Evaluación temporal e interrelación del PM 10, PM 1.0 y hollín en las zonas norte y centro de Lima Metropolitana
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Mejía Ortega, César Augusto
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue evaluar la variación temporal y la interrelación entre el PM10, PM1.0 y Hollín, para lo cual se analizó el comportamiento temporal a nivel horario, diario, mensual y anual de las concentraciones del material particulado y los datos meteorológicos en la Zona Centro y Norte de Lima Metropolitana durante los años 2017 y 2018. Los datos fueron medidos en la red de calidad del aire de PROTRANSPORTE y del SENAMHI durante el periodo de estudio. En relación a los resultados de la presente investigación, se observaban que los valores medios del PM10, no superan los Estándares de Calidad Ambiental (ECA) para aire del Perú, sin embargo, los valores medios anuales del Material particulado PM10 en la totalidad de las estaciones evaluadas, si exceden ligeramente el ECA y la directriz de la OMS. La zona norte de Lima presenta los ascendentes valores promedios de PM1.0 y Hollín, Sin embargo, en la Zona centro presenta una alta concentración de PM10. Los valores promedios de la relación entre PM1.0/PM10, Hollín/PM10 y Hollín/PM1.0 para Lima Metropolitana, se localizan en el rango de 49%, 10%, 20% respectivamente para (Lima norte) y 28%, 5%, 18% respectivamente para (Lima Centro), evidenciándose la influencia de la combustión de los motores de los automóviles como principal origen de emisión de material particulado. Los índices de correlación de Spearman, de las concentraciones anuales de PM1.0/PM10, Hollín/PM10 y Hollín/PM1.0 llegan alcanzar índices de 0.745, 0.632, 0.530 en la zona Centro y 0.781, 0.634, 0.496, respectivamente, en la zona Norte. A partir de esto, el PM fino es el principal contaminante de la Zona Norte y Centro de Lima. Las correlaciones entre el Hollín y los factores meteorológicos como Temperatura del aire y Radiación Solar Global son directamente proporcionales, y en el caso de la Humedad Relativa la relación es inversamente, para las estaciones evaluadas.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the temporal variation and interrelationship between PM10, PM1.0 and soot. For this purpose, the temporal behaviour at hourly, daily, monthly and annual levels of particulate matter concentrations and meteorological data in the Central and Northern Zone of Metropolitan Lima during 2017 and 2018 was analysed. The data were measured in the air quality network of PROTRANSPORTE and SENAMHI during the study period. In relation to the results of the present research, it was observed that the mean values of PM10 do not exceed the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for air in Peru; however, the annual mean values of PM10 particulate matter in the totality of the stations evaluated slightly exceed the ECA and the WHO guideline. The northern part of Lima shows increasing average values for PM1.0 and soot; however, in the central area a high concentration of PM10 is observed. The average PM1.0/PM10, soot/PM10 and soot/PM1.0 ratios for Metropolitan Lima are in the range of 49 %, 10 % and 20 % respectively for North Lima and 28 %, 5 % and 18 % respectively for Central Lima. This shows the influence of car engine combustion as the main source of particulate matter emissions. The Spearman correlation indices of the annual concentrations of PM1.0/PM10, soot/PM10 and soot/PM1.0 reach indices of 0.745, 0.632 and 0.530, respectively, in the central zone, and 0.781, 0.634 and 0.496, respectively, in the northern zone. Thus, fine PM is the main pollutant in the northern and central areas of Lima. The correlations between soot and meteorological factors, such as air temperature and global solar radiation, are directly proportional, and in the case of relative humidity, the relationship is inversely proportional for the stations evaluated.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the temporal variation and interrelationship between PM10, PM1.0 and soot. For this purpose, the temporal behaviour at hourly, daily, monthly and annual levels of particulate matter concentrations and meteorological data in the Central and Northern Zone of Metropolitan Lima during 2017 and 2018 was analysed. The data were measured in the air quality network of PROTRANSPORTE and SENAMHI during the study period. In relation to the results of the present research, it was observed that the mean values of PM10 do not exceed the Environmental Quality Standards (ECA) for air in Peru; however, the annual mean values of PM10 particulate matter in the totality of the stations evaluated slightly exceed the ECA and the WHO guideline. The northern part of Lima shows increasing average values for PM1.0 and soot; however, in the central area a high concentration of PM10 is observed. The average PM1.0/PM10, soot/PM10 and soot/PM1.0 ratios for Metropolitan Lima are in the range of 49 %, 10 % and 20 % respectively for North Lima and 28 %, 5 % and 18 % respectively for Central Lima. This shows the influence of car engine combustion as the main source of particulate matter emissions. The Spearman correlation indices of the annual concentrations of PM1.0/PM10, soot/PM10 and soot/PM1.0 reach indices of 0.745, 0.632 and 0.530, respectively, in the central zone, and 0.781, 0.634 and 0.496, respectively, in the northern zone. Thus, fine PM is the main pollutant in the northern and central areas of Lima. The correlations between soot and meteorological factors, such as air temperature and global solar radiation, are directly proportional, and in the case of relative humidity, the relationship is inversely proportional for the stations evaluated.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Calidad de aire
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