Producción hidropónica de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum mill) suministrando micronanoburbujas al sistema de riego por goteo
Castro Blandin, Eduardo Ariel
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Se evaluó el efecto en la producción de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) cultivado mediante hidroponía suministrando micronanoburbujas (MNB) al sistema de riego por goteo (solución nutritiva) en dos sustratos: arena (Ar) y mezcla de cascarilla de arroz con arena (CAr), en el Centro de Investigación de Hidroponía y Nutrición Mineral de la Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina durante el periodo marzo a agosto 2018. La fase experimental concluyo con la quinta cosecha del cultivo en un ciclo de producción, se empleó un diseño completamente al azar con cuatro y 15 repeticiones. Se estudiaron las variables biométricas cuantificando, altura de planta, días a floración, fructificación y cosecha; longitud, peso seco y fresco de raíz. También se hizo evaluación de variables de rendimiento, determinando frutos por planta, peso fresco y seco promedio de fruto, peso fresco y seco de frutos por planta, rendimiento, y frutos no comerciales. Las MNB tuvieron un efecto positivo en la mayoría de las variables de producción, a excepción de días a floración, fructificación y cosecha; el número de frutos por planta fue superior con 20.33 (ConMNB en CAr) a 16.60 (SinMNB en Arn), un peso fresco de fruto por planta de 2,558.6 g (ConMNB en CAr) versus a 1,961.33 g (SinMNB en CAr) , mayor peso seco de frutos con 129.88 g (ConMNB en CAr) a 117.33 g (SinMNB en CAr); de igual manera el rendimiento fue superior obteniendo 9.47 Kg.m-2 (ConMNB en CAr) sobre 7.26 Kg.m-2 (SinMNB en CAr), el empleo de MNB redujo el número de frutos no comerciales. Las micronanoburbujas pueden ser empleadas para mejorar la producción de tomate hidropónico
The effect on tomato production (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) cultivated by hydroponics was evaluated by supplying micronanobubbles (MNB) to the drip irrigation system (nutritive solution) in two substrates: sand (Ar) and rice husk mixture with sand (CAr ), at the Mineral Hydroponics and Nutrition Research Center of the National Agrarian University of La Molina during the period March to August 2018. The experimental phase concluded with the fifth crop harvest in a production cycle, a completely randomized design was used with four treatments and 15 repetitions. Biometric variables were studied by quantifying, plant height, days to flowering, fruiting and harvest; Length, dry and fresh root weight. Evaluation of performance variables was also made, determining fruits per plant, average fresh and dry fruit weight, fresh and dry fruit weight per plant, yield, and non-commercial fruits. The MNB had a positive effect on most of the production variables, except for days to flowering, fruiting and harvesting; the number of fruits per plant was higher with 20.33 (ConMNB in CAr) to 16.60 (SinMNB in Arn), a fresh weight of fruit per plant of 2,558.6 g (ConMNB in CAr) versus 1,961.33 g (SinMNB in CAr), greater weight dried fruit with 129.88 g (ConMNB in CAr) at 117.33 g (SinMNB in CAr); Similarly, the yield was higher, obtaining 9.47 Kg.m-2 (ConMNB in CAr) over 7.26 Kg.m-2 (SinMNB in CAr), the use of MNB reduced the number of non-commercial fruits. Micronanobubbles can be used to improve hydroponic tomato production
The effect on tomato production (Solanum lycopersicum Mill) cultivated by hydroponics was evaluated by supplying micronanobubbles (MNB) to the drip irrigation system (nutritive solution) in two substrates: sand (Ar) and rice husk mixture with sand (CAr ), at the Mineral Hydroponics and Nutrition Research Center of the National Agrarian University of La Molina during the period March to August 2018. The experimental phase concluded with the fifth crop harvest in a production cycle, a completely randomized design was used with four treatments and 15 repetitions. Biometric variables were studied by quantifying, plant height, days to flowering, fruiting and harvest; Length, dry and fresh root weight. Evaluation of performance variables was also made, determining fruits per plant, average fresh and dry fruit weight, fresh and dry fruit weight per plant, yield, and non-commercial fruits. The MNB had a positive effect on most of the production variables, except for days to flowering, fruiting and harvesting; the number of fruits per plant was higher with 20.33 (ConMNB in CAr) to 16.60 (SinMNB in Arn), a fresh weight of fruit per plant of 2,558.6 g (ConMNB in CAr) versus 1,961.33 g (SinMNB in CAr), greater weight dried fruit with 129.88 g (ConMNB in CAr) at 117.33 g (SinMNB in CAr); Similarly, the yield was higher, obtaining 9.47 Kg.m-2 (ConMNB in CAr) over 7.26 Kg.m-2 (SinMNB in CAr), the use of MNB reduced the number of non-commercial fruits. Micronanobubbles can be used to improve hydroponic tomato production
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Riego y Drenaje
Solanum Lycopersicum; Cultivo hidropónico; Riego por goteo; Sistemas de riego; Substratos de cultivo; Cascarilla de arroz; Arena; Características agronómicas; Evaluación; Rendimiento de cultivo; Perú; Micronanoburbujas; Producción hidropónica
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