Proceso de certificación del estandar Fair Trade USA en empresas acuicolas y su adecuación en el sector pesquero peruano
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Romero Quispe, Saby Madait
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El trabajo de suficiencia profesional tuvo como objetivo general evaluar la adecuación del estándar de Producción Agrícola (APS) – AQUA en el sector pesquero peruano por la empresa de certificación “Quality Certification”. Se inició con el primer objetivo específico, la descripción de los procesos de estas auditorías implementada en la empresa: Contratación, planificación, inspección y certificación. El proceso de contratación comienza desde contacto con el cliente; la planificación está referida al desarrollo de los planes de auditoría; la inspección, es la auditoría in situ de la empresa solicitante; y la certificación, donde se decide la entrega del certificado de la empresa solicitante. Para el cumplimiento del objetivo principal, se trabajó con la herramienta FODA para identificar factores generales que influyen en empresas acuícolas pesqueras y con ello, evaluar la factibilidad de la adecuación del estándar por medio de matrices de factores externos e internos, MEFE y MEFI, respectivamente, así como generar estratégias para su aplicación en el sector acuícola utilizando la Matriz MAFE, extraído del FODA realizado. El indicador obtenido en la evaluación de factores internos, fortalezas y debilidades, fue de 2.61, lo cual reflejó posición estable y sólida de las empresas acuícolas en el sector pesquero para la implementación de esta certificación voluntaria. El indicador para los factores externos, oportunidades y amenazas, fue de 2.93, reflejando que se podría aprovechar el medio externo, las oportunidades externas, para evitar amenazas. Con ello, se concluye la adecuación positiva del estándar Fair Trade USA en las empresas acuícolas en el Perú.
The general objective of this work of professional sufficiency was to evaluate the adequacy of the Agricultural Production Standard (APS) - AQUA in the Peruvian fishing sector by the certification company ‘Quality Certification. For the certification, the company has applied the internal processes of contracting, which is where the client comes into contact with the commercial area of the certifier; the planning referred to the development of the audit plans, the inspection which is the on-site audit in the applicant company; and the certification where the certification of the applicant company is decided. In order to accomplish the objective of the work, the SWOT tool was used to identify thrree strengths, thrree weaknesses, seven opportunities and six threats. With this, the feasibility of the adequacy of the standard was evaluated using the internal and external factors matrix, IFEM and EFEM, respectively, as well as to generate strategies for its application in the aquaculture sector using the MAFE Matrix. The indicator obtained in the evaluation of internal factors, strengths and weaknesses, was 2.61, which reflects the stable and solid position of aquaculture enterprises in the fisheries sector. The indicator for external factors, opportunities and threats, was 2.93, which reflects that it will be possible to take advantage of external opportunities while avoiding threats. This concludes the adequacy of the Fair Trade USA standard in the aquaculture enterprises.
The general objective of this work of professional sufficiency was to evaluate the adequacy of the Agricultural Production Standard (APS) - AQUA in the Peruvian fishing sector by the certification company ‘Quality Certification. For the certification, the company has applied the internal processes of contracting, which is where the client comes into contact with the commercial area of the certifier; the planning referred to the development of the audit plans, the inspection which is the on-site audit in the applicant company; and the certification where the certification of the applicant company is decided. In order to accomplish the objective of the work, the SWOT tool was used to identify thrree strengths, thrree weaknesses, seven opportunities and six threats. With this, the feasibility of the adequacy of the standard was evaluated using the internal and external factors matrix, IFEM and EFEM, respectively, as well as to generate strategies for its application in the aquaculture sector using the MAFE Matrix. The indicator obtained in the evaluation of internal factors, strengths and weaknesses, was 2.61, which reflects the stable and solid position of aquaculture enterprises in the fisheries sector. The indicator for external factors, opportunities and threats, was 2.93, which reflects that it will be possible to take advantage of external opportunities while avoiding threats. This concludes the adequacy of the Fair Trade USA standard in the aquaculture enterprises.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento
Académico de Acuicultura e Industrias Pesqueras
Fair Trade USA
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