Gestión y manejo de especies arbóreas en el proceso constructivo Metro de Lima Línea 2 y ramal de la Línea 4
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Cuervas Pisfil, Rodolfo
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El presente Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional describe las actividades realizadas y experiencias obtenidas durante mi desempeño como responsable de Medio Ambiente en el Proyecto Metro de Lima Línea 2 y Ramal de la Línea 4, en la Gestión y Manejo de Especies Arbóreas. La experticia y conocimientos adquiridos, tanto en los años de universidad como en los de trabajos profesionales previos, me permitieron identificar los puntos críticos que, la Gestión y Manejo de los árboles durante el proceso constructivo, pudiesen haber afectado la ruta crítica del Proyecto y, por tanto, generar un retraso en el cronograma de ejecución de obra. Es en este sentido que, después de la revisión de la información oferente al proyecto, la integración de las diferentes áreas (planificación, obras civiles, medio ambiente, contratos y legal, tanto en CJV como en EPC), y el cruce respectivo de dicha información con el cronograma, se identificaron puntos relevantes tales como: (a) trámites de tala/traslado de árboles que no estaban incluidos en este; (b) la comparación de los tiempos de inicio de obra vs obtención de las resoluciones de tala; (c) articulación de las partes externas, entre otros. La identificación de los trámites permitió realizar un seguimiento a las áreas ejecutoras y, con lo cual se evitó que algún trámite de tala/traslado de árboles retrase el cronograma. En el interín, la experiencia, me permitió valorar y transmitir la importancia de mantener bien establecidos los canales de comunicación entre las partes externas e internas (Municipalidades Metropolitana y Distritales y la Concesionaria) a las diferentes áreas del Proyecto. Se aprobaron 7 oficios con las autorizaciones de tala/traslado por la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima y se mantuvo comunicación constante con las Municipalidades distritales. En este sentido, se pudo monitorear el cumplimiento de las mismas, obteniéndose como resultado: casi 7000 individuos compensados y poco más de 200 trasladados hacia las municipalidades de Ate, El Agustino y Santa Anita.
This Professional Proficiency Work describes the activities carried out and experiences obtained during my performance as Environmental Manager in the Lima Metro Line 2 Project and the Line 4 Branch, in the Management and Handling of Tree Species. The expertise and knowledge acquired, both during university years and in previous professional work, allowed me to identify the critical points that, in the Management and Handling of trees during the construction process, could have affected the critical path of the Project and, therefore, generated a delay in the execution schedule of the work. In this sense, after reviewing the information offered to the project, integrating the different areas (planning, civil works, environment, contracts and legal, both in CJV and EPC), and the respective cross-checking of said information with the schedule, relevant points were identified such as: (a) tree felling/moving procedures that were not included in it; (b) the comparison of the start times of work vs. obtaining the felling resolutions; (c) coordination of the external parties, among others. The identification of the procedures allowed for monitoring of the executing areas, and thus prevented any tree felling/moving procedures from delaying the schedule. In the meantime, experience allowed me to value and transmit the importance of maintaining well-established communication channels between external and internal parties (Metropolitan and District Municipalities and the Concessionaire) to the different areas of the Project. 7 documents were approved with the authorizations for felling/transfer by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima and constant communication was maintained with the District Municipalities. In this sense, compliance with the same could be monitored, obtaining as a result: almost 7000 compensated individuals and a little more than 200 transferred to the municipalities of Ate, El Agustino and Santa Anita.
This Professional Proficiency Work describes the activities carried out and experiences obtained during my performance as Environmental Manager in the Lima Metro Line 2 Project and the Line 4 Branch, in the Management and Handling of Tree Species. The expertise and knowledge acquired, both during university years and in previous professional work, allowed me to identify the critical points that, in the Management and Handling of trees during the construction process, could have affected the critical path of the Project and, therefore, generated a delay in the execution schedule of the work. In this sense, after reviewing the information offered to the project, integrating the different areas (planning, civil works, environment, contracts and legal, both in CJV and EPC), and the respective cross-checking of said information with the schedule, relevant points were identified such as: (a) tree felling/moving procedures that were not included in it; (b) the comparison of the start times of work vs. obtaining the felling resolutions; (c) coordination of the external parties, among others. The identification of the procedures allowed for monitoring of the executing areas, and thus prevented any tree felling/moving procedures from delaying the schedule. In the meantime, experience allowed me to value and transmit the importance of maintaining well-established communication channels between external and internal parties (Metropolitan and District Municipalities and the Concessionaire) to the different areas of the Project. 7 documents were approved with the authorizations for felling/transfer by the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima and constant communication was maintained with the District Municipalities. In this sense, compliance with the same could be monitored, obtaining as a result: almost 7000 compensated individuals and a little more than 200 transferred to the municipalities of Ate, El Agustino and Santa Anita.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales.
Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
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