Valorización nutricional y digestibilidad del hidrolizado de subproductos de jurel y caballa en dietas de juveniles de Penaeus vannamei
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Otiniano Pacheco, Jaime Israel
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La presente investigación tuvo por objetivo valorizar nutricionalmente el hidrolizado de subproductos de jurel y caballa (HSJC) en las dietas de juveniles de langostino blanco (Penaeus vannamei). Se formularon tres dietas experimentales, reemplazando el 0% (T0), 50% (T1) y 100% (T2) de la proteína de la harina de pescado por el HSJC en las dietas. Estas fueron administradas a 135 juveniles, de 0.15 gramos de peso promedio, distribuidos en 9 acuarios (3 por cada tratamiento) en un Sistema de Recirculación Acuícola (SRA) durante 41 días con controles biométricos semanales. Los parámetros productivos resultantes fueron una alta supervivencia en todos los tratamientos, siendo T2 el valor más alto (97.78%). El peso final y la tasa de crecimiento mostraron diferencias significativas (p < 0.05), siendo T2 (0.79g; 0.016g/d) menor que T0 (1.19g; 0.025g/d) y T1 (1.13g; 0.024g/d). El factor de conversión alimenticia (FCA) fue más eficiente en T0 (1.75), seguido por T1 (1.98) y T2 (2.25), siendo significativamente menor (p < 0.05) entre T0 y T2. La tasa de eficiencia proteica (TEP) fue significativamente más alta (p < 0.05) en T0 (1.66) en comparación con T1 (1.41) y T2 (1.29). La digestibilidad del HSJC se evaluó utilizando una Dieta de Referencia (Dr) y Dieta de Prueba (Dp) con 1% de óxido de cromo como marcador inerte para la alimentación de 80 juveniles, de 1 gramo de peso promedio, distribuidos en 8 acuarios, de los cuales se recolectaron heces diariamente durante 24 días. El Coeficiente de Digestibilidad Aparente (CDA) y Proteína Digestible del HSJC fueron bajos (51.93% y 30.31%). En conclusión, es posible el reemplazo del 50% de la proteína de la harina de pescado por el HSJC, sin afectar el crecimiento, FCA y supervivencia en juveniles de langostino blanco (Penaeus vannamei), a pesar del bajo CDA y proteína digestible del ingrediente.
This study aimed to nutritionally valorize the hydrolysate of jack mackerel and mackerel byproducts (HSJC) in the diets of juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Three experimental diets were formulated, replacing 0% (T0), 50% (T1), and 100% (T2) of the fish meal protein with HSJC in the diets. These diets were administered to 135 juveniles, with an average weight of 0.15g, distributed in 9 tanks (3 for each treatment) in a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) for 41 days, with weekly biometric controls. The resulting productive parameters showed high survival rates in all treatments, with T2 reaching the highest value (97.78%). The final weight and growth rate showed significant differences (p < 0.05), with T2 (0.79g; 0.016g/d) lower than T0 (1.19g; 0.025g/d) and T1 (1.13g; 0.024g/d). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was more efficient in T0 (1.75), followed by T1 (1.98), and T2 (2.25), with a significant difference (p < 0.05) between T0 and T2. The protein efficiency rate (PER) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in T0 (1.66) compared to T1 (1.41) and T2 (1.29). The digestibility of HSJC was evaluated using a Reference Diet (Dr) and Test Diet (Dp) with 1% chromium oxide as an inert marker for the feeding of 80 juveniles, with an average weight of 1 g, distributed in 8 tanks. Feces were collected daily for 24 days. The Apparent Digestibility Coefficient (ADC) and Digestible Protein of HSJC were low (51.93% and 30.31%). In conclusion, replacing 50% of the fish meal protein with HSJC is feasible without affecting the growth, FCR, and survival in juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), despite the low ADC and digestible protein of the ingredient.
This study aimed to nutritionally valorize the hydrolysate of jack mackerel and mackerel byproducts (HSJC) in the diets of juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei). Three experimental diets were formulated, replacing 0% (T0), 50% (T1), and 100% (T2) of the fish meal protein with HSJC in the diets. These diets were administered to 135 juveniles, with an average weight of 0.15g, distributed in 9 tanks (3 for each treatment) in a Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) for 41 days, with weekly biometric controls. The resulting productive parameters showed high survival rates in all treatments, with T2 reaching the highest value (97.78%). The final weight and growth rate showed significant differences (p < 0.05), with T2 (0.79g; 0.016g/d) lower than T0 (1.19g; 0.025g/d) and T1 (1.13g; 0.024g/d). The feed conversion ratio (FCR) was more efficient in T0 (1.75), followed by T1 (1.98), and T2 (2.25), with a significant difference (p < 0.05) between T0 and T2. The protein efficiency rate (PER) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in T0 (1.66) compared to T1 (1.41) and T2 (1.29). The digestibility of HSJC was evaluated using a Reference Diet (Dr) and Test Diet (Dp) with 1% chromium oxide as an inert marker for the feeding of 80 juveniles, with an average weight of 1 g, distributed in 8 tanks. Feces were collected daily for 24 days. The Apparent Digestibility Coefficient (ADC) and Digestible Protein of HSJC were low (51.93% and 30.31%). In conclusion, replacing 50% of the fish meal protein with HSJC is feasible without affecting the growth, FCR, and survival in juvenile white shrimp (Penaeus vannamei), despite the low ADC and digestible protein of the ingredient.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
Hidrolizado de subproductos
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