Propuesta de mejora de una receta del jarabe tres leches tradicional o scratch
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Ríos León, María Lidia
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo proponer la mejora de una receta del jarabe “tres leches” tradicional o scratch. La metodología comprendió cuatro etapas; en primer lugar se hizo la caracterización de las recetas de “tres leches” evaluando la densidad y la aceptabilidad general; en segundo lugar se realizó la caracterización de los bizcochuelos humedecidos con el jarabe mediante la evaluación del porcentaje de humectación y la aceptabilidad general; en el tercer paso se realizó la validación de las proporciones de mezclas óptimas; y se finalizó con la elaboración de las estructuras de costos de la torta “tres leches”. Las recetas estudiadas se trabajaron a partir de una base concentrada de “tres leches” que se mezcló con tres líquidos diferentes: agua, leche fresca y leche evaporada (mezclada con 50% de agua). Después del análisis de todas las variables, se concluyó que el jarabe obtenido a partir de la base concentrada podía sustituir a un jarabe de “tres leches” tradicional; lo que brindaría ventajas adicionales como mayor tiempo de vida, estandarización en los procesos, reducción de mermas y personalización de las recetas.
The objective of the present work was to propose the improvement of a traditional or scratch “tres leches” syrup recipe. The methodology comprised four stages; firstly, the characterization of the “tres leches” recipes was performed, evaluating the density and general acceptability; secondly, the characterization of the biscuits moistened with the syrup was carried out by evaluating the moisture percentage and the general acceptability; to continue with the third step and validate the optimal mixing proportions; and finalized with the elaboration of the cost structures of the “tres leches” cake. The studied recipes were worked from a concentrated base of " tres leches " that was mixed with three different liquids: water, fresh milk and evaporated milk (mixed with 50% water). After the analysis of all the variables, it was concluded that the syrup obtained from the concentrated base can replace a traditional " tres leches" syrup; providing additional advantages such as longer life, standardization in processes, reduction of waste and customization of the recipes.
The objective of the present work was to propose the improvement of a traditional or scratch “tres leches” syrup recipe. The methodology comprised four stages; firstly, the characterization of the “tres leches” recipes was performed, evaluating the density and general acceptability; secondly, the characterization of the biscuits moistened with the syrup was carried out by evaluating the moisture percentage and the general acceptability; to continue with the third step and validate the optimal mixing proportions; and finalized with the elaboration of the cost structures of the “tres leches” cake. The studied recipes were worked from a concentrated base of " tres leches " that was mixed with three different liquids: water, fresh milk and evaporated milk (mixed with 50% water). After the analysis of all the variables, it was concluded that the syrup obtained from the concentrated base can replace a traditional " tres leches" syrup; providing additional advantages such as longer life, standardization in processes, reduction of waste and customization of the recipes.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Industrias Alimentarias. Departamento Académico de Tecnología de Alimentos y Productos Agropecuarios
Leche; Jarabe; Producto procesado; Evaluación completa; Mejoramiento nutricional; Procesamiento de alimentos; Perú; Jarabe tres leches
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