Efecto de la concentración de diferentes fertilizantes comerciales en el cultivo asentado de Porphyra sp.
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Geronimo Maldonado, Guido
Las macroalgas rojas (Rhodophyta) son de gran relevancia económica en el mundo, siendo principalmente cultivada para la preparación de las hojas nori, tan conocidos en la gastronomía japonesa. El nori es reconocido por sus beneficios a la salud, debido a su alto contenido de vitaminas, minerales y proteínas. Por esa razón, la domesticación de ese grupo de macroalgas podría ser gran interés comercial para empresas de acuicultura en Perú estimando ganancias de billones de dólares al año. El presente estudio y el conocimiento del comportamiento de estos microorganismos llamados conchocelis, ha sido esencial para el proceso de domesticación de las especies, que ha empezado desde el siglo XVII en países asiáticos y, a la fecha, se considera como una de las industrias de mayor importancia. Porphyra sp. es un género de alga roja que se ha reportado en el sur de Perú, en las regiones de Arequipa, Pisco e Ica y, por el norte, en la región Piura. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la concentración óptima de dos fuentes comerciales de nutrientes esenciales: Bayfolan® y solución hidropónica La Molina A y B para el crecimiento y desarrollo de la fase conchocelis de Porphyra sp. La cual aspira a contribuir para el aprovechamiento de especies de Porphyra, incentivando el desarrollo de la región del sur, playa Santa Elena de Paracas-Perú, ya sea mediante el abastecimiento de la demanda local, nacional y/o mediante la incursión en el mercado internacional. Por otro lado, este trabajo complementará los recientes estudios genéticos en base a marcadores moleculares de estas macroalgas rojas; además, de la biología reproductiva y su relación con los factores ambientales especies de Porphyra. Los resultados fueron obtenidos en su primera etapa (microscópico) conocido como crecimiento endolítica filamentosa de conchocelis en asentamiento sustrato calcáreos. Se analizó su crecimiento in vitro en cámaras de germinación programadas con una temperatura de 15.03 °C, salinidad 36.05 PSU, Conductividad eléctrica 55.95 mS/cm, irradiancia 15.93 micro moles.m-2 .s-1 y fertilizantes Bayfolan y Solución hidropónica Ay B la Molina que presentan Nitrato (NO3 - ) y Fosfato (PO4 -3 ). Los datos en cada diseño experimental se aplicaron ANOVA y posteriormente una prueba de Tukey, cumpliendo los supuestos de Normalidad y Homogeneidad de Varianza señalando las condiciones de mayor significancia para el crecimiento de conchocelis. El crecimiento máximo se dio en la solución hidropónica A y B con el tratamiento 25 por ciento con un 4.15 mm2 a diferencia de Bayfolan a 1.54 mm2 ; sin embargo, con diferente cobertura, 71.56% y 54.93%.
The red macroalgae (Rhodophyta) are of great economic relevance in the world, being mainly cultivated for the preparation of nori leaves, so well-known in Japanese gastronomy. Nori is recognized for its health benefits, due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. For this reason, the domestication of this group of macroalgae could be of great commercial interest for aquaculture companies in Peru, estimating profits of billions of dollars per year. The present study and the knowledge of the behavior of these microorganisms called “conchocelis”, has been essential for the domestication process of the species, which has started since the 17th century in Asian countries and, to date, is considered one of the most important industries. Porphyra sp. is a genus of red algae that has been reported in southern Peru, in the regions of Arequipa, Pisco and Ica and, to the north, in the Piura region. The objective of this work was to determine the optimum concentration of two commercial sources of essential nutrients: “Bayfolan®” and hydroponic solution “La Molina” A and B for the growth and development of the “conchocelis” phase of Porphyra sp. The aim is to contribute to the utilization of Porphyra species, encouraging the development of the southern region, Santa Elena de Paracas-Peru beach, either by supplying the local and national demand and/or by entering the international market. On the other hand, this work will complement recent genetic studies based on molecular markers of these red macroalgae; in addition, the reproductive biology, and its relationship with environmental factors Porphyra species. The results were obtained in its first stage (microscopic) known as filamentous endolithic growth of “conchocelis” in calcareous substrate settlement. There in vitro growth was analyzed in germination chambers programmed with a temperature of 15.03 °C, salinity 36.05 PSU, electrical conductivity 55.95 mS/cm, irradiance 15.93 micro moles. m-2 .s-1 and fertilizers “Bayfolan®” and Ay B la Molina hydroponic solution containing Nitrate (NO3 - ) and Phosphate (PO4 -3 ). The data in each experimental design were applied ANOVA and later a Tukey test, fulfilling the assumptions of Normality and Homogeneity of Variance, indicating the conditions of greater significance for the growth of “conchocelis”. The maximum growth occurred in hydroponic solution A and B with the 25% treatment at 4.15 mm2 as opposed to “Bayfolan®” at 1.54 mm2 . However, with different coverage, 71.56% and 54.93%.
The red macroalgae (Rhodophyta) are of great economic relevance in the world, being mainly cultivated for the preparation of nori leaves, so well-known in Japanese gastronomy. Nori is recognized for its health benefits, due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. For this reason, the domestication of this group of macroalgae could be of great commercial interest for aquaculture companies in Peru, estimating profits of billions of dollars per year. The present study and the knowledge of the behavior of these microorganisms called “conchocelis”, has been essential for the domestication process of the species, which has started since the 17th century in Asian countries and, to date, is considered one of the most important industries. Porphyra sp. is a genus of red algae that has been reported in southern Peru, in the regions of Arequipa, Pisco and Ica and, to the north, in the Piura region. The objective of this work was to determine the optimum concentration of two commercial sources of essential nutrients: “Bayfolan®” and hydroponic solution “La Molina” A and B for the growth and development of the “conchocelis” phase of Porphyra sp. The aim is to contribute to the utilization of Porphyra species, encouraging the development of the southern region, Santa Elena de Paracas-Peru beach, either by supplying the local and national demand and/or by entering the international market. On the other hand, this work will complement recent genetic studies based on molecular markers of these red macroalgae; in addition, the reproductive biology, and its relationship with environmental factors Porphyra species. The results were obtained in its first stage (microscopic) known as filamentous endolithic growth of “conchocelis” in calcareous substrate settlement. There in vitro growth was analyzed in germination chambers programmed with a temperature of 15.03 °C, salinity 36.05 PSU, electrical conductivity 55.95 mS/cm, irradiance 15.93 micro moles. m-2 .s-1 and fertilizers “Bayfolan®” and Ay B la Molina hydroponic solution containing Nitrate (NO3 - ) and Phosphate (PO4 -3 ). The data in each experimental design were applied ANOVA and later a Tukey test, fulfilling the assumptions of Normality and Homogeneity of Variance, indicating the conditions of greater significance for the growth of “conchocelis”. The maximum growth occurred in hydroponic solution A and B with the 25% treatment at 4.15 mm2 as opposed to “Bayfolan®” at 1.54 mm2 . However, with different coverage, 71.56% and 54.93%.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento Académico de Biología
Abonos; Abonos nitrogenados; Dosis de aplicación; Efectos de dosificación; Evaluación; Perú; Porphyra; Pyropia
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