Manejo del fertirriego proporcional para incrementar la eficiencia de uso de agua y fertilizantes en pimiento (Capsicum sp)
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Tordoya Moquillaza, Crystian José
En el presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional comparto mi experiencia en Gandules, empresa agroexportadora de diversas variedades de capsicums ubicada en el norte del país, con sedes en Jayanca - Lambayeque y San Pedro de Lloc – La Libertad. En esta empresa colaboré en el área de riego y nutrición durante cuatro años, y mi objetivo principal fue implementar el manejo del riego con dosificación proporcional de soluciones nutritivas, con las que se lograron resultados muy positivos en la mejora de la productividad de los cultivos como el incremento de la eficiencia de uso de agua y de fertilizantes, principalmente. Es por ello, que en el documento se describe la estrategia que nos ayudó a cambiar el manejo de la fertilización con dosificación cuantitativa hacia un manejo de la fertilización con inyección proporcional de las soluciones nutritivas, donde se detalla el proceso de adaptación, las dificultades, los aciertos y desaciertos que se presentaron a lo largo de su implementación. Los años de trabajo en Gandules dejan una valiosa experiencia, en la que el trabajo en equipo y el esfuerzo de cado uno de sus integrantes contribuye a cumplir con los objetivos propuestos por la gerencia agrícola de la compañía en aras de incrementar la productividad de los campos.
In this work of professional sufficiency I share my experience in the company Gandules, an agro-exporting company of several varieties of capsicums located in the north of the country, with offices in Jayanca - Lambayeque and San Pedro de Lloc - La Libertad. In this company I collaborated in the area of irrigation and nutrition for four years, a period in which irrigation management with proportional dosing of nutrient solutions was implemented, with which very positive results were achieved in improving crop productivity and increasing the efficiency of water and fertilizer use, mainly. For this reason, the document describes the strategy that helped us to change the fertilization management with quantitative dosage towards a fertilization management with proportional injection of nutrient solutions, detailing the adaptation process, the difficulties, the successes and failures that occurred throughout its implementation. The years of work in Gandules leave a valuable experience, in which teamwork and the effort of each of its members contribute to meet the objectives proposed by the agricultural management of the company in order to increase the productivity of the fields.
In this work of professional sufficiency I share my experience in the company Gandules, an agro-exporting company of several varieties of capsicums located in the north of the country, with offices in Jayanca - Lambayeque and San Pedro de Lloc - La Libertad. In this company I collaborated in the area of irrigation and nutrition for four years, a period in which irrigation management with proportional dosing of nutrient solutions was implemented, with which very positive results were achieved in improving crop productivity and increasing the efficiency of water and fertilizer use, mainly. For this reason, the document describes the strategy that helped us to change the fertilization management with quantitative dosage towards a fertilization management with proportional injection of nutrient solutions, detailing the adaptation process, the difficulties, the successes and failures that occurred throughout its implementation. The years of work in Gandules leave a valuable experience, in which teamwork and the effort of each of its members contribute to meet the objectives proposed by the agricultural management of the company in order to increase the productivity of the fields.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
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