Modelos alométricos multiespecie para predecir biomasa en pajonales altoandinos tropicales
Trillo Zárate, F.
Barrantes Campos, C.
Romero Delgado, G.
Tito Quispe, E.
Quiroga Espilco, P.
Nuñez Delgado, J.
Los modelos de crecimiento y alometría de los pastizales permiten conocer fenóme-nos de crecimiento y desarrollo. En consecuencia, el objetivo del estudio fue desarrollarun modelo alométrico multiespecie para estimar biomasa en tres gramíneas de la zonaaltoandina de Jauja, Perú, a una altitud de 3600 msnm. Las gramíneas nativas fueronFestuca dolichophylla (J. Presl)de porte alto (50-90 cm), Festuca humilior (Nees &Meyen) de porte mediano (20-35 cm) y Calamagrostis vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger deporte bajo (5-25 cm). Las variables medidas fueron: biomasa (g, YB), diámetro basal (cm,XD), diámetro canopia (cm, XC) y altura (cm, XH). Se utilizó la regresión potencial eligiendola fortaleza de los modelos por el criterio de Akaike (IAC) y el coeficiente de determina-ción ajustado (R2ajustado). El modelo alométrico multiespecie fue Y = 1.238 * XD2.231, debidoa su menor IAC (383.795) y mayor R2 ajustado (85.4%). C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilgertuvo un efecto sobre el modelo multiespecie basado en el diámetro basal. El modelomultiespecie en F. dolichophylla (J. Presl) muestra estimados promedio en 37% por debajo del modelo individual. La variable explicativa de diámetro basal tiene mayor forta-leza en el modelamiento para gramíneas nativas de pastizales. También se debe conside-rar que la altura a la hoja bandera tuvo una mayor fortaleza que el diámetro de la canopia.Los modelos alométricos multiespecies permitieron aumentar la fortaleza predictiva enespecies de porte alto, mediano y bajo; sin embargo, hay que considerar el comporta-miento de la pendiente en C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger y la relación modelomultiespecie e individual en F. dolichophylla (J. Presl).
The models of growth and allometry of grasslands allow to know growth anddevelopment phenomena. Consequently, the aim of this study was to develop a multi-species allometric model to estimate biomass in three grasses in the High Andean Zoneof Jauja, Peru, at an altitude of 3600 m above sea level. The native grasses were Festucadolichophylla (J. Presl) tall (50-90 cm), Festuca humilior (Nees & Meyen) medium (20-35cm) and Calamagrostis vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger short (5- 25 cm). The measuredvariables were biomass (g, YB), basal diameter (cm, XD), canopy diameter (cm, XC) andheight (cm, XH). The potential regression was used by choosing the strength of themodels by the Akaike criterion (IAC) and the adjusted coefficient of determination(adjusted R2). The multispecies allometric model was Y = 1,238 * XD2,231, due to its lowerIAC (383.795) and higher adjusted R2 (85.4%). C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger had aneffect on the multi-species model based on the basal diameter. The multi-species model inF. dolichophylla (J. Presl) shows average estimates at 37% below the individual model.The explanatory variable of basal diameter has greater modelling strength for nativegrass grasses. It should also be considered that the height of the flag leaf had a greaterstrength than the diameter of the canopy. The multispecies allometric models allowed toincrease the predictive strength in species of high, medium and low size; however, thebehaviour of the slope in C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger and the multispecies andindividual model relationship in F. dolichophylla (J. Presl) must be considered.
The models of growth and allometry of grasslands allow to know growth anddevelopment phenomena. Consequently, the aim of this study was to develop a multi-species allometric model to estimate biomass in three grasses in the High Andean Zoneof Jauja, Peru, at an altitude of 3600 m above sea level. The native grasses were Festucadolichophylla (J. Presl) tall (50-90 cm), Festuca humilior (Nees & Meyen) medium (20-35cm) and Calamagrostis vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger short (5- 25 cm). The measuredvariables were biomass (g, YB), basal diameter (cm, XD), canopy diameter (cm, XC) andheight (cm, XH). The potential regression was used by choosing the strength of themodels by the Akaike criterion (IAC) and the adjusted coefficient of determination(adjusted R2). The multispecies allometric model was Y = 1,238 * XD2,231, due to its lowerIAC (383.795) and higher adjusted R2 (85.4%). C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger had aneffect on the multi-species model based on the basal diameter. The multi-species model inF. dolichophylla (J. Presl) shows average estimates at 37% below the individual model.The explanatory variable of basal diameter has greater modelling strength for nativegrass grasses. It should also be considered that the height of the flag leaf had a greaterstrength than the diameter of the canopy. The multispecies allometric models allowed toincrease the predictive strength in species of high, medium and low size; however, thebehaviour of the slope in C. vicugnarum (Weddell) Pilger and the multispecies andindividual model relationship in F. dolichophylla (J. Presl) must be considered.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Pastizales; Ecosistema; Sensores; Satélites; Mejora de pastizales; Datos; Biomasa; Índice de vegetación; Métodos estadísticos; Alometría; Evaluación; Perú; Pajonales altoandinos
Trillo Zárate, F., Barrantes Campos, C., Romero Delgado, G., Tito Quispe, E., Quiroga Espilco, P., & Nuñez Delgado, J. 2020. Modelos alométricos multiespecie para predecir biomasa en pajonales altoandinos tropicales. Rev Inv Vet Perú 2020; 31(4): e19034.
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