Pérdidas de nitrógeno por volatilización usando diferentes fuentes nitrogenadas en un entisol en La Molina
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Ramirez Rivera, Mijail Boris
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La volatilización es una de las principales formas de perdida de nitrógeno en los fertilizantes amoniacales, reduciendo significativamente su eficiencia. La intensidad de esta pérdida es afectada principalmente por el pH del suelo. Por eso este trabajo tiene como fin estudiar la volatilización de nitrógeno de diferentes fuentes nitrogenada en un entisol de La Molina, Perú. El experimento se realizó en el 2022 en un entisol ligeramente alcalino (pH: 7.78) y con un contenido bajo de materia orgánica. Las mediciones fueron realizadas durante tres semanas donde presentaron una temperatura promedio de 14.9°C. Para la cuantificación del nitrógeno perdido por volatilización se midió por medio de colectores semiabierto estático los días 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 21 posterior a la primera fertilización (90 kg de N/ha). Se evaluó 3 fertilizantes nitrogenados: urea, sulfato de amonio y urea + inhibidor NBPT. Las pérdidas de nitrógeno fueron mayores para la urea con un 15.64% de nitrógeno aplicado, seguido por el sulfato de amonio con 11.95%. La urea + NBPT presento la menor perdida de nitrógeno con 5.96% reduciendo en un 61.9% lo volatilizado por la urea. Los valores de volatilización para el caso de la urea no son tan altas como en otros trabajos debido a la baja temperatura y el contenido bajo de materia orgánica que reducen la actividad de la ureasa. En el caso del sulfato de amonio presento valores relativamente alto debido al pH básico del suelo. Por ultimo los valores bajos de volatilización para el tratamiento de Urea + inhibidor NBPT se debe a que se presentaron condiciones adecuadas para una mayor estabilidad en el suelo (pH básico del suelo y las temperaturas bajas).
Volatilization is one of the main forms of nitrogen loss in ammonia fertilizers, significantly reducing their efficiency. The intensity of this loss is mainly affected by the pH of the soil. Therefore, this work aims to study the volatilization of nitrogen from different nitrogen sources in an entisol in La Molina, Peru. The experiment was carried out in 2022 in a slightly alkaline entisol (pH: 7.78) and with a low organic matter content. The measurements were made during three weeks where they presented an average temperature of 14.9°C. To quantify nitrogen lost by volatilization, it was measured by means of static semi-open collectors on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 21 after the first fertilization (90 kg of N/ha). 3 nitrogen fertilizers were evaluated: urea, ammonium sulfate and urea + NBPT inhibitor. Nitrogen losses were highest for urea with 15.64% nitrogen applied, followed by ammonium sulfate with 11.95%. Urea + NBPT had the lowest nitrogen loss with 5.96%, reducing urea volatilization by 61.9%. The volatilization values for urea are not as high as in other jobs due to the low temperature and low organic matter content that reduce urease activity. In the case of ammonium sulphate, it presented relatively high values due to the basic pH of the soil. Finally, the low volatilization values for the treatment of Urea + NBPT inhibitor are due to the fact that suitable conditions were presented for greater stability in the soil (basic soil pH and low temperatures).
Volatilization is one of the main forms of nitrogen loss in ammonia fertilizers, significantly reducing their efficiency. The intensity of this loss is mainly affected by the pH of the soil. Therefore, this work aims to study the volatilization of nitrogen from different nitrogen sources in an entisol in La Molina, Peru. The experiment was carried out in 2022 in a slightly alkaline entisol (pH: 7.78) and with a low organic matter content. The measurements were made during three weeks where they presented an average temperature of 14.9°C. To quantify nitrogen lost by volatilization, it was measured by means of static semi-open collectors on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 21 after the first fertilization (90 kg of N/ha). 3 nitrogen fertilizers were evaluated: urea, ammonium sulfate and urea + NBPT inhibitor. Nitrogen losses were highest for urea with 15.64% nitrogen applied, followed by ammonium sulfate with 11.95%. Urea + NBPT had the lowest nitrogen loss with 5.96%, reducing urea volatilization by 61.9%. The volatilization values for urea are not as high as in other jobs due to the low temperature and low organic matter content that reduce urease activity. In the case of ammonium sulphate, it presented relatively high values due to the basic pH of the soil. Finally, the low volatilization values for the treatment of Urea + NBPT inhibitor are due to the fact that suitable conditions were presented for greater stability in the soil (basic soil pH and low temperatures).
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Académico de Suelos
Enmiendas minerales; Evaluación; Métodos; Nitrógeno; Perú; Volatilización
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