Remoción de níquel, cobre y cianuro total de efluentes industriales de galvánica
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Torres Salazar, Fiorela Linda
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El presente trabajo de titulación por suficiencia profesional determina los valores adecuados de los parámetros involucrados en la reacción para remoción de cianuro total, cobre y níquel, los cuales son pH, tiempo de reacción, ORP y color de la reacción, asimismo determina la concentración límite máxima de producción para que la cantidad de boro en el agua residual para su posterior descarga en el alcantarillado, cumpla con los Valores Máximos Admisibles (VMA), norma aplicada en el ámbito nacional y de carácter obligatorio. El análisis comprende la investigación del origen de los contaminantes en cada parte del proceso, posterior a ello se dio la ejecución de pruebas en dos configuraciones de efluentes, previamente clasificados por sus concentraciones y tipo, con esto se determinó las eficiencias de remoción para cada elemento contaminante.
This thesis work for professional sufficiency determines the appropriate values of the parameters involved in the reaction for the removal of total cyanide, copper, and nickel, which are pH, reaction time, ORP, and colour of the reaction. It also determines the maximum limit concentration of boron in the galvanic effluent for its subsequent discharge into the sewer system, all in compliance with the Maximum Acceptable Values (MAV), a regulation applied nationally and of mandatory nature. The analysis includes the investigation of the origin of the contaminants at each stage of the process. Following this, tests were conducted on two configurations of effluents, previously classified by their concentrations and type, to determine the removal efficiencies for each contaminant element.
This thesis work for professional sufficiency determines the appropriate values of the parameters involved in the reaction for the removal of total cyanide, copper, and nickel, which are pH, reaction time, ORP, and colour of the reaction. It also determines the maximum limit concentration of boron in the galvanic effluent for its subsequent discharge into the sewer system, all in compliance with the Maximum Acceptable Values (MAV), a regulation applied nationally and of mandatory nature. The analysis includes the investigation of the origin of the contaminants at each stage of the process. Following this, tests were conducted on two configurations of effluents, previously classified by their concentrations and type, to determine the removal efficiencies for each contaminant element.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento
Académico de Ingeniería Ambiental, Física y Meteorología
Eficiencia de remoción
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