Impacto del gasto público sobre la calidad educativa en educación básica regular: Un análisis exploratorio
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Oscanoa Quilca, Raúl Lindher
El desempeño educativo en el Perú como impulsor del crecimiento económico, analizado en un contexto internacional, revela un diagnóstico preocupantemente bajo. En este escenario, Perú se destaca como uno de los países que destina un menor porcentaje de su PIB a la educación. Para aumentar los recursos destinados a este sector, es crucial que la inversión educativa demuestre un impacto positivo en el rendimiento académico. Por ello, esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el efecto del gasto público por alumno en materiales educativos, remuneración docente e inversión en educación básica regular sobre los puntajes promedio en matemáticas y lectura de estudiantes de segundo grado de primaria, durante los periodos 2009-2016, 2019 y 2022, a nivel de Dirección Regional Educativa. Para ello, se emplearon metodologías de análisis exploratorio y modelos de regresión con datos de panel. Los resultados indican que, para cada modelo, el efecto de los diferentes tipos de gasto es significativo y positivo en los puntajes de matemáticas y lectura. No obstante, el efecto es bajo, en consonancia con lo encontrado en la literatura. Se recomienda incrementar los recursos destinados a materiales educativos, dado que es el tipo de gasto con mayor impacto. Asimismo, se sugiere integrar estrategias pedagógicas lúdicas y tecnológicas, tal como lo propone la literatura.
Educational performance as a driver of economic growth, analyzed in an international context, reveals a worryingly low diagnosis. In this scenario, Peru stands out as one of the countries that allocates a smaller percentage of its GDP to education. To increase the resources allocated to this sector, it is crucial that educational investment demonstrates a positive impact on academic performance. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the effect of public spending per student on educational materials, teacher remuneration, and investment in regular basic education on the average scores in mathematics and reading of second-grade primary students during the periods 2009-2016, 2019, and 2022, at the level of the Regional Educational Directorate. To do this, exploratory analysis methodologies and panel data regression models were employed. The results indicate that, for each model, the effect of the different types of spending is significant and positive on mathematics and reading scores. However, the effect is low, consistent with what is found in the literature. It is recommended to increase the resources allocated to educational materials, given that it is the type of spending with the greatest impact. Likewise, it is suggested to integrate playful and technological pedagogical strategies, as proposed by the literature.
Educational performance as a driver of economic growth, analyzed in an international context, reveals a worryingly low diagnosis. In this scenario, Peru stands out as one of the countries that allocates a smaller percentage of its GDP to education. To increase the resources allocated to this sector, it is crucial that educational investment demonstrates a positive impact on academic performance. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate the effect of public spending per student on educational materials, teacher remuneration, and investment in regular basic education on the average scores in mathematics and reading of second-grade primary students during the periods 2009-2016, 2019, and 2022, at the level of the Regional Educational Directorate. To do this, exploratory analysis methodologies and panel data regression models were employed. The results indicate that, for each model, the effect of the different types of spending is significant and positive on mathematics and reading scores. However, the effect is low, consistent with what is found in the literature. It is recommended to increase the resources allocated to educational materials, given that it is the type of spending with the greatest impact. Likewise, it is suggested to integrate playful and technological pedagogical strategies, as proposed by the literature.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Economía y Planificación.
Departamento Académico de Economía y Planificación
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