Principales labores de campo del cultivo de granado (Punica granatum) con énfasis en la fertirrigación
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Carmona Ochoa, Miguel Enrique
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El granado es un cultivo noble que puede ofrecer importantes rentabilidades al agricultor, pero que requiere de ciertos recursos, en determinadas cantidades y con un mínimo de calidad aceptable. Tal es el caso del agua de riego e insumos agrícolas como fertilizantes y demás agroquímicos, los cuáles deben ser incorporados al cultivo de forma oportuna y en las dosis o concentraciones adecuadas. En la empresa Agrícola Huarmey se posee agua de baja calidad debido a la alta conductividad eléctrica de ésta, con valores promedios de 5 dS/m, valor que complica incluso a un cultivo como el granado y que puede generar disminución en la producción de no manejarse correctamente el riego del campo. Por ello, es importante dedicar esfuerzos al afinamiento del riego del granado bajo éstas condiciones, haciendo uso de todas las herramientas que permitan optimizarlo, como sensores de riego, tensiómetros, estudios de agua y suelo, imágenes satelitales, preparación de calicatas, entre otros. Por otro lado, bajo condiciones de estrés por sales, es importante también que la fertilización y uso de insumos sea de forma eficiente, complementando el adecuado manejo del cultivo para alcanzar buenas producciones. Finalmente, la empresa haciendo uso de los instrumentos mencionados con anterioridad, ha logrado incrementar la producción en un 16.27% y disminuir el porcentaje de frutos rajados de 20% a 7%, a través de la mejora del manejo de riego. Del mismo modo, se mejoró la nutrición trabajando la fertilización con concentraciones adecuadas y no solo con kilogramos aplicados por hectárea, tomando en consideración adecuadas relaciones catiónicas al momento de incorporar los fertilizantes al campo.
The pomegranate tree is a noble crop that can offer significant returns to the farmer, but it requires certain resources, in certain quantities and with a minimum of acceptable quality. Such is the case of irrigation water and agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and other agrochemicals, which must be incorporated into the crop in a timely manner and in the appropriate doses or concentrations. The Agricultural Huarmey company has low quality water due to its high electrical conductivity, with average values of 5 dS/m, a value that complicates even a crop like pomegranate and that can generate a decrease in production if not managed. correctly watering the field. Therefore, it is important to dedicate efforts to fine-tune the irrigation of pomegranate trees under these conditions, making use of all the tools that allow it to be optimized, such as irrigation sensors, tensiometers, water and soil studies, satellite images, pit preparation, among others. On the other hand, under salt stress conditions, it is also important that fertilization and use of inputs be efficient, complementing proper crop management to achieve good productions. Finally, the company, using the instruments mentioned above, has managed to increase production by 16.27% and reduce the percentage of cracked fruits from 20% to 7%, through improved irrigation management. Likewise, nutrition was improved by working on fertilization with adequate concentrations and not only with kilograms applied per hectare, taking into consideration adequate cationic relationships when incorporating fertilizers into the field.
The pomegranate tree is a noble crop that can offer significant returns to the farmer, but it requires certain resources, in certain quantities and with a minimum of acceptable quality. Such is the case of irrigation water and agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and other agrochemicals, which must be incorporated into the crop in a timely manner and in the appropriate doses or concentrations. The Agricultural Huarmey company has low quality water due to its high electrical conductivity, with average values of 5 dS/m, a value that complicates even a crop like pomegranate and that can generate a decrease in production if not managed. correctly watering the field. Therefore, it is important to dedicate efforts to fine-tune the irrigation of pomegranate trees under these conditions, making use of all the tools that allow it to be optimized, such as irrigation sensors, tensiometers, water and soil studies, satellite images, pit preparation, among others. On the other hand, under salt stress conditions, it is also important that fertilization and use of inputs be efficient, complementing proper crop management to achieve good productions. Finally, the company, using the instruments mentioned above, has managed to increase production by 16.27% and reduce the percentage of cracked fruits from 20% to 7%, through improved irrigation management. Likewise, nutrition was improved by working on fertilization with adequate concentrations and not only with kilograms applied per hectare, taking into consideration adequate cationic relationships when incorporating fertilizers into the field.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Manejo del riego
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