Proceso productivo y conocimientos asociados al uso de pastos forrajeros en la comunidad campesina de Cátac - Áncash
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Hoyos Cordova, Evelyn Jannet
Este trabajo tuvo el objetivo de caracterizar el proceso productivo y los conocimientos asociados al uso de pastos naturales y cultivados, abarcando las dinámicas de pastoreo, la identificación de pastos relevantes, y prácticas para mantener la disponibilidad de los pastos dentro de la Comunidad Campesina de Cátac, Ancash. A través de una metodología cualitativa, se implementó técnicas como entrevistas semiestructuradas, mapeo participativo adaptado a las circunstancias de la pandemia para identificar los sectores y sus dinámicas, y la recolección de plantas según la relevancia establecida por los participantes. Se identificó en dos sectores una dinámica de pastoreo estacional que involucra una gestión de traslado, mientras que, en los restantes el pastoreo se desarrolla dentro de una sola área, en que se encuentran casos de implementación de pastos cultivados. La relevancia de los pastos naturales se asocia como una fuente alimenticia al sostener la dieta del ganado dentro de las áreas de pastoreo, de las cuales, la mayoría de especies señaladas pertenecen a la familia Poaceae y Asteraceae. En cuanto a los pastos cultivados, estos se siembran en forma de asociación entre especies de Poaceae y Fabaceae, impulsados mediante diferentes instituciones presentes en la comunidad, que pueden facilitar la adquisición de semillas y el conocimiento técnico para su manejo. Las prácticas para mantener la disponibilidad de los pastos naturales se limitan al riego cuando hay acceso de fuentes de agua, y hay algunos casos de quema de pastizales dentro de los sectores estudiados; en cuanto a los pastos cultivados se ubican necesariamente cerca de fuentes hídricas en las áreas de pastoreo. Se reconoció la vinculación de las personas dentro de estas zonas, quienes identifican la condición de los pastos naturales y de los pastos cultivados, y de cómo afecta sus actividades productivas.
This work aimed to characterize the productive process and the knowledge associated with the use of natural and cultivated pastures, including grazing dynamics, the identification of relevant pastures, and practices to maintain pasture availability within the Community of Catac, Ancash. A qualitative methodology was used, incorporating techniques such as semi structured interviews and participatory mapping adapted to the circumstances of the pandemic to identify sectors and their dynamics, as well as plant collection based on relevance established by the participants. A seasonal grazing dynamic involving transfer management was identified in two sectors, while in the remaining grazing areas, grazing occurs within a single area, with some cases of cultivated pastures. The importance of natural pastures lies in their role as a food source that sustains livestock diets within grazing areas; most of the species identified belong to the Poaceae and Asteraceae families. Cultivated pastures are planted in association with Poaceae and Fabaceae species, promoted by various institutions in the community, which facilitate seed acquisition and technical knowledge for their management. Practices to maintain natural pasture availability are limited to irrigation when water sources are accessible, and there are some instances of pasture burning in the studied sectors. Cultivated pastures, on the other hand, are necessarily located near water sources in grazing areas. The connection of people within these areas is recognized, as they identify the condition of natural and cultivated pastures and how it affects their productive activities.
This work aimed to characterize the productive process and the knowledge associated with the use of natural and cultivated pastures, including grazing dynamics, the identification of relevant pastures, and practices to maintain pasture availability within the Community of Catac, Ancash. A qualitative methodology was used, incorporating techniques such as semi structured interviews and participatory mapping adapted to the circumstances of the pandemic to identify sectors and their dynamics, as well as plant collection based on relevance established by the participants. A seasonal grazing dynamic involving transfer management was identified in two sectors, while in the remaining grazing areas, grazing occurs within a single area, with some cases of cultivated pastures. The importance of natural pastures lies in their role as a food source that sustains livestock diets within grazing areas; most of the species identified belong to the Poaceae and Asteraceae families. Cultivated pastures are planted in association with Poaceae and Fabaceae species, promoted by various institutions in the community, which facilitate seed acquisition and technical knowledge for their management. Practices to maintain natural pasture availability are limited to irrigation when water sources are accessible, and there are some instances of pasture burning in the studied sectors. Cultivated pastures, on the other hand, are necessarily located near water sources in grazing areas. The connection of people within these areas is recognized, as they identify the condition of natural and cultivated pastures and how it affects their productive activities.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitotecnia
Dinámica de pastoreo
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