Calidad de la carne de cuyes (Cavia porcellus) alimentados con harina de larvas de mosca soldado (Hermetia illucens) como fuente proteica
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Novak Cassinelli, María Alexandra
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo proporcionar información sobre el efecto de la inclusión de harina de larvas de mosca soldado negra (Hermetia illucens) como fuente proteica en la calidad de carne de cuyes (Cavia porcellus). Se evaluó el perfil de aminoácidos, perfil de ácidos grasos, capacidad de retención de agua, pH, color y composición proximal de la carne de cuyes (Cavia porcellus). Los resultados mostraron un incremento en la grasa saturada y una disminución de la grasa poliinsaturada de la carne de los cuyes (Cavia porcellus) alimentados con harina de larvas de mosca soldado negra (Hermetia illucens) con respecto a la carne de los cuyes (Cavia porcellus) alimentados con el tratamiento control, mientras que la grasa monoinsaturada mantuvo niveles similares. De otra parte, se encontraron diferencias significativas en el nivel de cenizas y en la cantidad de grasa del tratamiento control con respecto a la carne de los cuyes alimentados con harina de larvas de mosca soldado negra. No se observaron diferencias en el perfil de aminoácidos, contenido de proteínas, humedad, capacidad de retención de agua, color y pH de los cuyes alimentados con harina de larvas de mosca soldado negra. Los resultados obtenidos nos indican la factibilidad de utilizar harina de larvas de mosca soldado negra como fuente proteica en la alimentación de cuyes en los niveles de 7.1 por ciento y 14.3 por ciento, sin afectar significativamente la calidad de su carne.
This study gives results of the effects of the inclusion of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal (BSFLM) as protein source in the quality of guinea pig meat (Cavia porcellus).The characteristics evaluated were amino acid profile, lipid profile, water holding capacity, pH, color and proximal composition of the meat. The results showed an increase in the levels of saturated fat in the meat of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed with BSFLM, with respect to those that were fed with the control treatment. With this increase in the saturated fat there is a decrease in polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats maintain similar levels in the three treatments. Significant differences were found in the ash level and fat quantity of the meat of the control treatment with respect to the meat of the animals fed with BSFLM. No differences were found in the aminoacid profile, protein quantity, humidity, water holding capacity, color and pH of the meat of the guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed with BSFLM.The results show the factibility of using BSFLM as protein source in guinea pig feed at the levels of 7.1 percent and 14.3 percent.
This study gives results of the effects of the inclusion of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal (BSFLM) as protein source in the quality of guinea pig meat (Cavia porcellus).The characteristics evaluated were amino acid profile, lipid profile, water holding capacity, pH, color and proximal composition of the meat. The results showed an increase in the levels of saturated fat in the meat of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed with BSFLM, with respect to those that were fed with the control treatment. With this increase in the saturated fat there is a decrease in polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats maintain similar levels in the three treatments. Significant differences were found in the ash level and fat quantity of the meat of the control treatment with respect to the meat of the animals fed with BSFLM. No differences were found in the aminoacid profile, protein quantity, humidity, water holding capacity, color and pH of the meat of the guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) fed with BSFLM.The results show the factibility of using BSFLM as protein source in guinea pig feed at the levels of 7.1 percent and 14.3 percent.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Tecnología de Alimentos
Carne; Alimentos ricos en proteínas; Alimentación animal; Nutrición animal; Insectos; Harina; Análisis de los alimentos; Evaluación
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