Distribución espacial de los estadios juvenil y adulto que conforman el stock norte-centro de la anchoveta peruana (Engraulis ringens, J. 1842)
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Galarza Tirado, Segundo Gian Paul
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La anchoveta peruana es la especie más importante del Ecosistema de la Corriente de Humboldt, tanto desde el punto de vista ecológico como socioeconómico ya que sustenta la pesquería más importante del Perú y una de las más grandes del mundo. Los recursos pesqueros, como la anchoveta, son naturalmente dinámicos en el espacio y el tiempo, y es necesario entender dicho dinamismo con el propósito de fortalecer las medidas orientadas a su conservación. Una herramienta ampliamente usada para describir la dinámica espaciotemporal de los recursos pesqueros son los indicadores espaciales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento espacial de los juveniles y adultos que conforman el Stock Norte-Centro de la anchoveta, haciendo uso de indicadores y pruebas estadísticas multivariadas. Los indicadores espaciales se utilizaron para sintetizar la ubicación espacial de juveniles y adultos, la ocupación del espacio y la dispersión estadística. La estadística multivariada fue usada para identificar escenarios de distribución asociados a las condiciones ambientales y la época del año. Para ello, se empleó datos georreferenciados de tallas recolectados durante cincuenta y tres cruceros de evaluación realizadas por el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE) entre 1996 y 2022. Los resultados demostraron que los adultos de anchoveta se distribuyen de manera homogénea (muchas zonas con abundancias similares), mientras los juveniles, por su lado, lo hacen de manera más heterogénea (pocas zonas con alta abundancia). Las pruebas estadísticas multivariadas permitieron identificar cinco escenarios de distribución espacial: i) tres escenarios para los juveniles, que reflejaron condiciones promedio, adversas y favorables y ii) dos escenarios para los adultos, que reflejaron condiciones cálidas y frías. Este estudio amplía el conocimiento sobre la dinámica espaciotemporal de los juveniles y adultos del Stock Norte-Centro de la anchoveta peruana, por lo que se puede considerar el uso de indicadores espaciales como herramientas auxiliares para el seguimiento de poblaciones.
The Peruvian anchovy is the most important species in the Humboldt Current ecosystem, both ecologically and socio-economically, as it supports the most important fishery in Peru and one of the largest in the world. Fishery resources such as anchoveta are naturally dynamic in space and time, and it is necessary to understand this dynamism in order to strengthen conservation measures. A widely used tool to describe the spatio-temporal dynamics of fishery resources are spatial indicators. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial behavior of the juvenile and adult developmental stages that make up the North-Central stock of anchoveta, using indicators and multivariate statistical tests. Spatial indicators were used to synthesize the spatial location of juveniles and adults, spatial occupancy, and statistical dispersion. Multivariate statistics were used to identify distribution scenarios associated with environmental conditions and season. For this purpose, georeferenced size data collected during sixty assessment cruises conducted by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) between 1996 and 2022 were used. The results showed that anchoveta adults are homogeneously distributed (many areas of similar abundance), while juveniles are more heterogeneously distributed (few areas of high abundance). Multivariate statistical tests identified five spatial distribution scenarios: i) three scenarios for juveniles reflecting average, unfavorable and favorable conditions, and ii) two scenarios for adults reflecting warm and cold conditions. This study adds to the knowledge of the spatio-temporal dynamics of juveniles and adults in the north-central stock of Peruvian anchovy, so that the use of spatial indicators can be considered as an auxiliary tool for population monitoring.
The Peruvian anchovy is the most important species in the Humboldt Current ecosystem, both ecologically and socio-economically, as it supports the most important fishery in Peru and one of the largest in the world. Fishery resources such as anchoveta are naturally dynamic in space and time, and it is necessary to understand this dynamism in order to strengthen conservation measures. A widely used tool to describe the spatio-temporal dynamics of fishery resources are spatial indicators. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial behavior of the juvenile and adult developmental stages that make up the North-Central stock of anchoveta, using indicators and multivariate statistical tests. Spatial indicators were used to synthesize the spatial location of juveniles and adults, spatial occupancy, and statistical dispersion. Multivariate statistics were used to identify distribution scenarios associated with environmental conditions and season. For this purpose, georeferenced size data collected during sixty assessment cruises conducted by the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE) between 1996 and 2022 were used. The results showed that anchoveta adults are homogeneously distributed (many areas of similar abundance), while juveniles are more heterogeneously distributed (few areas of high abundance). Multivariate statistical tests identified five spatial distribution scenarios: i) three scenarios for juveniles reflecting average, unfavorable and favorable conditions, and ii) two scenarios for adults reflecting warm and cold conditions. This study adds to the knowledge of the spatio-temporal dynamics of juveniles and adults in the north-central stock of Peruvian anchovy, so that the use of spatial indicators can be considered as an auxiliary tool for population monitoring.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Pesquería. Departamento Académico de Manejo Pesquero y Medio Ambiente
Anchoveta peruana
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