Evaluación forestal y plan de gestión forestal del arbolado urbano de las vías metropolitanas del centro histórico de Lima
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Linares Zuta, Sandy Vanessa
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El trabajo de suficiencia profesional presenta la evaluación forestal realizada en el año 2020, del arbolado y áreas verdes de las Vías Metropolitanas de Centro Histórico de Lima, comprendido por los distritos de Breña, Cercado de Lima, Lince, La Victoria y Rímac. En esta evaluación se tomó en cuenta el estado de las infraestructuras de las vías (veredas, pistas, bermas) y el estado del mobiliario que se encuentran como postes y buzones, con el fin de mejorar y evitar peligros posteriores. La evaluación da un alcance del estado del arbolado urbano vial, el cual no tiene un mantenimiento y manejo por las autoridades gubernamentales. El arbolado urbano de vías metropolitanas, no cuenta con un plan de gestión, por ello, este trabajo propone el establecimiento de lineamientos para la administración efectiva de los recursos forestales a lo largo de las vías, con el objetivo de reconocer los "Árboles Urbanos de las Vías Metropolitanas” como una gama de organismos vivos, diversos, saludables, abundantes y que ofrecen numerosas ventajas a la sociedad. Además deben ser seguros, poseer una identidad distintiva y promover la sostenibilidad, al mismo tiempo que prosperan en condiciones óptimas, adaptadas al ecosistema urbano e integradas perfectamente en la infraestructura vial de la ciudad. El objetivo final es contribuir a un medio ambiente más sano, más limpio y con menores riesgos.¬¬
The professional sufficiency work presents the forestry evaluation carried out in 2020, of the trees and green areas of the Metropolitan Roads of the Historic Center of Lima, comprising the districts of Breña, Cercado de Lima, Lince, La Victoria and Rímac. This evaluation took into account the state of the road infrastructure (sidewalks, tracks, berms) and the state of the furniture such as posts and mailboxes, in order to improve and avoid subsequent dangers. The evaluation provides an overview of the state of urban road trees, which are not maintained and managed by government authorities. Urban trees on metropolitan roads do not have a management plan, therefore, this work proposes the establishment of guidelines for the effective management of forest resources along the roads, with the aim of recognizing the "Urban Trees of Metropolitan Roads" as a range of living, diverse, healthy, abundant organisms that offer numerous advantages to society. They must also be safe, have a distinctive identity and promote sustainability, while thriving in optimal conditions, adapted to the urban ecosystem and perfectly integrated into the city's road infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a healthier, cleaner and less risky environment.
The professional sufficiency work presents the forestry evaluation carried out in 2020, of the trees and green areas of the Metropolitan Roads of the Historic Center of Lima, comprising the districts of Breña, Cercado de Lima, Lince, La Victoria and Rímac. This evaluation took into account the state of the road infrastructure (sidewalks, tracks, berms) and the state of the furniture such as posts and mailboxes, in order to improve and avoid subsequent dangers. The evaluation provides an overview of the state of urban road trees, which are not maintained and managed by government authorities. Urban trees on metropolitan roads do not have a management plan, therefore, this work proposes the establishment of guidelines for the effective management of forest resources along the roads, with the aim of recognizing the "Urban Trees of Metropolitan Roads" as a range of living, diverse, healthy, abundant organisms that offer numerous advantages to society. They must also be safe, have a distinctive identity and promote sustainability, while thriving in optimal conditions, adapted to the urban ecosystem and perfectly integrated into the city's road infrastructure. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a healthier, cleaner and less risky environment.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales.
Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
Evaluación forestal
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