Análisis técnico forestal de dos expedientes administrativos de concesiones forestales en Madre de Dios en el periodo 2019-2022
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Elias Japa, Clara Susana
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El presente documento esta basado en el análisis técnico forestal de dos expedientes administrativos de concesiones forestales, que a la fecha se encuentran en estado firme y culminado, en el departamento de Madre de Dios durante el periodo 2019-2022. Este análisis tiene como objetivo evaluar los diversos descargos remitidos por los concesionarios forestales ante un inicio del Procedimiento Administrativo Único (PAU) por parte del Organismo Supervisor de los Recursos Forestales y de Fauna Silvestre (OSINFOR) frente a una posible conducta infractora por parte del concesionario contra la Ley N° 29763 Ley Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre. Asimismo, se explica el procedimiento para “Estimar la gravedad del daño por la comisión de infracciones en materia forestal” aprobado por Resolución de Jefatura N° 059-2019-OSINFOR, de fecha 11 de julio del 2019, cuyo resultado puede llevar a la caducidad del título habilitante. Dentro de los resultados, se observa que cuando los concesionarios tienen un conocimiento previo de sus obligaciones y derechos contenidos en los Contratos de Concesiones, así como del Proceso Administrativo Único, es más factible que envíen descargos con evidencia técnica que pueda desvirtuar los cargos que se les imputan, ya que en algunos casos estas acciones son cometidas por terceros (taladores ilegales) causando perjuicio en los concesionarios que buscan trabajar dentro de la normativa forestal y que son los más afectados al momento de enfrentar un PAU por falta de capacitaciones de sus obligaciones y derechos dentro de sus concesiones. Asimismo, se explica cuándo es necesario declarar causal de caducidad de un título habilitante, así como las medidas correctivas en caso se necesiten. Finalmente, indicar que es labor de las autoridades competentes en el sector forestal, el articular esfuerzos en pro de la gestión del patrimonio forestal.
The present document is based on the technical forest analysis of two administrative file of forestry concessions, which are currently in a firm and completed state, in Madre de Dios Department during the period 2019-2022. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the various defenses submitted by forestry concessionaires in response to the initiation of the Unique Administrative Procedure (PAU) by the Supervisory Body for Forest Resources and Wildlife (OSINFOR) regarding possible infringing conduct by the concessionaire against Law No. 29763, Forestry and Wildlife Law. Additionally, it explains the procedure for "Estimating the severity of damage caused by the commission of forestry offenses" approved by Chief Resolution No. 059-2019-OSINFOR, dated July 11, 2019, whose result may lead to the revocation of the enabling title. Among the results, it is observed that when concessionaires have prior knowledge of their obligations and rights contained in the Concession Contracts, as well as the Unique Administrative Procedure, it is more feasible that they will submit defenses with technical evidence that could refute the charges against them, in some cases these actions are committed by illegal loggers, causing harm to concessionaires seeking to operate within forestry regulations and who are the most affected when facing a PAU due to lack of training on their obligations and rights within their concessions. Furthermore, it will be explained when it is necessary to declare the grounds for revocation of an enabling title, as well as corrective measures if needed. Finally, it is worth noting that it is the responsibility of the competent authorities in the forestry sector to coordinate efforts in favor of forest heritage management.
The present document is based on the technical forest analysis of two administrative file of forestry concessions, which are currently in a firm and completed state, in Madre de Dios Department during the period 2019-2022. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the various defenses submitted by forestry concessionaires in response to the initiation of the Unique Administrative Procedure (PAU) by the Supervisory Body for Forest Resources and Wildlife (OSINFOR) regarding possible infringing conduct by the concessionaire against Law No. 29763, Forestry and Wildlife Law. Additionally, it explains the procedure for "Estimating the severity of damage caused by the commission of forestry offenses" approved by Chief Resolution No. 059-2019-OSINFOR, dated July 11, 2019, whose result may lead to the revocation of the enabling title. Among the results, it is observed that when concessionaires have prior knowledge of their obligations and rights contained in the Concession Contracts, as well as the Unique Administrative Procedure, it is more feasible that they will submit defenses with technical evidence that could refute the charges against them, in some cases these actions are committed by illegal loggers, causing harm to concessionaires seeking to operate within forestry regulations and who are the most affected when facing a PAU due to lack of training on their obligations and rights within their concessions. Furthermore, it will be explained when it is necessary to declare the grounds for revocation of an enabling title, as well as corrective measures if needed. Finally, it is worth noting that it is the responsibility of the competent authorities in the forestry sector to coordinate efforts in favor of forest heritage management.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Manejo Forestal
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