Elaboración de plan de higiene y saneamiento para una planta de producción de chocolates en tiempos de COVID-19
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Najarro Chong, Ana Vilma
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El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó con la finalidad de: elaborar un diagnóstico de la situación actual de las condiciones higiénico-sanitarias de la empresa Chocolatín, identificar áreas de posible propagación del virus SARS-CoV-2, elaborar los procedimientos implicados en el Plan de Higiene y Saneamiento de la empresa, y validar los procedimientos de “Limpieza y desinfección de los equipos de la sala de proceso”, y “Lavado y desinfección de manos”. Dentro de las actividades que involucró la metodología se encontraron la entrevista con la Gerencia, revisión de la documentación interna, aplicación de una lista de verificación, análisis de cada área en relación a medidas de prevención de la COVID-19, identificación de los aspectos deficitarios en la empresa y validación de los procedimientos realizando un análisis microbiológico de superficies vivas e inertes. Los resultados indicaron que la empresa Chocolatín está en proceso de implementar condiciones higiénico-sanitarias, y medidas de prevención y control de la COVID-19, considerando que el área 3 requiere una mejora inmediata con respecto a estas últimas. El problema principal identificado en la empresa fue la falta de un Plan de Higiene y Saneamiento, para lo que se consideraron aspectos como, la inversión estimada, el tiempo estimado de implementación, la probabilidad de resolución del problema, su incidencia sobre la calidad e inocuidad y la reacción del personal al cambio. En conclusión, se determinó como propuestas de mejora la Elaboración de un Plan de vigilancia, prevención y Control de la COVID-19, y de un Plan de Higiene y Saneamiento. Los procedimientos Limpieza y desinfección de los equipos de la sala de proceso, y Lavado y desinfección de manos fueron validados, ya que los análisis realizados mostraron que la carga microbiana se mantuvo por debajo de los niveles permisibles indicados en la normativa respectiva.
This research was executed with the aim of: elaborate a diagnosis of the current hygienic sanitary conditions at Chocolatín company, identify areas of potential SARS-CoV-2 virus spread, elaborate the procedures involved in the company’s Hygiene and Sanitation Plan, and validate the procedures of “Cleaning and disinfection of process room equipment”, and “Washing and disinfection of hands”. The activities that the methodology involved included interviews with management, internal documentation review, application of a checklist, analysis of every area regarding COVID-19 prevention measures, identification of deficits in the company and validation of the procedures through microbiological analyzes of live and inert surfaces. The results indicated that Chocolatín company is in the process of implementing hygienic-sanitary conditions and COVID-19 prevention and control measures, considering that area 3 requires immediate improvement in the latter aspect. The main problem identified in the company was the lack of a Hygiene and Sanitation Plan, for which aspects such as estimated investment, estimated implementation time, probability of problem resolution, its impact on quality and safety, and the staff’s reaction to change were considered. In conclusion, it was determined as improvement proposals the development of a COVID-19 Surveillance, Prevention, and Control Plan and a Hygiene and Sanitation Plan. The procedures for cleaning and disinfection of process room equipment, and washing and disinfection of hands, were validated since the conducted analyses indicated that the microbial load remained below permissible levels as specified in the respective regulations.
This research was executed with the aim of: elaborate a diagnosis of the current hygienic sanitary conditions at Chocolatín company, identify areas of potential SARS-CoV-2 virus spread, elaborate the procedures involved in the company’s Hygiene and Sanitation Plan, and validate the procedures of “Cleaning and disinfection of process room equipment”, and “Washing and disinfection of hands”. The activities that the methodology involved included interviews with management, internal documentation review, application of a checklist, analysis of every area regarding COVID-19 prevention measures, identification of deficits in the company and validation of the procedures through microbiological analyzes of live and inert surfaces. The results indicated that Chocolatín company is in the process of implementing hygienic-sanitary conditions and COVID-19 prevention and control measures, considering that area 3 requires immediate improvement in the latter aspect. The main problem identified in the company was the lack of a Hygiene and Sanitation Plan, for which aspects such as estimated investment, estimated implementation time, probability of problem resolution, its impact on quality and safety, and the staff’s reaction to change were considered. In conclusion, it was determined as improvement proposals the development of a COVID-19 Surveillance, Prevention, and Control Plan and a Hygiene and Sanitation Plan. The procedures for cleaning and disinfection of process room equipment, and washing and disinfection of hands, were validated since the conducted analyses indicated that the microbial load remained below permissible levels as specified in the respective regulations.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Ingeniería de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
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