Ganancia de peso y rendimiento de carcasa de llamas (Lama glama) dientes de leche sometidas a engorde con cuatro tipos de alimentación.
Robles, R.
Hidalgo, V.
Wurzinger, M.
Gutierrez, G.
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la ganancia de peso y rendimiento de carcasa dellamas machos diente de leche sometidas a engorde con cuatro tipos de alimentación (T1:Pastura natural; T2: T1 + dosificación vitamínica; T3: T1 + heno de alfalfa; T4: T2 + henode alfalfa). Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo factorial de 2x2 con unanálisis de covarianza (peso vivo inicial como covariable). Se emplearon 32 llamas asig-nadas al azar a uno de los cuatro tratamientos por 84 días. La carga animal empleada fuede 1.3 unidades llama/ha. La ganancia diaria de peso (GDP) se evaluó en los periodos deengorde a 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 y 84 días. La GDP por periodo de engorde fue significativamentediferente entre periodos, donde los primeros tres periodos (14, 28 y 42 días) mostraronmejor GDP (337, 237 y 160 g/d, respectivamente). La GDP por tipo de alimentación fuemayor en T3 (157 g/d) durante el periodo de 84 días (p<0.01) y el mejor rendimiento decarcasa se obtuvo en T4 (53.60%) seguido por el T3 (53.20%) (p<0.01). Se concluye quela mayor GDP se logra hasta los 42 días y el mejor rendimiento de carcasa se logra en lapastura natural + suplementación con heno de alfalfa (T3)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the bodyweight gain and carcass yield ofyoung male llamas (milk tooth) subjected to fattening with four types of feeding (T1:Natural pasture; T2: T1 + vitamin injection; T3: T1 + alfalfa hay; T4: T2 + hay alfalfa). A completely randomized design with a 2x2 factorial arrangement with a covariance analysis(initial live weight as covariate) was used. Thirty-two llamas were randomized assignedto one of the four treatments for 84 days. The stocking rate was 1.3 animal units/ha. Dailyweight gain (DWG) was evaluated in the fattening periods at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84days. The DWG per fattening period was significantly different between periods, in thefirst three periods (14, 28 and 42 days) showing the best DWG (337, 237 and 160 g/d,respectively). The DWG per feed type was higher in T3 (157 g/d) during the 84-dayperiod (p<0.01) and the best carcass yield was obtained in T4 (53.60%) followed by T3(53.20%) (p<0.01). It is concluded that the highest DWG is achieved at day 42 and thebest carcass yield is obtained with natural pasture + alfalfa hay supplementation (T3).
The aim of this study was to evaluate the bodyweight gain and carcass yield ofyoung male llamas (milk tooth) subjected to fattening with four types of feeding (T1:Natural pasture; T2: T1 + vitamin injection; T3: T1 + alfalfa hay; T4: T2 + hay alfalfa). A completely randomized design with a 2x2 factorial arrangement with a covariance analysis(initial live weight as covariate) was used. Thirty-two llamas were randomized assignedto one of the four treatments for 84 days. The stocking rate was 1.3 animal units/ha. Dailyweight gain (DWG) was evaluated in the fattening periods at 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84days. The DWG per fattening period was significantly different between periods, in thefirst three periods (14, 28 and 42 days) showing the best DWG (337, 237 and 160 g/d,respectively). The DWG per feed type was higher in T3 (157 g/d) during the 84-dayperiod (p<0.01) and the best carcass yield was obtained in T4 (53.60%) followed by T3(53.20%) (p<0.01). It is concluded that the highest DWG is achieved at day 42 and thebest carcass yield is obtained with natural pasture + alfalfa hay supplementation (T3).
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Llama; Dientes; Alimentación de los animales; Ingestión de piensos; Engorde; Ganancia de peso; Aptitud cárnica; Desempeño animal; Eficiencia de conversión del pienso; Canal animal; Evaluación; Perú; Rendimiento de carcasas
Robles, R., Hidalgo, V., Wurzinger, M., & Gutierrez, G. (2020). Ganancia de peso y rendimiento de carcasa de llamas (Lama glama) dientes de leche sometidas a engorde con cuatro tipos de alimentación. Revista De Investigaciones Veterinarias Del Perú, 31(1), e17547.
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