Meta-análisis de estudios en Histomorfometría intestinal, energía metabolizable y comportamiento productivo en pollos de carne
Martínez Patiño - Patroni, Diego Andrés
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los efectos de un aditivo fitogénico sobre la conversión alimentaria en condiciones de campo y de las fitasas sobre las características histológicas del intestino, así como la relación entre estas características, el valor de la energía metabolizable aparente del alimento y el comportamiento productivo, empleando técnicas de meta-análisis. En la evaluación del aditivo fitogénico no se detectó efectos significativos (P > 0.10) en el comportamiento productivo al analizar cada uno de los nueve experimentos independientes realizados en condiciones de campo, pero sí en la conversión alimentaria (P < 0.05) al integrar la data y aplicar meta-análisis. La evaluación sobre el efecto de las fitasas mostró que la reducción en el contenido de fósforo afecta negativamente la altura de las vellosidades y la relación vellosidad/cripta (P < 0.02), que el incremento en la dosis de fitasa matrizada favorece la relación vellosidad/cripta (P < 0.03), y que cuando las fitasas se usan on top se reduce la profundidad de las criptas (P < 0.05), siendo mayor el efecto cuanto menor la edad (P < 0.02), se incrementa la relación vellosidad/cripta (P < 0.01) y, en estas circunstancias, la relación Ca/PD influye en la altura de las vellosidades (P < 0.05). Finalmente, en una tercera evaluación se determinó relaciones cuantitativas entre las variables histológicas, la energía metabolizable aparente, la ganancia de peso corporal y la conversión alimentaria mediante modelos matemáticos basados en meta-regresión, empleando una nueva técnica de meta-análisis. En conclusión, la aplicación de meta-análisis permitió incrementar el poder estadístico, comprender mejor la forma en que aditivos nutricionales como las fitasas influyen en la respuesta biológica de los pollos de carne, validar supuestos fisiológicos como las relaciones entre histología intestinal y comportamiento productivo, y desarrollar modelos matemáticos permitentes para describir dichas relaciones.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of a phytogenic additive on feed conversion ratio under field conditions and of phytases on the histological characteristics of the intestine, as well as the relationship between these characteristics, the value of the apparent metabolizable energy of the feed and the productive performance, using meta-analysis techniques. In the evaluation of the phytogenic feed additive, no significant effects (P> 0.10) were detected in the productive performance when analyzing each of the nine independent experiments conducted under field conditions, but there was in the feed conversion ratio (P <0.05) when the data was integrated and meta-analysis was applied. The evaluation of the effect of phytases showed that the reduction in the phosphorus content negatively affects the height of the villi and the villi/crypt ratio (P <0.02), that the increase in the dose of matrixed phytase favors the villi/crypt ratio (P <0.03), and that when phytases are used on top the depth of the crypts is reduced (P <0.05), being the effect greater the younger the age (P <0.02), the villi/crypt ratio increases (P <0.01) and, in these circumstances, the Ca/PD ratio influences the height of the villi (P <0.05). Finally, in a third evaluation, quantitative relationships between histological variables, apparent metabolizable energy, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were determined by means of mathematical models based on meta-regression, using a new meta-analysis technique. In conclusion, the application of meta-analysis allowed to increase the statistical power, better understand the way in which nutritional additives such as phytases influence the biological response of broilers, validate physiological assumptions such as the relationships between intestinal histology and productive performance, and develop mathematical models to describe such relationships.
The objective of the present study was to determine the effects of a phytogenic additive on feed conversion ratio under field conditions and of phytases on the histological characteristics of the intestine, as well as the relationship between these characteristics, the value of the apparent metabolizable energy of the feed and the productive performance, using meta-analysis techniques. In the evaluation of the phytogenic feed additive, no significant effects (P> 0.10) were detected in the productive performance when analyzing each of the nine independent experiments conducted under field conditions, but there was in the feed conversion ratio (P <0.05) when the data was integrated and meta-analysis was applied. The evaluation of the effect of phytases showed that the reduction in the phosphorus content negatively affects the height of the villi and the villi/crypt ratio (P <0.02), that the increase in the dose of matrixed phytase favors the villi/crypt ratio (P <0.03), and that when phytases are used on top the depth of the crypts is reduced (P <0.05), being the effect greater the younger the age (P <0.02), the villi/crypt ratio increases (P <0.01) and, in these circumstances, the Ca/PD ratio influences the height of the villi (P <0.05). Finally, in a third evaluation, quantitative relationships between histological variables, apparent metabolizable energy, body weight gain and feed conversion ratio were determined by means of mathematical models based on meta-regression, using a new meta-analysis technique. In conclusion, the application of meta-analysis allowed to increase the statistical power, better understand the way in which nutritional additives such as phytases influence the biological response of broilers, validate physiological assumptions such as the relationships between intestinal histology and productive performance, and develop mathematical models to describe such relationships.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Nutrición
Pollos de carne; Consumo de alimentos; Composición química; Tejido adiposo; Sobrepeso; Antioxidantes; Histomorfometría intestinal; Obesidad
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