Uso de la micromatriz de alta densidad de bovino para la construcción de un mapa físico de polimorfismos de nucleótido simple en alpacas (Vicugna pacos)
Mamani Mondragón, Camilo
Gutiérrez Reynoso, Gustavo Augusto
Perelman, Polina
Johnson, Warren E.
Ponce de León Bravo, Federico Abel
El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar un mapa físico preliminar de polimorfismos de nucleótido simple (PNSs) en alpaca usando un panel celular híbrido irradiado alpaca/ hámster y una micromatriz de genotipado de alta densidad de bovino (BovineHD BeadChip-Illumina). Se realizó el genotipado de 92 clones celulares híbridos irradiados y cuatro muestras control (alpaca macho, alpaca hembra, hámster y 1:10 alpaca/hámster mezcla de ADN) con la micromatriz. Luego del genotipaje de las muestras control del ADN de alpaca y hámster solo se retuvieron PNSs de bovinos que mostraron una frecuencia de señal positiva de 1. Los PNSs identificados en el ADN de alpaca fueron filtrados para sustraer los presentes en el hámster. De estos últimos, solo se retuvieron para el análisis final aquellos que tuvieron una frecuencia de señal positiva de 0.2 a 0.8 para los 92 clones y se eliminaron los PNSs que presentaron falsos positivos. Los restantes PNSs específicos de alpaca fueron tabulados en el formato MapMaker y fueron analizados con el programa Carthagene para identificar grupos de ligamiento. Los grupos ligados fueron ubicados en el genoma referencial Vicugna_pacos-2.0.2, aplicando el programa BLAST y el comando SHORTBLAST, en la plataforma Galaxy. Las dos muestras control de alpaca registraron 294 165 PNSs, con señal positiva en la micromatriz de bovino. La cantidad de PNSs de alpaca, después de eliminar los PNSs positivos comunes con hámster, fue 50 686 y luego de eliminar los posibles falsos positivos quedaron 2924 PNSs. Esta cantidad se analizó con el programa Carthagene y resultó en 33 grupos de ligamiento, con un total de 216 PNSs. Las distancias calculadas entre estos PNSs oscilan entre 65.3 y 671.9 cR, con un logaritmo de probabilidades (LOD) >6.0. Finalmente, se encontraron un total de 31 PNSs en el genoma referencial (E-value<0.05).
The aim of this study was to develop a preliminary physical map of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in alpaca using an alpaca/hamster radiation hybrid panel and a bovine highdensity SNP genotyping microarray (BovineHD BeadChip-Illumina). The methodology included genotyping 92 alpaca/hamster hybrid cell clones, and four control samples (male alpaca, female alpaca, hamster and 1:10 DNAmixture) with the microarray. After genotyping the alpaca and hamster DNA control samples, only bovine SNPs with a call frequency of 1 were retained. The SNPs identified in the alpaca DNA samples were then filtered to remove those also found in the hamster. From the remaining alpaca SNPs, to decrease the probability of false positives, only those with a call frequency from 0.2 to 0.8 in the 92 hybrid clone samples were retained for the final analysis. The remaining alpaca specific SNPs were tabulated in MapMaker format and were analysed with the Carthagene software to identify linkage groups. The linkage groups were mapped to the reference genome Vicugna_pacos-2.0.2, using the BLAST software and the SHORTBLAST command on the Galaxy platform. The two alpaca control samples had 294 165 SNPs with positive signals in the bovine microarray. After eliminating the most common hamster SNPs and the most-likely false positives, 2924 SNPs remained. These were assigned to 33 linkage groups encompassing 216 SNPs. The estimated distance between these SNPs ranged from 65.3 and 671.9 cR, with a logarithm of the odds (LOD) >6.0. Finally, a total of 31 SNPs was found in the reference genome (E-value <0.05).
The aim of this study was to develop a preliminary physical map of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in alpaca using an alpaca/hamster radiation hybrid panel and a bovine highdensity SNP genotyping microarray (BovineHD BeadChip-Illumina). The methodology included genotyping 92 alpaca/hamster hybrid cell clones, and four control samples (male alpaca, female alpaca, hamster and 1:10 DNAmixture) with the microarray. After genotyping the alpaca and hamster DNA control samples, only bovine SNPs with a call frequency of 1 were retained. The SNPs identified in the alpaca DNA samples were then filtered to remove those also found in the hamster. From the remaining alpaca SNPs, to decrease the probability of false positives, only those with a call frequency from 0.2 to 0.8 in the 92 hybrid clone samples were retained for the final analysis. The remaining alpaca specific SNPs were tabulated in MapMaker format and were analysed with the Carthagene software to identify linkage groups. The linkage groups were mapped to the reference genome Vicugna_pacos-2.0.2, using the BLAST software and the SHORTBLAST command on the Galaxy platform. The two alpaca control samples had 294 165 SNPs with positive signals in the bovine microarray. After eliminating the most common hamster SNPs and the most-likely false positives, 2924 SNPs remained. These were assigned to 33 linkage groups encompassing 216 SNPs. The estimated distance between these SNPs ranged from 65.3 and 671.9 cR, with a logarithm of the odds (LOD) >6.0. Finally, a total of 31 SNPs was found in the reference genome (E-value <0.05).
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Alpaca; Polimorfismo genético; Nucleótidos; Hamster; Código genético; Mapas genéticos; Marcadores genéticos; Mejoramiento animal; Biotecnología animal; Técnicas analíticas; Evaluación; Perú; Mapa físico de marcadores PNSS; Micromatriz
Mamani Mondragón, C., Gutiérrez Reynoso, G., Perelman, P., Johnson, W., & Ponce de León Bravo, F..2020. Uso de la micromatriz de alta densidad de bovino para la construcción de un mapa físico de polimorfismos de nucleótido simple en alpacas (Vicugna pacos). Rev. investig. vet. Perú vol.31 no.3 Lima jul-sep 2020.
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