Modelado numérico de tsunami en el distrito de Chorrillos
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Martínez Herrera, Julio César
Perú se encuentra en una región de interacción de placas tectónicas, subducción de la placa de Nazca por debajo de la placa Sudamericana, originando numerosos terremotos. Perú ha soportado los efectos de grandes tsunamis, en algunos casos muy grandes y destructivos. El 28 de octubre de 1746 un terremoto de magnitud estimada M8.8, generó un gran tsunami que afectó la costa central del Perú causando destrucción en el puerto del Callao, con olas mayores a 20 metros e inundaciones de aproximadamente 5 kilómetros, las víctimas del terremoto y tsunami llegaron a 4000 personas. En tal escenario, el distrito de Chorrillos, ubicado en el departamento de Lima, se vería severamente afectado. Este estudio tiene por objetivo, definir las características dinámicas del flujo de agua del tsunami generado por un sismo de gran magnitud (M8.5), escenario más probable, empleando el algoritmo TUNAMI N2, desarrollado por el Centro de Investigación y Control de Desastres de la Universidad de Tohoku, el algoritmo emplea una fuente sísmica homogénea, datos topográficos y batimétricos con resolución espacial de 10 metros. Los principales resultados obtenidos muestran que la inundación se produce 20 minutos después del terremoto y alcanza 1 kilómetro, con alturas superiores a 9 m. Los parámetros hidrodinámicos confirman un alto nivel de peligrosidad, ya que la profundidad de inundación es elevada (> 2 m) y las velocidades de flujo superan 1,5 m/s, lo que significa altos niveles de peligro para las personas. Esta información es de gran importancia para establecer sistemas de alerta temprana y generar escenarios que permitan reducir el riesgo por exposición de las principales áreas urbanas en el distrito de Chorrillos.
Peru is located in a region of tectonic plate interaction, subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, causing numerous earthquakes. Peru has endured the effects of large tsunamis, in some cases very large and destructive. On October 28, 1746, an earthquake of estimated magnitude M8.8, generated a large tsunami that affected the central coast of Peru causing destruction in the port of Callao, with waves greater than 20 meters and flooding of approximately 5 kilometers, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami reached 4000 people. In such a scenario, the district of Chorrillos, located in the department of Lima, would be severely affected. This study aims to define the dynamic characteristics of the tsunami water flow generated by a large magnitude earthquake (M8.5), the most probable scenario, using the TUNAMI-N2 algorithm, developed by the Disaster Research and Control Center of Tohoku University, the algorithm uses a homogeneous seismic source, topographic and bathymetric data with a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The main results obtained show that the flooding occurs 20 minutes after the earthquake and reaches 1 kilometer, with heights exceeding 9 m. The hydrodynamic parameters confirm a high level of danger, since the flood depth is high (> 2 m) and the flow velocities exceed 1.5 m/s, which means high levels of danger for people. This information is of great importance to establish early warning systems and generate scenarios to reduce the risk of exposure of the main urban areas in the district of Chorrillos
Peru is located in a region of tectonic plate interaction, subduction of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate, causing numerous earthquakes. Peru has endured the effects of large tsunamis, in some cases very large and destructive. On October 28, 1746, an earthquake of estimated magnitude M8.8, generated a large tsunami that affected the central coast of Peru causing destruction in the port of Callao, with waves greater than 20 meters and flooding of approximately 5 kilometers, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami reached 4000 people. In such a scenario, the district of Chorrillos, located in the department of Lima, would be severely affected. This study aims to define the dynamic characteristics of the tsunami water flow generated by a large magnitude earthquake (M8.5), the most probable scenario, using the TUNAMI-N2 algorithm, developed by the Disaster Research and Control Center of Tohoku University, the algorithm uses a homogeneous seismic source, topographic and bathymetric data with a spatial resolution of 10 meters. The main results obtained show that the flooding occurs 20 minutes after the earthquake and reaches 1 kilometer, with heights exceeding 9 m. The hydrodynamic parameters confirm a high level of danger, since the flood depth is high (> 2 m) and the flow velocities exceed 1.5 m/s, which means high levels of danger for people. This information is of great importance to establish early warning systems and generate scenarios to reduce the risk of exposure of the main urban areas in the district of Chorrillos
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
Desastres naturales; Tsunami; Modelación hidrológica; Modelos de simulación; Chorrillos (dist)
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