Análisis e implementación de mejoras a una empresa industrial para su alineamiento al sistema nacional de gestión ambiental
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Racho Martinez, Silvia Teresa
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Las empresas industriales buscan cada vez mejorar su desempeño ambiental bajo las nuevas normas internacionales y nacionales a fin de tener procesos más sostenibles y mejores oportunidades en el mercado nacional e internacional. La presente muestra cómo se realizó el alineamiento del sistema nacional de gestión ambiental a una empresa industrial reconocida como el principal complejo industrial de transformación de zinc del Perú y Sudamérica, partiendo de un análisis y verificación del sistema de gestión ambiental ya implementado, cumplimiento de la normativa ambiental general y sectorial, los compromisos adscritos en sus instrumentos de gestión ambiental y otros que se hayan suscrito; como resultado del mismo se identificaron oportunidades de mejora que requerían atención inmediata, por estar relacionados a riesgos ambientales significativos; y en el caso de la presencia de una fiscalización, a sanciones. Bajo un plan de acción propuesto para su alineamiento, la empresa pudo gestionar sus impactos ambientales significativos, generando ahorros de aproximadamente S/. 254,100.00 y multas evitadas de 5000 UIT.
Industrial companies are increasingly seeking to improve their environmental performance under the new international and national standards in order to have more sustainable processes and better opportunities in the national and international market. This paper shows how the alignment of the national environmental management system was carried out in an industrial company recognized as the main industrial complex of zinc transformation in Peru and South America, based on an analysis and verification of the environmental management system already implemented, compliance with general and sectorial environmental regulations, the commitments included in its environmental management instruments and others that have been subscribed; as a result, opportunities for improvement were identified that required immediate attention, as they were related to significant environmental risks; and in the case of the presence of an audit, to sanctions. Under an action plan proposed for its alignment, the company was able to manage its significant environmental impacts, generating savings of approximately S/. 254,100.00 and avoided fines of 5000 UIT.
Industrial companies are increasingly seeking to improve their environmental performance under the new international and national standards in order to have more sustainable processes and better opportunities in the national and international market. This paper shows how the alignment of the national environmental management system was carried out in an industrial company recognized as the main industrial complex of zinc transformation in Peru and South America, based on an analysis and verification of the environmental management system already implemented, compliance with general and sectorial environmental regulations, the commitments included in its environmental management instruments and others that have been subscribed; as a result, opportunities for improvement were identified that required immediate attention, as they were related to significant environmental risks; and in the case of the presence of an audit, to sanctions. Under an action plan proposed for its alignment, the company was able to manage its significant environmental impacts, generating savings of approximately S/. 254,100.00 and avoided fines of 5000 UIT.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Sistema de gestión ambiental
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