Propiedades de fibras de junco (Schoenoplectus americanus) de las albúferas de Medio Mundo, Végueta, Huaura
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Armesto Céspedes, Romina Helena
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La Albufera de Medio Mundo, ubicado a 172 km al norte de Lima, distrito Vegueta, provincia Huaura, Región Lima, es una zona con humedales de aproximadamente 15 hectáreas, donde las especies más importantes son la "totora" y "junco ". Ambas especies son utilizadas por la población local debido a las cualidades de su fibra, la más importante de ellas es el junco, debido a sus características y facilidad para la regeneración. Junco planta se cosecha después de 6 meses de crecer y los brotes de la planta aparecen después de los 4 días de la cosecha. Los tallos de la planta se extraen manualmente y después se secó con aire en paquetes (2 kg cada una) durante un período de 7 a 15 días, en verano o invierno, respectivamente. Después de eso, el uso de la gente secas atados paquetes de 50 kg que se transportan a los centros de transformación y luego procesados con el fin de obtener varios productos manuales: bolsas, cestas, adornos, etc. Durante el estudio, además de la evaluación del aprovechamiento, se evaluaron las propiedades físicas – mecánicas y químicas de las fibras del junco la cual se extrajo de los meses 1, 3, y 6 meses para su posterior evaluación ya mencionadas. El estudio demostró las ventajas de las buenas propiedades del junco, comparadas con otras fibras.
The Albufera de Medio Mundo, located 172 km north of Lima, Vegueta district, Huaura province, Lima Region, is an area with wetlands of approximately 15 hectares, where the most important species are the "totora" and "junco". Both species are used by the local population due to the qualities of their fiber, the most important of them is reed, due to its characteristics and ease of regeneration. Junco plant is harvested after 6 months of growing and the sprouts of the plant appear after 4 days of harvesting. The plant stems are manually extracted and then air-dried in packets (2 kg each) for a period of 7 to 15 days, in summer or winter, respectively. After that, people use dried tied 50 kg packages that are transported to processing centers and then processed in order to obtain various manual products: bags, baskets, decorations, etc. During the study, in addition to the evaluation of the use, the physical-mechanical and chemical properties of the reed fibers were evaluated, which were extracted from months 1, 3, and 6 months for their subsequent evaluation already mentioned. The study demonstrated the advantages of the good properties of reed, compared to other fibers.
The Albufera de Medio Mundo, located 172 km north of Lima, Vegueta district, Huaura province, Lima Region, is an area with wetlands of approximately 15 hectares, where the most important species are the "totora" and "junco". Both species are used by the local population due to the qualities of their fiber, the most important of them is reed, due to its characteristics and ease of regeneration. Junco plant is harvested after 6 months of growing and the sprouts of the plant appear after 4 days of harvesting. The plant stems are manually extracted and then air-dried in packets (2 kg each) for a period of 7 to 15 days, in summer or winter, respectively. After that, people use dried tied 50 kg packages that are transported to processing centers and then processed in order to obtain various manual products: bags, baskets, decorations, etc. During the study, in addition to the evaluation of the use, the physical-mechanical and chemical properties of the reed fibers were evaluated, which were extracted from months 1, 3, and 6 months for their subsequent evaluation already mentioned. The study demonstrated the advantages of the good properties of reed, compared to other fibers.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Departamento Académico de Industrias Forestales
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