Presión tributaria óptima y crecimiento económico de Perú en el período 2001-2021
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Flores Espinoza, Diego Gabriel
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El estudio analiza la presión tributaria óptima y su relación con el crecimiento económico en Perú
durante el período 2001-2021, utilizando modelos econométricos VEC y VAR. Se estima una
tasa óptima de presión tributaria del 15.18% que maximizaría la recaudación fiscal en el largo
plazo según la curva de Laffer. Además, se encuentra una relación de causalidad positiva de corto
plazo de la recaudación fiscal sobre el crecimiento económico, que se revierte en el mediano
plazo. Los resultados confirman la existencia de una tasa óptima de presión tributaria del 15.18%
que maximizaría la recaudación fiscal en el largo plazo, en línea con la teoría de la curva de
Laffer. Esta tasa se encuentra por debajo de los niveles observados en los últimos años, lo que
sugiere un espacio para reducir moderadamente la carga impositiva sin afectar negativamente los
ingresos fiscales. Asimismo, el análisis de la función impulso-respuesta del modelo VAR
evidencia una relación de causalidad positiva de la recaudación fiscal sobre el crecimiento
económico en el corto plazo, que se revierte hacia un impacto negativo en el mediano plazo. Esto
indica que, si bien una mayor recaudación puede tener un efecto estimulante inicial sobre la
actividad productiva, este no es sostenible en el tiempo.
The study analyzes the optimal tax burden and its relationship with economic growth in Peru during the period 2001-2021, using VEC and VAR econometric models. An optimal tax burden rate of 15.18% is estimated, which would maximize tax revenue in the long term according to the Laffer curve. In addition, a positive short-term causal relationship is found between tax revenue and economic growth, which reverses in the medium term. The results confirm the existence of an optimal tax burden rate of 15.18% that would maximize tax revenue in the long term, in line with the Laffer curve theory. This rate is below the levels observed in recent years, suggesting room to moderately reduce the tax burden without negatively affecting tax revenues. Likewise, the analysis of the impulse-response function of the VAR model shows a positive causal relationship between tax revenue and economic growth in the short term, which reverses towards a negative impact in the medium term. This indicates that, although higher tax revenue may have an initial stimulating effect on productive activity, it is not sustainable over time.
The study analyzes the optimal tax burden and its relationship with economic growth in Peru during the period 2001-2021, using VEC and VAR econometric models. An optimal tax burden rate of 15.18% is estimated, which would maximize tax revenue in the long term according to the Laffer curve. In addition, a positive short-term causal relationship is found between tax revenue and economic growth, which reverses in the medium term. The results confirm the existence of an optimal tax burden rate of 15.18% that would maximize tax revenue in the long term, in line with the Laffer curve theory. This rate is below the levels observed in recent years, suggesting room to moderately reduce the tax burden without negatively affecting tax revenues. Likewise, the analysis of the impulse-response function of the VAR model shows a positive causal relationship between tax revenue and economic growth in the short term, which reverses towards a negative impact in the medium term. This indicates that, although higher tax revenue may have an initial stimulating effect on productive activity, it is not sustainable over time.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
presión tributaria
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