obtención de aceite de semilla de lúcuma (Pouteria lucuma)
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Chauca Cerruti, Alex Gim
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La lúcuma (Pouteria lucuma) es una de las frutas más consumidas en el Perú y su producción ha aumentado hasta 14, 000 toneladas en los últimos 10 años. Los residuos generados en su procesamiento, conformados por cáscaras y semillas; han sido objeto de investigación debido a la presencia de nutrientes y compuestos bioactivos. En particular, la fracción oleosa de la semilla de lúcuma (SL) ha sido estudiada debido a la presencia de compuestos como fitoesteroles y tocoferoles; los cuales poseen propiedades nutracéuticas. El presente estudio propuso el uso de la extracción de aceite de semilla de lúcuma (ASL) por fluido supercrítico (FSC) que permite obtener extractos de mejor calidad y menor efecto negativo en el ambiente. Se comenzó por la caracterización de la SL observándose un alto contenido en almidón (84.52% b.s.) y proteína (7.51% b.s.); y un contenido de grasa (3.2% b.s.) y de fibra (2.25% b.s.) reducidos. Para la optimización de la extracción del aceite de SL por FSC se siguió un diseño Box-Behnken en el que se evaluó la temperatura (40-60°C), presión (100300 bar) y flujo de CO2 (3-7 ml/min). Se obtuvo un modelo de optimización mediante la metodología de superficie respuesta con valores de los coeficientes de regresión R2 y el R2ajustado de 0.9891 y 0.9830 respectivamente. Mediante el ANOVA del modelo se identificaron los coeficientes de regresión de las variables independientes con efecto significativo (p-valor<0.05). Se logró maximizar la extracción hasta un rendimiento de extracción de 3.0218% (b.s.) con una temperatura de 45°C, presión de 300 bar y flujo de CO2 de 6 ml/min. Al comparar el aceite obtenido por solventes orgánicos y por FSC; se observó que este último posee mejores valores de índice de acidez, yodo y refracción (4.13 mg/KOH g, 100.3 cg I/g y 1.47 respectivamente). El perfil de ácidos grasos muestra un mayor contenido de ácidos grasos mono y poliinsaturados en el extracto obtenido por SF.
Lucuma (Pouteria lucuma) is one of the most consumed fruits in Peru and its production has increased to 14,000 tons in the last 10 years. The agro-industrial waste produced in the processing of this fruit is mainly made up of peels and seeds; which have been studied due to the presence of different nutrients and bioactive compounds. In particular, the oily fraction of lucuma seed (LS) has been studied due to the presence of compounds such as phytosterols and tocopherols; which have nutraceutical properties. The present research proposed the use of supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction which allows obtaining a betterquality extract and has less harmful effect on the environment. At first a characterization of the SL was carried out, in which a high content of starch (84.52%) and protein (7.51%) was observed; while the fat (3.2%) and fiber (2.25%) content was lower. In optimizing the extraction of SL oil by SCF, a Box-Behnken design was followed in which temperature (4060°C), pressure (100-300 bar) and CO2 flow (3-7 ml/min) were evaluated. An optimization model was obtained by the response surface methodology; in which the regression coefficients R2 and adjusted-R2 values were 0.9891 and 0.9830 respectively. Through the ANOVA of the model obtained the independent variables with a significant effect (p-value <0.05) were identified allowing the maximization of the extraction yield up to 3.0218% with a temperature of 45°C, pressure of 300 bar and CO2 flow of 6 ml/min. When comparing the oil obtained by organic solvents and by SCF, it was observed that the latter showed better values of acidity index (4.13 mg/KOH g), iodine value (100.3 cg I/g) and refractive index (1.47). Moreover, the fatty acid profile of both extract shows a higher content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the extract obtained by SCF.
Lucuma (Pouteria lucuma) is one of the most consumed fruits in Peru and its production has increased to 14,000 tons in the last 10 years. The agro-industrial waste produced in the processing of this fruit is mainly made up of peels and seeds; which have been studied due to the presence of different nutrients and bioactive compounds. In particular, the oily fraction of lucuma seed (LS) has been studied due to the presence of compounds such as phytosterols and tocopherols; which have nutraceutical properties. The present research proposed the use of supercritical fluid (SCF) extraction which allows obtaining a betterquality extract and has less harmful effect on the environment. At first a characterization of the SL was carried out, in which a high content of starch (84.52%) and protein (7.51%) was observed; while the fat (3.2%) and fiber (2.25%) content was lower. In optimizing the extraction of SL oil by SCF, a Box-Behnken design was followed in which temperature (4060°C), pressure (100-300 bar) and CO2 flow (3-7 ml/min) were evaluated. An optimization model was obtained by the response surface methodology; in which the regression coefficients R2 and adjusted-R2 values were 0.9891 and 0.9830 respectively. Through the ANOVA of the model obtained the independent variables with a significant effect (p-value <0.05) were identified allowing the maximization of the extraction yield up to 3.0218% with a temperature of 45°C, pressure of 300 bar and CO2 flow of 6 ml/min. When comparing the oil obtained by organic solvents and by SCF, it was observed that the latter showed better values of acidity index (4.13 mg/KOH g), iodine value (100.3 cg I/g) and refractive index (1.47). Moreover, the fatty acid profile of both extract shows a higher content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids in the extract obtained by SCF.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias.
Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Semilla de lúcuma
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