Silicato de magnesio en la concentración de plomo y cadmio en el maíz (Zea mays) en condiciones de invernadero
Ostolaza Farro, Juan Carlos
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Los principales yacimientos de oro en la región Puno se ubican en las provincias de Lampa, Carabaya, San Antonio de Putina y Sandia, en esta última provincia se encuentra el distrito de Cuyocuyo cuyas reservas de oro se estiman en 50 millones de T.M. y donde impera la minería ilegal e informal que contamina los ríos y el suelo, afectando los cultivos, el ganado y la salud humana. De acuerdo con esto, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto del silicato de magnesio como enmienda orgánica de suelo sobre la concentración de plomo (Pb) y cadmio (Cd) en el tejido del maíz (Zea mays) cultivado sobre una muestra de suelo contaminado proveniente del distrito de Cuyocuyo, provincia de Sandia, departamento de Puno. Para ello se procedió a analizar la muestra de suelo en laboratorio antes de la siembra, lo que determinó la presencia de plomo (Pb) y cadmio (Cd) en la muestra de suelo. Dicho suelo contaminado fue sometido a tratamientos crecientes de silicato de magnesio como enmienda de suelo sobre el cual se cultivó maíz y de donde se extrajeron muestras de tejido foliar que fueron analizadas a fin de determinar la concentración de plomo (Pb) y cadmio (Cd); a luz de los resultados, la presente tesis pudo demostrar que las plantas de maíz cultivadas sobre suelos contaminados con plomo (Pb) y cadmio (Cd) pero enmendados con silicato de magnesio concentraron en sus tejidos foliares menores cantidades de dichos metales contaminantes en comparación con el maíz cultivado sobre suelos sin enmendar, lo que indica que el silicato de magnesio incorporado como enmienda en el suelo tiene un efecto adverso a la solubilidad de los metales pesado con lo que se dificulta su absorción por las raíces de las plantas, minimizando así su paso a la cadena trófica.
The main gold deposits in the Puno region are located in the provinces of Lampa, Carabaya, San Antonio de Putina and Sandia, in the latter province is located in the district of Cuyocuyo, gold reserves are estimated at 50 million T.M. and where illegal and informal mining prevails, contaminating rivers and soil, affecting crops, livestock and human health. According to this, the present investigation aims to determine the effect of magnesium silicate as organic amendment of soil on the concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the tissue of corn (Zea mays) cultivated on a sample of contaminated soil from the district of Cuyocuyo, province of Sandia, department of Puno. To do this, the soil sample was analyzed in the laboratory before sowing, which determined the presence of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the soil sample. This contaminated soil was subjected to increasing treatments of magnesium silicate as amendment of soil on which corn was cultivated and where leaf tissue samples were extracted that were analyzed in order to determine the concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd); to the light of the results, this thesis was able to demonstrate that cultivated corn plants on soils contaminated with lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) but amended with magnesium silicate concentrated in their leaf tissues lower amounts of said contaminating metals compared to the cultivated corn on the soil without amendment, which indicates that the magnesium silicate integrated as organic amendment in the soil has an adverse effect on the solubility of heavy metals and with which it is difficult its absorption by the roots of the plants, thus minimizing his step to the trophic chain.
The main gold deposits in the Puno region are located in the provinces of Lampa, Carabaya, San Antonio de Putina and Sandia, in the latter province is located in the district of Cuyocuyo, gold reserves are estimated at 50 million T.M. and where illegal and informal mining prevails, contaminating rivers and soil, affecting crops, livestock and human health. According to this, the present investigation aims to determine the effect of magnesium silicate as organic amendment of soil on the concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the tissue of corn (Zea mays) cultivated on a sample of contaminated soil from the district of Cuyocuyo, province of Sandia, department of Puno. To do this, the soil sample was analyzed in the laboratory before sowing, which determined the presence of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the soil sample. This contaminated soil was subjected to increasing treatments of magnesium silicate as amendment of soil on which corn was cultivated and where leaf tissue samples were extracted that were analyzed in order to determine the concentration of lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd); to the light of the results, this thesis was able to demonstrate that cultivated corn plants on soils contaminated with lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) but amended with magnesium silicate concentrated in their leaf tissues lower amounts of said contaminating metals compared to the cultivated corn on the soil without amendment, which indicates that the magnesium silicate integrated as organic amendment in the soil has an adverse effect on the solubility of heavy metals and with which it is difficult its absorption by the roots of the plants, thus minimizing his step to the trophic chain.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Agrícola
Magnesio; Cadmio; Plomo; Suelos agrícolas; Control de la contaminación; Metales pesados; Remediación; Maíz; Zeas mays
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