Estrategias para fortalecer la exportación de fresa (Fragaria ananassa) de Perú a España mejorando la rentabilidad de los productores locales
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Rojas Cordero, Karina Maribel
El presente estudio se planteó con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de un plan de comercialización que incremente las exportaciones de fresa a España, sobre la rentabilidad de los productores de la región Lima. Para la cual se plantea una investigación del tipo básico en el nivel descriptivo – explicativo, de enfoque mixto. La técnica principal de investigación fue la encuesta, la cual se aplicó a una población conformada por 15 productores presentes en Herbay – Cañete – Lima, ámbito geográfico de la investigación. Además, se aplicó una encuesta en profundidad a un ejecutivo exportador que ayudo a determinar el perfil del consumidor español, así como las barreras y dificultades que presenta la agroexportación de berries a España. En base a los resultados obtenidos se planteó un plan estratégico para posicionar la fresa local en el mercado y evaluar la rentabilidad de las exportaciones para los productores locales. Con una base productiva de 10 hectáreas y una inversión requerida de $192,000.00, es posible posicionar la fresa local en el mercado español y con un VAN de $411,741.65 y una TIR de 112 por ciento, ambos a una tasa de descuento del 23 por ciento el proyecto en un horizonte de 5 años es rentable. En base a la evaluación probabilística se puede afirmar que la propuesta e implementación de estrategias de comercialización posiciona la exportación de fresas en los productores de Herbay – Cañete e incrementa sus exportaciones en al menos un 30% con una confiabilidad mayor al 95% en términos estadísticos por lo que se acepta la hipótesis general de la investigación.
The present study was designed with the aim of evaluating the impact of a marketing plan aimed at increasing strawberry exports to Spain on the profitability of producers in the Lima region. The research follows a basic type, with a descriptive-explanatory approach and a mixed method. The primary research technique employed was the survey, administered to a population of 15 producers located in Herbay – Cañete – Lima, the geographical scope of the study. Additionally, an in-depth interview was conducted with an export executive to determine the profile of the Spanish consumer, as well as the barriers and challenges faced in exporting berries to Spain. Based on the results, a strategic plan was developed to position local strawberries in the market and assess the profitability of exports for local producers. With a production base of 10 hectares and a required investment of $192,000.00, it is feasible to position local strawberries in the Spanish market. With a Net Present Value (VAN) of $411,741.65 and an Internal Rate of Return (TIR) of 112 percent, both at a discount rate of 23 percent, the project is deemed profitable over a 5-year horizon. Through probabilistic evaluation, it can be asserted that the proposal and implementation of marketing strategies position strawberry exports for Herbay – Cañete producers, increasing their exports by at least 30% with a statistical reliability exceeding 95%. As a result, the general hypothesis of the research is accepted.
The present study was designed with the aim of evaluating the impact of a marketing plan aimed at increasing strawberry exports to Spain on the profitability of producers in the Lima region. The research follows a basic type, with a descriptive-explanatory approach and a mixed method. The primary research technique employed was the survey, administered to a population of 15 producers located in Herbay – Cañete – Lima, the geographical scope of the study. Additionally, an in-depth interview was conducted with an export executive to determine the profile of the Spanish consumer, as well as the barriers and challenges faced in exporting berries to Spain. Based on the results, a strategic plan was developed to position local strawberries in the market and assess the profitability of exports for local producers. With a production base of 10 hectares and a required investment of $192,000.00, it is feasible to position local strawberries in the Spanish market. With a Net Present Value (VAN) of $411,741.65 and an Internal Rate of Return (TIR) of 112 percent, both at a discount rate of 23 percent, the project is deemed profitable over a 5-year horizon. Through probabilistic evaluation, it can be asserted that the proposal and implementation of marketing strategies position strawberry exports for Herbay – Cañete producers, increasing their exports by at least 30% with a statistical reliability exceeding 95%. As a result, the general hypothesis of the research is accepted.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Agronegocios
Exportación de fresas
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