Arborización urbana, impacto ambiental y social en la zona de Tablada de Lurín- Villa María del Triunfo
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Hinojosa Quiroz, Lissete Magaly
El trabajo analiza la importancia de la arborización urbana en la zona de Tablada de Lurín, Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, a través del Programa de Arborización Urbana (PAC) durante 2014-2021. Este programa buscaba mejorar la calidad de vida y aumentar la conciencia ambiental mediante la planificación, plantación y mantenimiento de árboles, junto con la participación comunitaria para fomentar la sostenibilidad. La experiencia se centró en generar un impacto positivo en el aspecto agronómico y de sostenibilidad ambiental y social, utilizando especies como Molle Costeño (Schinus terebinthifolius), Molle Serrano (Schinus molle) y Huaranhuay (Tecoma stans), seleccionadas por su adaptabilidad y manejo adecuado. Se midieron indicadores ambientales como la captura de CO2 y la biodiversidad de especies sembradas, presencia de fauna y manejo orgánico, e indicadores sociales como el compromiso comunitario a través de la asistencia a capacitaciones y la participación en jornadas de plantación lideradas por el Comité Ambiental Zonal (CAZ). El sistema de plantación incluyó requisitos como la solicitud formal de la comunidad y la identificación del terreno adecuado. La capacitación en técnicas de plantación y mantenimiento, junto con el uso de recursos locales y sostenibles, fueron esenciales para el éxito del programa. Se desarrollaron planes de mantenimiento y seguimiento para asegurar la supervivencia de las plantaciones. El proyecto resultó en la plantación de 1,151 árboles con una supervivencia del 68.46%, mejorando la tasa en 20.46%, creando 3,454 m² de áreas verdes y beneficiando a 3,336 habitantes. Sin embargo, la superficie calculada de áreas verdes por habitante aún está por debajo de las recomendaciones de la OMS (9m²/Hab), logrando pasar de 0.54m2/Hab a 1.96m²/hab. La experiencia subraya la importancia del compromiso comunitario y el desarrollo de un sistema estable que permita medir indicadores ambientales y sociales, asegurando una mejora continua para lograr la sostenibilidad en áreas similares.
The study examines the importance of urban afforestation in the Tablada de Lurín area, Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, through the Urban Afforestation Program (PAC) during 2014 2021. This program aimed to improve quality of life and enhance environmental awareness through the planning, planting, and maintenance of trees, alongside community participation to promote sustainability. The initiative focused on generating a positive impact on agronomic aspects and environmental and social sustainability, utilizing species such as Molle Costeño (Schinus terebinthifolius), Molle Serrano (Schinus molle), and Huaranhuay (Tecoma stans), selected for their adaptability and appropriate management characteristics. Environmental indicators measured included CO2 capture, biodiversity of planted species, fauna presence, and organic management, while social indicators included community engagement through attendance at training sessions and participation in planting events led by the Zonal Environmental Committee (CAZ). The planting system included requirements such as formal community requests and identification of suitable land. Training in planting and maintenance techniques, along with the use of local and sustainable resources, were essential for the program's success. Maintenance and monitoring plans were developed to ensure the survival of the plantings. The project resulted in the planting of 1,151 trees with a survival rate of 68.46%, improving the previous rate by 20.46%, creating 3,454 m² of green areas and benefiting 3,336 inhabitants. However, the calculated green area per inhabitant remains below WHO recommendations (9m²/inhab), increasing from 0.54m²/inhab to 1.96m²/hab. The experience underscores the importance of community commitment and the development of a stable system to measure environmental and social indicators, ensuring continuous improvement to achieve sustainability in similar areas.
The study examines the importance of urban afforestation in the Tablada de Lurín area, Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, through the Urban Afforestation Program (PAC) during 2014 2021. This program aimed to improve quality of life and enhance environmental awareness through the planning, planting, and maintenance of trees, alongside community participation to promote sustainability. The initiative focused on generating a positive impact on agronomic aspects and environmental and social sustainability, utilizing species such as Molle Costeño (Schinus terebinthifolius), Molle Serrano (Schinus molle), and Huaranhuay (Tecoma stans), selected for their adaptability and appropriate management characteristics. Environmental indicators measured included CO2 capture, biodiversity of planted species, fauna presence, and organic management, while social indicators included community engagement through attendance at training sessions and participation in planting events led by the Zonal Environmental Committee (CAZ). The planting system included requirements such as formal community requests and identification of suitable land. Training in planting and maintenance techniques, along with the use of local and sustainable resources, were essential for the program's success. Maintenance and monitoring plans were developed to ensure the survival of the plantings. The project resulted in the planting of 1,151 trees with a survival rate of 68.46%, improving the previous rate by 20.46%, creating 3,454 m² of green areas and benefiting 3,336 inhabitants. However, the calculated green area per inhabitant remains below WHO recommendations (9m²/inhab), increasing from 0.54m²/inhab to 1.96m²/hab. The experience underscores the importance of community commitment and the development of a stable system to measure environmental and social indicators, ensuring continuous improvement to achieve sustainability in similar areas.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Horticultura
Arborización urbana
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