Propuesta de plan de medidas de mitigación por caída de ceniza volcánica del Misti en el aeropuerto internacional de Arequipa
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Cisneros Antúnez, Carmen Teresa
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En el presente trabajo, el objetivo es proponer un plan de medidas de mitigación por caída de Ceniza Volcánica (VA) del volcán Misti en el aeropuerto internacional Alfredo Rodríguez Ballón (SPQU) de la ciudad de Arequipa en Perú, con el objetivo de mitigar daños y reanudar las operaciones aéreas con orden, control y seguridad. La erupción del Misti originaría caída de ceniza volcánica en el aeropuerto de Arequipa, ya que se encuentra a 18 km de distancia, poniendo en peligro el servicio y operaciones de navegación aérea. Actualmente, el Misti se encuentra activo, pero en reposo, siendo monitoreado por el Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP) las 24 horas del día, con el fin de predecir una erupción con tiempo y aplicar medidas preventivas. Esta propuesta de plan de medidas de mitigación fue elaborada en base a las recomendaciones, procedimientos, informaciones y modelos de ejemplo de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI). Se inició identificando las dependencias u organismos involucrados dentro y fuera del aeropuerto, posteriormente se formó el comité de emergencia volcánica (con su respectivo jefe de comité), luego se identificaron las posibles afectaciones por caída de ceniza volcánica. Finalmente, se determinaron las responsabilidades y acciones que todos los involucrados deben realizar en tres fases (antes, durante y después de la caída de ceniza volcánica) de un evento volcánico, para lograr una respuesta más rápida y eficiente frente a una actividad volcánica del Misti.
In the present work, the objective is to propose a plan of mitigation measures for the fall of Volcanic Ash (VA) from the Misti volcano at the Alfredo Rodríguez Ballón international airport (SPQU) in the city of Arequipa in Peru, with the objective of mitigating damage and resuming air operations with order, control and security. The Misti eruption would cause volcanic ash fall at the Arequipa airport, since it is located 18 km away, endangering air navigation service and operations. Currently Misti is active, but at rest, being monitored by the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) 24 hours a day, in order to predict an eruption in time and apply preventive measures. This proposed mitigation measures plan was prepared based on the recommendations, procedures, information and example models of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It began by identifying the dependencies or organizations involved inside and outside the airport, later the volcanic emergency committee was formed (with its respective committee head), then the possible effects due to volcanic ash fall were identified. Finally, the responsibilities and actions that all those involved must carry out in three phases (before, during and after the fall of volcanic ash) of a volcanic event were determined, to achieve a faster and more efficient response to volcanic activity in Misti.
In the present work, the objective is to propose a plan of mitigation measures for the fall of Volcanic Ash (VA) from the Misti volcano at the Alfredo Rodríguez Ballón international airport (SPQU) in the city of Arequipa in Peru, with the objective of mitigating damage and resuming air operations with order, control and security. The Misti eruption would cause volcanic ash fall at the Arequipa airport, since it is located 18 km away, endangering air navigation service and operations. Currently Misti is active, but at rest, being monitored by the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) 24 hours a day, in order to predict an eruption in time and apply preventive measures. This proposed mitigation measures plan was prepared based on the recommendations, procedures, information and example models of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). It began by identifying the dependencies or organizations involved inside and outside the airport, later the volcanic emergency committee was formed (with its respective committee head), then the possible effects due to volcanic ash fall were identified. Finally, the responsibilities and actions that all those involved must carry out in three phases (before, during and after the fall of volcanic ash) of a volcanic event were determined, to achieve a faster and more efficient response to volcanic activity in Misti.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
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