Propuesta de guia para la certificacion de productos MSC Cadena de Custodia aplicado a la industria pesquera
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Bohorquez León, Joselyn Rocio
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En el presente trabajo se da a conocer cómo a) a lo largo de los años se ha combatido la sobrepesca de recursos hidrobiológicos para que la población se puedan reproducir de forma adecuada y así garantizar el menor impacto ambiental en los ecosistemas minimizando los impactos sobre otras especies, prestando especial atención a las especies protegidas, amenazadas o en peligro; y b) tener una buena gestión que permita que la pesquería se adapte a cambios en el medio marino y cumpla las leyes locales, nacionales e internacionales. En este marco sobresale el sello azul del Estándar MSC que es el más utilizado en el mundo y el que aporta a la pesca sostenible una garantía independiente. Con el objetivo de incentivar que más productos lleven el sello azul se ha propuesto dar a conocer las pautas para el proceso de Certificación Estándar Cadena de custodia (CoC) mediante una propuesta de guía para lograr la obtención de la certificación que garantice que los productos del mar certificados puedan rastrearse a una fuente certificada. Una vez obtenida dicha certificación las organizaciones podrían ser proveedores directos de producto certificados y formaran parte de una red mundial de suministro de pescado y mariscos sostenibles con el tiempo.
This paper shows how a) over the years, overfishing of hydrobiological resources has been combated so that its population can reproduce adequately and thus guarantee the lowest environmental impact on ecosystems, minimizing impacts on other species. species, paying special attention to protected, threatened or endangered species and b) having good management that allows the fishery to adapt to changes in the marine environment and comply with local, national, and international laws. In this framework, the blue seal of the MSC Standard stands out, which is the most used in the world and which provides sustainable fishing with an independent guarantee. With the aim of encouraging more products to carry the blue seal, it has been proposed to publicize the guidelines for the Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard Certification process through a guide proposal to achieve certification that guarantees that the products of the sea certificates can be traced to a certified source. Once this certification is obtained, organizations could be direct suppliers of certified products and become part of a global supply network for sustainable fish and seafood over time.
This paper shows how a) over the years, overfishing of hydrobiological resources has been combated so that its population can reproduce adequately and thus guarantee the lowest environmental impact on ecosystems, minimizing impacts on other species. species, paying special attention to protected, threatened or endangered species and b) having good management that allows the fishery to adapt to changes in the marine environment and comply with local, national, and international laws. In this framework, the blue seal of the MSC Standard stands out, which is the most used in the world and which provides sustainable fishing with an independent guarantee. With the aim of encouraging more products to carry the blue seal, it has been proposed to publicize the guidelines for the Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard Certification process through a guide proposal to achieve certification that guarantees that the products of the sea certificates can be traced to a certified source. Once this certification is obtained, organizations could be direct suppliers of certified products and become part of a global supply network for sustainable fish and seafood over time.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
Estándar CoC
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