Proceso de certificación ASC y guía de referencia basado en el estándar ASC SHRIMP para empresas camaroneras en el Perú
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Garcia Tacza, Francy Beatriz
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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar las etapas y requisitos para la obtención de la certificación Aquaculture Stewardship Council Shrimp, (por sus siglas en inglés ASC); además de la elaboración de un checklist que describe los criterios de evaluación ambiental adaptado al marco nacional, identificando las principales razones por las cuales los proyectos no llegan a obtener la certificación ASC Shrimp. La producción nacional de camarón viene incrementándose de manera significativa, lo que incentiva a los productores a buscar nuevos mercados nacionales e internacionales, en ese sentido es imperativo contar con una certificación acuícola que acredite que su producción es desarrollada de una manera sostenible. La certificación ASC es una de las certificaciones acuícolas más completas, ya que considera criterios de evaluación ambiental y representa una ventaja comercial ya que acredita que la producción es realizada de forma sostenible; sin embargo, dentro del marco nacional no existe información que detalle cuales son los requisitos que debe cumplir un aplicante, así como la forma de cómo demostrar el cumplimiento para los criterios de evaluación de la norma. La información descrita en el presente trabajo presenta las etapas y requisitos de certificación, desde la etapa de revisión de la solicitud del aplicante hasta la obtención del certificado ASC, además describe las actividades posteriores que el titular del certificado debe cumplir como parte del monitoreo. De forma paralela se describe la documentación, procesos, registros y obligaciones legales que debe cumplir el aplicante, para que pueda estar alineado con los requisitos ambientales; desde criterios legales, conservación del hábitat, buenas prácticas de producción, trazabilidad de los ingredientes para la elaboración del alimento, manejo eficiente de recursos y manejo apropiados de residuos, lo que en el documento se llamará checklist, para finalmente describir el contexto de aquellos aplicantes a la norma ASC Shrimp, que no pudieron obtener la certificación.
This document aims to identify the stages and requirements for obtaining the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Shrimp certification (ASC), along with the development of a checklist that outlines the environmental assessment criteria adapted to the national context. Additionally, it seeks to identify the main reasons why projects fail to achieve ASC Shrimp certification. The national shrimp production has been steadily increasing, motivating producers to explore new national and international markets. In this regard, having an aquaculture certification that attests to the sustainable development of their production is imperative. The ASC certification is one of the most comprehensive in aquaculture, considering environmental assessment criteria. For those producers choosing this certification, it represents a competitive advantage economically and signifies that their production is conducted sustainably. However, within the national framework, there is a lack of detailed information on the requirements for applicants and how to demonstrate compliance with the standard's evaluation criteria. The information presented in this study outlines the certification stages and requirements, starting from the review of the applicant's request to the attainment of the ASC certificate. It also details the subsequent activities that the certificate holder must fulfill as part of ongoing monitoring. Simultaneously, the documentation, processes, records, and legal obligations that the applicant must meet are described to align with environmental requirements. This includes legal criteria, habitat conservation, good production practices, traceability of ingredients for feed manufacturing, efficient resource management, and proper waste management. This compilation of requirements is referred to as a checklist in this document. Finally, the document describes the context of applicants for the ASC Shrimp standard who were unable to obtain certification.
This document aims to identify the stages and requirements for obtaining the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Shrimp certification (ASC), along with the development of a checklist that outlines the environmental assessment criteria adapted to the national context. Additionally, it seeks to identify the main reasons why projects fail to achieve ASC Shrimp certification. The national shrimp production has been steadily increasing, motivating producers to explore new national and international markets. In this regard, having an aquaculture certification that attests to the sustainable development of their production is imperative. The ASC certification is one of the most comprehensive in aquaculture, considering environmental assessment criteria. For those producers choosing this certification, it represents a competitive advantage economically and signifies that their production is conducted sustainably. However, within the national framework, there is a lack of detailed information on the requirements for applicants and how to demonstrate compliance with the standard's evaluation criteria. The information presented in this study outlines the certification stages and requirements, starting from the review of the applicant's request to the attainment of the ASC certificate. It also details the subsequent activities that the certificate holder must fulfill as part of ongoing monitoring. Simultaneously, the documentation, processes, records, and legal obligations that the applicant must meet are described to align with environmental requirements. This includes legal criteria, habitat conservation, good production practices, traceability of ingredients for feed manufacturing, efficient resource management, and proper waste management. This compilation of requirements is referred to as a checklist in this document. Finally, the document describes the context of applicants for the ASC Shrimp standard who were unable to obtain certification.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
Calidad; Certificación; Control de calidad; Empresas; Normas; Perú; Camarones; Productos pesqueros
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