Comportamiento de cultivares de lechuga americana (Lactuca sativa L.) bajo producción orgánica en condiciones de La Molina
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Cristan Tito, Gian Ronald
Hoy en día, el cambio climático afecta a la mayoría de productos hortícolas, siendo una de las principales consecuencias, la aparición de nuevas plagas y enfermedades en su desarrollo fenológico; para lo cual existe una tendencia a la búsqueda de nuevos cultivares con características predominantes. En consecuencia, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de cultivares de lechuga americana (Lactuca sativa L.) bajo producción orgánica en condiciones de la Molina. El experimento se llevó a cabo en el periodo de julio a setiembre de 2023 en el lote “Campo Alegre 1” del Programa de Investigación y Proyección Social de Hortalizas de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con cinco cultivares de lechuga americana (Santarinas, Nazarinas, Albanas, Cartagenas y Legacy) y cuatro repeticiones, haciendo un total de 20 unidades experimentales. Se evaluaron características cualitativas (días a la formación de cabeza y días a la cosecha) y cuantitativas (rendimiento, altura de planta, número de hojas, altura de cabeza, diámetro promedio de cabeza, peso de cabeza y porcentaje de materia seca). Se observó diferencias significativas para la variable porcentaje de materia seca para todos los cultivares. No se observaron diferencias significativas para las variables rendimiento total ni diámetro promedio de cabeza. Se concluye que la producción agrícola, en cuanto a rendimiento total, destacó en los cultivares Legacy y Cartagenas con 48.74 y 48.20 tn/ha respectivamente; siendo estos cultivares los que expresaron su mejor comportamiento agronómico bajo las condiciones estudiadas.
Nowdays, the climate change affects most horticultural products, being the appearance of new pests and diseases in their phenological development one of the main consequences; for which there’s a tendency to search for new cultivars with predominant characteristics. Consequently, the present research aims to evaluate the agronomic behavior of American lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L.) under organic production in La Molina’s conditions. The experiment was carried out in the period from july to september 2023 in the “Campo Alegre 1” at the “Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina”. A block design completely randomized was used with five american lettuce cultivars (Santarinas, Nazarinas, Albanas, Cartagenas and Legacy) and four repetitions, making a total of 20 experimental units. Qualitative characteristics (days to “head” formation and days to harvest) and quantitative characteristics(yield, plant height, number of leaves, “head” height, “head” diameter, “head” weight and dry matter percentage) were evaluated. Significant differences were observed for the variable percentage of dry matter for all cultivars. No significant differences were observed for the variables total yield or “head” diameter. It’s concluded that agricultural production, in terms of total yield, stood out in the Legacy and Cartagenas cultivars with 48.74 and 48.20 tn/ha respectively; being these cultivars, the ones that expressed their best agronomic behavior under the conditions studied.
Nowdays, the climate change affects most horticultural products, being the appearance of new pests and diseases in their phenological development one of the main consequences; for which there’s a tendency to search for new cultivars with predominant characteristics. Consequently, the present research aims to evaluate the agronomic behavior of American lettuce cultivars (Lactuca sativa L.) under organic production in La Molina’s conditions. The experiment was carried out in the period from july to september 2023 in the “Campo Alegre 1” at the “Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina”. A block design completely randomized was used with five american lettuce cultivars (Santarinas, Nazarinas, Albanas, Cartagenas and Legacy) and four repetitions, making a total of 20 experimental units. Qualitative characteristics (days to “head” formation and days to harvest) and quantitative characteristics(yield, plant height, number of leaves, “head” height, “head” diameter, “head” weight and dry matter percentage) were evaluated. Significant differences were observed for the variable percentage of dry matter for all cultivars. No significant differences were observed for the variables total yield or “head” diameter. It’s concluded that agricultural production, in terms of total yield, stood out in the Legacy and Cartagenas cultivars with 48.74 and 48.20 tn/ha respectively; being these cultivars, the ones that expressed their best agronomic behavior under the conditions studied.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Horticultura
Lactuca sativa var. capitata
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