Propagación in vitro de germoplasma de Guadua weberbaueri Pilg. colectado en tres sitios de selva central
Móstiga Rodríguez, Maricel Jadith
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo evaluar la propagación in vitro del germoplasma de la especie nativa Guadua weberbaueri Pilg colectado en 3 sitios de Selva Central, al presentarse dificultades por los métodos convencionales de propagación asexual para bambúes. Los 3 sitios de colecta: Rafael Gastelua Bella, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 1); Génova, Chanchamayo, Junín (Chanchamayo) y Rio Negro, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 2) fueron seleccionados en base a un estudio de identificación molecular, por la similitud de características vegetativas con Guadua sarcocarpa especie coexistente en Selva Central. Se obtuvieron plantas madres de los sitios “Satipo 1” y “Chanchamayo”, siendo “Satipo 1” la que presento mejores resultados durante el establecimiento y multiplicación. La mejor época en la ciudad de Lima para la introducción fue de abril a julio. La desinfección debe realizarse dentro de la cámara de flujo laminar y usando el D4: inmersión en alcohol de 70°, limpieza con NaOCl al 2,5% por 10 minutos seguido de una segunda desinfección con NaOCl al 1,5% por 3 minutos e inmersión en Ceftriaxona disódica hemiheptahidratada por 1 segundo. Asimismo, se debe enriquecer el medio de cultivo Moorashige & Skoog (1962) (MS) con 2 ml/l Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) y la brotación no está influenciada por la oscuridad. La tasa de multiplicación es de 2,5 brotes por vitroplanta para G. weberbaueri usando: MS enriquecido con 2 ml/l de PPM y 5 mg/l de 6- Benzilaminopurine. Se identifica al hongo endófito asintomático Acremonium sp. como un limitante durante la multiplicación que debe ser investigado para poder completar el protocolo de propagación in vitro.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the in vitro propagation of the germplasm of the native species Guadua weberbaueri Pilg collected at 3 sites in the Central Forest as difficulties arise due to conventional methods of asexual propagation for bamboo. The 3 collection sites: Rafael Gastelua Bella, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 1); Génova, Chanchamayo, Junín (Chanchamayo) and Río Negro, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 2) were selected based on a molecular identification study, due to the similarity of vegetative characteristics with Guadua sarcocarpa coexisting species in the Central Forest. Mother plants were obtained from the sites "Satipo 1" and "Chanchamayo", being that "Satipo 1" presented the best results during establishment and multiplication. The best time of the year in Lima for the introduction was from April to July. Disinfection must be carried out inside the laminar flow chamber and using D4: 70 ° alcohol immersion, cleaning with 2.5% NaOCl for 10 minutes followed by a second 1.5% NaOCl disinfection for 3 minutes and immersion in Ceftriaxone disodium hemiheptahydrate for 1 second. Likewise, the Moorashige & Skoog (1962) (MS) culture medium should be enriched with 2 ml/l Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) and sprouting is not influenced by darkness. The multiplication rate is 2.5 outbreaks per vitroplant for G. weberbaueri using: MS enriched with 2 ml/l of PPM and 5 mg/l of 6- Benzilaminopurine. The asymptomatic endophyte fungus Acremonium sp. as a limitation during multiplication that must be investigated in order to complete the in vitro propagation protocol.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the in vitro propagation of the germplasm of the native species Guadua weberbaueri Pilg collected at 3 sites in the Central Forest as difficulties arise due to conventional methods of asexual propagation for bamboo. The 3 collection sites: Rafael Gastelua Bella, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 1); Génova, Chanchamayo, Junín (Chanchamayo) and Río Negro, Satipo, Junín (Satipo 2) were selected based on a molecular identification study, due to the similarity of vegetative characteristics with Guadua sarcocarpa coexisting species in the Central Forest. Mother plants were obtained from the sites "Satipo 1" and "Chanchamayo", being that "Satipo 1" presented the best results during establishment and multiplication. The best time of the year in Lima for the introduction was from April to July. Disinfection must be carried out inside the laminar flow chamber and using D4: 70 ° alcohol immersion, cleaning with 2.5% NaOCl for 10 minutes followed by a second 1.5% NaOCl disinfection for 3 minutes and immersion in Ceftriaxone disodium hemiheptahydrate for 1 second. Likewise, the Moorashige & Skoog (1962) (MS) culture medium should be enriched with 2 ml/l Plant Preservative Mixture (PPM) and sprouting is not influenced by darkness. The multiplication rate is 2.5 outbreaks per vitroplant for G. weberbaueri using: MS enriched with 2 ml/l of PPM and 5 mg/l of 6- Benzilaminopurine. The asymptomatic endophyte fungus Acremonium sp. as a limitation during multiplication that must be investigated in order to complete the in vitro propagation protocol.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Conservación de Recursos Forestales
Anatomía de la planta; Características genómicas; Caracterización molecular; Distribución geográfica; Evaluación; Guadua weberbaueri; Guadua; Identificación; Germoplasma; Marcadores genéticos; Marcadores ISSR; Perú; Secuencia de ADN; Variación genética
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