Estimación de la eficiencia técnica de las empresas aeroportuarias concesionadas y no concesionadas en el Perú – 2019
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Moreno Lama, Yesenia Brigit
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Los aeropuertos son organizaciones que tienen una importancia fundamental en el desarrollo económico de la sociedad, razón por la cual su funcionamiento eficiente es un factor determinante para garantizar la inserción de las naciones en el mundo globalizado. La presente tesis tiene como objetivo general determinar la eficiencia de los aeropuertos concesionados y no concesionados de Perú en el año 2019, para lo cual se orientó una investigación analítica, descriptiva, no experimental, la cual consideró una muestra de veinte aeropuertos del país, trece de ellos concesionados y siete no concesionados, de los cuales se consideraron las variables Inputs y Outputs en la aplicación del Análisis Envolvente de Datos, bajo el modelo de Charnes, Cooper y Rhodes (DEA – CCR) y el modelo de Banker, Charnes y Cooper (DEA – BCC) en la perspectiva del Input. Una vez obtenidos los resultados se pudo constatar las hipótesis de que el grupo de aeropuertos concesionados tiene mayor eficiencia en comparación con los aeropuertos no concesionados de Perú en el año 2019; además, el gasto de personal en cada aeropuerto es la variable que permite la mayor reducción de los costos en los aeropuertos.
Airports are organizations that have a fundamental importance in the economic development of society, which is why their efficient operation is a determining factor to guarantee the insertion of nations in the globalized world. The general objective of this thesis was to determine the efficiency of concessioned and not concessioned airports in Peru in the year 2019, for which analytical, descriptive, non-experimental research was oriented, which considered a sample of twenty airports in the country, thirteen of them concessioned and seven not concessioned, of which the variables Inputs and Outputs were considered by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis, under the model of Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (DEA - CCR) and the model of Banker, Charnes and Cooper (DEA - BCC) in the perspective of the Input. Once the results were obtained, it was possible to confirm the hypothesis that the group of concessioned airports has greater efficiency compared to the not concessioned airports in Peru in the year 2019, and on the other hand, the personnel expense in each airport is the variable that allows the most significant reduction of costs in the airports.
Airports are organizations that have a fundamental importance in the economic development of society, which is why their efficient operation is a determining factor to guarantee the insertion of nations in the globalized world. The general objective of this thesis was to determine the efficiency of concessioned and not concessioned airports in Peru in the year 2019, for which analytical, descriptive, non-experimental research was oriented, which considered a sample of twenty airports in the country, thirteen of them concessioned and seven not concessioned, of which the variables Inputs and Outputs were considered by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis, under the model of Charnes, Cooper and Rhodes (DEA - CCR) and the model of Banker, Charnes and Cooper (DEA - BCC) in the perspective of the Input. Once the results were obtained, it was possible to confirm the hypothesis that the group of concessioned airports has greater efficiency compared to the not concessioned airports in Peru in the year 2019, and on the other hand, the personnel expense in each airport is the variable that allows the most significant reduction of costs in the airports.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación. Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
Eficiencia técnica
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