Modelamiento de la dinámica espacio - temporal de las sequías en la Cuenca del Río Chicama
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Ortiz Vásquez, Rubén Omar
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La sequías junto al cambio climático, se han convertido en un problema grave para la sociedad humana y los ecosistemas del mundo, es así que, las crecientes preocupaciones sobre este fenómeno han provocado la necesidad de un análisis espaciotemporal y una evaluación del vínculo entre los diferentes tipos de sequía (Sarwar et al. 2022). En ese sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo consistió en caracterizar las sequías, en la cuenca del Chicama, desde 03 tipologías, mediante la correlación entre sus índices, identificando las zonas de mayor susceptibilidad ante estos eventos. (1) Sequía meteorológica, tomando en cuenta 39 estaciones (23 observadas y 16 ficticias) y el producto PISCO, se realizó la completación de datos, para generar los resultados del SPI a 03, 06 y 12 meses, en base al número de eventos, duración, severidad e intensidad. (2) Sequía agronómica, tomando como base imágenes satelitales, se hizo uso del NDVI para su caracterización brindando resultados similares a los encontrados con el SPI a 12 meses. (3) Sequías hidrológicas, se estimó el BFI, mediante 05 métodos de separación de flujo base, 02 gráficos y 03 basados en filtros digitales. Para la caracterización de estos eventos se estableció el umbral se estableció un umbral bajo el cual se suscitaron estos eventos. Los análisis revelan que la cuenca sufrió de un rango de sequías moderadas a extremas, durante el periodo de 1981 – 2020, siendo la cuenca media y baja son las zonas más susceptibles a las sequías.
Droughts together with climate change have become a serious problem for human society and the world's ecosystems, so that the growing concerns about this phenomenon have caused the need for a spatiotemporal analysis and an evaluation of the link between the different types of drought (Sarwar et al. 2022). In this sense, the objective of this work was to characterize the droughts, in the Chicama basin, from 03 typologies, through the correlation between their indices, identifying the areas of greatest susceptibility to these events. (1) Meteorological drought, considering 39 stations (23 observed and 16 fictitious) and the PISCO product, data completion was carried out, to generate the results of the SPI at 03, 06 and 12 months, based on the number of events, duration, severity and intensity. (2) Agronomic drought, based on satellite images, NDVI was used for its characterization, providing results similar to those found with the SPI at 12 months. (3) Hydrological droughts, the BFI was estimated, using 05 base flow separation methods, 02 graphs and 03 based on digital filters. For the characterization of these events, the threshold was established, a threshold was established under which these events occurred. The analyzes reveal that the basin suffered from a range of moderate to extreme droughts, during the period of 1981 - 2020, with the middle and lower basin being the areas most susceptible to droughts.
Droughts together with climate change have become a serious problem for human society and the world's ecosystems, so that the growing concerns about this phenomenon have caused the need for a spatiotemporal analysis and an evaluation of the link between the different types of drought (Sarwar et al. 2022). In this sense, the objective of this work was to characterize the droughts, in the Chicama basin, from 03 typologies, through the correlation between their indices, identifying the areas of greatest susceptibility to these events. (1) Meteorological drought, considering 39 stations (23 observed and 16 fictitious) and the PISCO product, data completion was carried out, to generate the results of the SPI at 03, 06 and 12 months, based on the number of events, duration, severity and intensity. (2) Agronomic drought, based on satellite images, NDVI was used for its characterization, providing results similar to those found with the SPI at 12 months. (3) Hydrological droughts, the BFI was estimated, using 05 base flow separation methods, 02 graphs and 03 based on digital filters. For the characterization of these events, the threshold was established, a threshold was established under which these events occurred. The analyzes reveal that the basin suffered from a range of moderate to extreme droughts, during the period of 1981 - 2020, with the middle and lower basin being the areas most susceptible to droughts.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
Acuifero Chicama; Aguas subterráneas; Sequía; Precipitaciones; Aplicaciones del ordenador; Costa; Evaluación; Modelos de simulación; Modelos matemáticos; Perú; Recarga de aguas subterráneas; Recursos hídricos
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