Uso de un preservante bacteriano en anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) en poza de recepción destinada a la producción de harina de pescado
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Castillo Uribe, María Fernanda
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El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar el efecto de la adición de un preservante químico en la conservación de la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) destinada a la producción de harina y aceite de pescado, con el propósito de mitigar la degradación ocasionada por la actividad química, enzimática y microbiana que ocurre inmediatamente después de su captura. La investigación y recopilación de datos se llevaron a cabo en las instalaciones de una planta pesquera ubicada en el norte de Perú durante la temporada de pesca 2021-II. Se realizaron mediciones de TBVN en los laboratorios de la planta pesquera y se compararon con los datos oficiales proporcionados por la certificadora SGS. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que el uso del preservante IN FORLEX permitió la conservación efectiva de la anchoveta en las pozas de recepción. Se determinó que el ratio de incremento promedio obtenido con la adición del preservante fue de 0,79 mg/100g por hora con IN FORLEX, lo cual se encontró por debajo de los valores normales obtenidos con hielo (1,6 mg/100g por hora) y otro preservante (0,96 mg/100g por hora). Esto resultó en un promedio de TBVN en harina final de 110,43, junto con niveles bajos de histamina, con un promedio de 129,60 ppm. Además, se evaluó el costo de producción de harina de pescado utilizando IN FORLEX como preservante, el cual fue de 16,8 $/tonelada en comparación con el método tradicional de hielo, que ascendió a 26 $/tonelada. Esto representa una mayor rentabilidad para las plantas pesqueras, siendo un 35 % más económico y de aplicación más sencilla.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the effect of adding a chemical preservative on the conservation of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) destined for the production of fishmeal and fish oil, with the purpose of mitigating degradation caused by chemical, enzymatic, and microbial activity that occurs immediately after capture. Research and data collection were conducted at a fish processing plant located in northern Peru during the 2021-II fishing season. TBVN measurements were taken in the laboratories of the fish processing plant and compared with official data provided by the certifier SGS. The results indicated that the use of the preservative IN FORLEX allowed for the effective conservation of anchoveta in the reception ponds. It was determined that the average increase ratio obtained with the addition of the preservative was 0.79 mg/100g per hour with IN FORLEX, which was below the normal values obtained with ice (1.6 mg/100g per hour) and another preservative (0.96 mg/100g per hour). This resulted in an average TBVN in the final fishmeal of 110.43, along with low levels of histamine, averaging 129.60 ppm. Additionally, the production cost of fishmeal using IN FORLEX as a preservative was evaluated, which was $16.8/ton compared to the traditional ice method, which amounted to $26/ton. This represents higher profitability for fish processing plants, being 35% cheaper and easier to apply.
The main objective of this study was to analyze the effect of adding a chemical preservative on the conservation of anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) destined for the production of fishmeal and fish oil, with the purpose of mitigating degradation caused by chemical, enzymatic, and microbial activity that occurs immediately after capture. Research and data collection were conducted at a fish processing plant located in northern Peru during the 2021-II fishing season. TBVN measurements were taken in the laboratories of the fish processing plant and compared with official data provided by the certifier SGS. The results indicated that the use of the preservative IN FORLEX allowed for the effective conservation of anchoveta in the reception ponds. It was determined that the average increase ratio obtained with the addition of the preservative was 0.79 mg/100g per hour with IN FORLEX, which was below the normal values obtained with ice (1.6 mg/100g per hour) and another preservative (0.96 mg/100g per hour). This resulted in an average TBVN in the final fishmeal of 110.43, along with low levels of histamine, averaging 129.60 ppm. Additionally, the production cost of fishmeal using IN FORLEX as a preservative was evaluated, which was $16.8/ton compared to the traditional ice method, which amounted to $26/ton. This represents higher profitability for fish processing plants, being 35% cheaper and easier to apply.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
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