Insumos fitosanitarios para el manejo de sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) en producción orgánica de banano (Musa sp.)
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Abanto Zuñiga, Walter Arturo
El presente trabajo es un resumen de la experiencia como revisor al evaluar insumos permitidos para aplicación en agricultura orgánica, junto con la experiencia como certificador al evaluar diferentes realidades en la producción de banano (Musa sp.) en Ecuador bajo las normativas orgánicas de Europa y Estados Unidos, adicionalmente se presenta la normativa Peruana, a pesar de que la enfermedad solo está restringida a la zona tropical del Perú, sin embargo, esta enfermedad podría afectar al cultivo en caso de aumento de temperaturas y lluvias. Este trabajo busca presentar de forma sencilla el método utilizado para la evaluación de insumos fitosanitarios, dar algunas consideraciones a tomar en cuenta al momento de enfrentarnos a una evaluación de insumos, identificando los puntos importantes en cuanto a requerimientos y restricciones para finalmente verificar su cumplimiento bajo las normativas orgánicas de la Comunidad Europea, Estados Unidos y Perú; así como el de dar recomendaciones de insumos fitosanitarios en base las listas permitidas presentes en las regulaciones de Europa, Estados Unidos y Perú para su uso en el control y prevención de la enfermedad Sigatoka Negra causada por el hongo Mycosphaerella Fijiensis dentro de la producción de banano orgánico. Siendo esta enfermedad de importancia en países tropicales como Ecuador, República Dominicana, en donde el control de esta enfermedad representa un gasto promedio de 27% del total de los costos y pudiendo ocasionar pérdidas de hasta el 50% de la producción por un mal manejo, por lo que es importante poder establecer un manejo tanto cultural como químico, tomando en consideración, los productos permitidos bajo las regulaciones orgánicas de los mercados objetivo para exportaciones.
This paper is a summary of the experience as a input reviewer for products that could be apply in organic agriculture, and the experience as a certifier evaluating different realities in the production of banana (Musa sp.) in Ecuador under the organic regulations of Europe and the United States, additionally the Peruvian regulations are presented, although the disease is only restricted to the tropical zone of Peru, but this disease could affect the crop in case of increased temperatures and rainfall. This work seeks to present in a simple way the method used for the evaluation of phytosanitary inputs, to give some considerations to take into account when facing an evaluation of inputs, identifying the important points in terms of requirements and restrictions to finally verify compliance under the organic regulations of the European Community, United States and Peru; as well as giving recommendations of phytosanitary inputs based on the permitted lists present in the regulations of Europe, United States and Peru for their use in the control and prevention of the Black Sigatoka disease caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella Fijiensis in the production of organic bananas. This disease is important in tropical countries such as Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, where the control of this disease represents an average of 27% of total costs and can cause losses of up to 50% of production due to poor management, so it is important to establish cultural and chemical management, taking into consideration the products allowed under the organic regulations of the target markets for exports.
This paper is a summary of the experience as a input reviewer for products that could be apply in organic agriculture, and the experience as a certifier evaluating different realities in the production of banana (Musa sp.) in Ecuador under the organic regulations of Europe and the United States, additionally the Peruvian regulations are presented, although the disease is only restricted to the tropical zone of Peru, but this disease could affect the crop in case of increased temperatures and rainfall. This work seeks to present in a simple way the method used for the evaluation of phytosanitary inputs, to give some considerations to take into account when facing an evaluation of inputs, identifying the important points in terms of requirements and restrictions to finally verify compliance under the organic regulations of the European Community, United States and Peru; as well as giving recommendations of phytosanitary inputs based on the permitted lists present in the regulations of Europe, United States and Peru for their use in the control and prevention of the Black Sigatoka disease caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella Fijiensis in the production of organic bananas. This disease is important in tropical countries such as Ecuador and the Dominican Republic, where the control of this disease represents an average of 27% of total costs and can cause losses of up to 50% of production due to poor management, so it is important to establish cultural and chemical management, taking into consideration the products allowed under the organic regulations of the target markets for exports.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Fitopatología
Certificación orgánica
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