Sostenibilidad del cultivo de Camote (Ipomoea batatas L.) en el valle de Cañete, Perú
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Valverde Reyes, Norma Carolina
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El camote ((Ipomoea batata (L). Lam) es una especie de doble propósito (alimento humano y animal), cultivada en gran parte del mundo por su raíz tuberosa comestible, reconocido por su valor nutricional, económico y agronómico. En Perú,se cultiva principalmente en la costa, por ello, se plantearon los objetivos siguientes: 1) caracterizar las unidades de producción de camote en San Luis- Cañete, 2) evaluar los niveles de fertilización en el rendimiento de dos cultivares de camote y 3) determinar la sostenibilidad de la producción de camote en el distrito de San Luis- Cañete. Los datos para el análisis de la caracterización y sostenibilidad de la producción fueron obtenidos a través de encuestas realizadas a los productores de camote, los cuales fueron analizados por técnicas de estadística multivariadas, empleando una escala ordinal de 1 a 5 (1 se consideró como el menos sostenible y 5 en la escala valor ideal de sostenibilidad). En la fase experimental se evaluaron cuatro niveles de fertilización en el rendimiento de dos cultivares de camote bajo un diseño experimental de bloque completo al azar con arreglo factorial 2x4 con cuatro réplicas. Para el factor fertilizantes se emplearon cuatro niveles: D1 (60-40-100), D2 (80-60-120), D3 (120-80-80) y D4 (120-110-140); en el factor varietal se emplearon cultivares mejoradas Jonathan y Huambachero. Se encontraron pequeños productores que manejan hasta 3.42 ha de cultivo de camote y medianos productores que manejan en promedio 6.11 ha. En la fase experimental, el mayor rendimiento total y comercial de camote se alcanzó con el cultivar Jonathan con 28072.92 kg/ha-1 y 23085.94 kg/ha-1 respectivamente. Con el nivel de fertilización D4 (120-110-80) se encontró el mayor rendimiento total y comercial de raíces reservantes con 29947.92 kg/ha 1 y 24869.79 kg/ha-1. El Índice de Sostenibilidad General (ISGen) para las 50 unidades agrícolas es 2.93; por consiguiente, no califican como sistemas sostenibles, aun cuando el indicador Económico (IE) y el Indicador Social (IS) superan el umbral mínimo de sostenibilidad con 3.18 y 3.22 respectivamente. El Indicador Ambiental (IA) alcanzó el menor valor de sostenibilidad de 2.39; por lo tanto, de acuerdo a la propuesta metodológica multidimensional utilizada las unidades productoras de camote se encuentran en desequilibrio por los modelos de producción predominantes basados en monocultivo con alta dependencia de insumos externos que pueden deteriorar los recursos del agroecosistema en estudio.
The sweet potato ((Ipomoea batata (L). Lam) is a dual-purpose species, cultivated in most of the world for its edible tuberous root, recognized for its nutritional, economic and agronomic value. In Peru, it is grown mainly on the coast, therefore, the following objectives were proposed: 1) Characterize the sweet potato production units in San Luis-Cañete, 2) Evaluate the levels of fertilization in the yield of two sweet potato cultivars and 3) and determine the sustainability of sweet potato production in the San Luis-Cañete district. The data for the analysis of the characterization and sustainability of production were obtained through surveys of sweet potato producers, which were analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques, using an ordinal scale of 1 to 5 (1 was considered as the less sustainable and 5 on the ideal sustainability value scale). In the experimental phase, four levels of fertilization were evaluated in the yield of two sweet potato cultivars under a design experimental randomized complete block with 2x4 factorial arrangement with four replications. Four levels were used for the fertilizer factor: D1 (60-40-100), D2 (80-60-120), D3 (120-80-80) and D4 (120-110-140); in the varietal factor, the improved cultivars Jonathan and Huambachero were used. Small producers were found to manage up to 3.42 ha of sweet potato cultivation and medium producers managed an average of 6.11 ha. In the experimental phase, the highest total and commercial yields of sweet potato were reached with the cultivar Jonathan of 28072.92 kg/ha-1 and 23085.94 kg/ha-1 respectively. With the fertilization level D4 (120-110-80) the highest total and commercial yield of storage roots were found at 29947.92 kg/ha-1 and 24869.79 kg/ha-1. The General Sustainability Index (ISGen) for the 50 agricultural units is 2.93; therefore, they do not qualify as sustainable systems, even though the Economic Indicator (IE) and the Social Indicator (SI) exceed the minimum sustainability threshold of 3.18 and 3.22 respectively. The Environmental Indicator (IA) reached the lowest sustainability value of 2.39; Therefore, according to the multidimensional methodological proposal used, the sweet potato producing units are in imbalance due to the predominant production models based on monoculture with high dependence on external inputs that can deteriorate the resources of the agroecosystem under study.
The sweet potato ((Ipomoea batata (L). Lam) is a dual-purpose species, cultivated in most of the world for its edible tuberous root, recognized for its nutritional, economic and agronomic value. In Peru, it is grown mainly on the coast, therefore, the following objectives were proposed: 1) Characterize the sweet potato production units in San Luis-Cañete, 2) Evaluate the levels of fertilization in the yield of two sweet potato cultivars and 3) and determine the sustainability of sweet potato production in the San Luis-Cañete district. The data for the analysis of the characterization and sustainability of production were obtained through surveys of sweet potato producers, which were analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques, using an ordinal scale of 1 to 5 (1 was considered as the less sustainable and 5 on the ideal sustainability value scale). In the experimental phase, four levels of fertilization were evaluated in the yield of two sweet potato cultivars under a design experimental randomized complete block with 2x4 factorial arrangement with four replications. Four levels were used for the fertilizer factor: D1 (60-40-100), D2 (80-60-120), D3 (120-80-80) and D4 (120-110-140); in the varietal factor, the improved cultivars Jonathan and Huambachero were used. Small producers were found to manage up to 3.42 ha of sweet potato cultivation and medium producers managed an average of 6.11 ha. In the experimental phase, the highest total and commercial yields of sweet potato were reached with the cultivar Jonathan of 28072.92 kg/ha-1 and 23085.94 kg/ha-1 respectively. With the fertilization level D4 (120-110-80) the highest total and commercial yield of storage roots were found at 29947.92 kg/ha-1 and 24869.79 kg/ha-1. The General Sustainability Index (ISGen) for the 50 agricultural units is 2.93; therefore, they do not qualify as sustainable systems, even though the Economic Indicator (IE) and the Social Indicator (SI) exceed the minimum sustainability threshold of 3.18 and 3.22 respectively. The Environmental Indicator (IA) reached the lowest sustainability value of 2.39; Therefore, according to the multidimensional methodological proposal used, the sweet potato producing units are in imbalance due to the predominant production models based on monoculture with high dependence on external inputs that can deteriorate the resources of the agroecosystem under study.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Agricultura Sustentable
Camote; Beneficio bruto; Costos de producción; Evaluación; Perú; Producción vegetal; Ipomoea batata; Sostenibilidad
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