Simulación hidráulica del transporte de sedimentos en obra de control de inundaciones en el Río Motupe
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Contreras Canchan, Manuel Angel
Los eventos climáticos extremos en el Perú son más frecuentes y afectan el desarrollo normal de la sociedad, siendo los más recientes el Niño Costero del 2017 y el ciclón Yaku del 2023, que produjo deslizamientos y huaicos provocando cuantiosas pérdidas. Razón a ello, explorar e investigar nuevas alternativas para el control de inundaciones es una actividad que a menudo tiene atención por parte de los profesionales. Dentro de este contexto, muchos proyectos son desarrollados considerando condiciones ideales, adoptando mayores coeficientes de seguridad, minimizando la importancia de los sedimentos en la estructura, pero con el avance de las herramientas informáticas es posible analizar con mayor detalle el rol del transporte de sedimentos en los diseños. La investigación propone evaluar el impacto de los sedimentos en una alternativa para el control de inundación en el río Motupe el cual durante los eventos climáticos extremos se activa, causando daños a los centros poblados de Jayanca, Pacora, entre otros. Se desarrolla un análisis hidrológico en HEC HMS calibrado por marcas de agua en una cooperación mutua con el modelo hidráulico Iber; una vez obtenido el modelo hidráulico calibrado se planifica una estructura de captación que deriva parte del caudal de avenida. Para el diseño se utilizó un tiempo de retorno de 25 años y condiciones ideales de lecho fijo. Una vez obtenida una estructura óptima se realizaron simulaciones de transporte de sedimento bajo diferentes escenarios, considerando transporte de sedimento en suspensión, transporte de sedimento de fondo y transporte de sedimento total para comparar el grado de alteración del caudal derivado con respecto a las condiciones de diseño. En condiciones de lecho fijo, la estructura logra derivar 417.5 m3/s de los 905.8 m3/s que la cuenca produce para el tiempo de retorno de diseño. Los resultados en lecho móvil demuestran que el escenario más pesimista es considerando únicamente el transporte de sedimento en suspensión debido a que el caudal derivado se reduce en un 14%, mientras que en los otros escenarios el caudal derivado se incrementa debido al incremento de la carga hidráulica por el movimiento del lecho. Estos resultados recomiendan utilizar escenarios de transporte de sedimentos en suspensión para el dimensionamiento de obras de derivación, mientras que el escenario de transporte total para identificar zonas susceptibles a la sedimentación.
Extreme climate events in Peru are becoming more frequent and are impacting the normal development of society. The most recent examples include the Niño Costero of 2017 and cyclone Yaku of 2023, both of which caused landslides and mudslides, resulting in significant losses. As a result, there is a continuous focus among professionals on exploring and researching new alternatives for flood control. Within this context, many projects have been developed under ideal conditions, utilizing higher safety coefficients while downplaying the significance of sediments within the structures. However, with the advancement of computer tools, it's now possible to conduct more detailed analyses of sediment transport in the designs. This research aims to assess the impact of sediments in an alternative flood control approach in the Motupe River. During extreme weather events, the river is activated, causing damage to towns like Jayanca and Pacora, among others. The study involves a hydrological analysis using the HEC HMS model, calibrated with watermarks, in cooperation with the Iber hydraulic model. Once the calibrated hydraulic model is obtained, a catchment structure is designed to divert a portion of the flood flow. The design considers a 25-year return period and ideal fixed bed conditions. Upon obtaining an optimal structure, sediment transport simulations were performed under various scenarios, including suspended sediment transport, bottom sediment transport, and total sediment transport. These simulations were conducted to compare how the derived flow is affected in relation to the design conditions. Under fixed bed conditions, the structure successfully diverts 417.5 m3/s from the 905.8 m3/s generated by the basin for the design return period. Results from scenarios involving a moving bed reveal that the most pessimistic scenario is one that considers only suspended sediment transport, resulting in a 14% reduction in the derived flow. In contrast, in the other scenarios, the derived flow increases due to the rise in hydraulic load from bed movement. These findings recommend using scenarios involving suspended sediment transport for sizing diversion projects, and the total transport scenario to identify areas prone to sedimentation.
Extreme climate events in Peru are becoming more frequent and are impacting the normal development of society. The most recent examples include the Niño Costero of 2017 and cyclone Yaku of 2023, both of which caused landslides and mudslides, resulting in significant losses. As a result, there is a continuous focus among professionals on exploring and researching new alternatives for flood control. Within this context, many projects have been developed under ideal conditions, utilizing higher safety coefficients while downplaying the significance of sediments within the structures. However, with the advancement of computer tools, it's now possible to conduct more detailed analyses of sediment transport in the designs. This research aims to assess the impact of sediments in an alternative flood control approach in the Motupe River. During extreme weather events, the river is activated, causing damage to towns like Jayanca and Pacora, among others. The study involves a hydrological analysis using the HEC HMS model, calibrated with watermarks, in cooperation with the Iber hydraulic model. Once the calibrated hydraulic model is obtained, a catchment structure is designed to divert a portion of the flood flow. The design considers a 25-year return period and ideal fixed bed conditions. Upon obtaining an optimal structure, sediment transport simulations were performed under various scenarios, including suspended sediment transport, bottom sediment transport, and total sediment transport. These simulations were conducted to compare how the derived flow is affected in relation to the design conditions. Under fixed bed conditions, the structure successfully diverts 417.5 m3/s from the 905.8 m3/s generated by the basin for the design return period. Results from scenarios involving a moving bed reveal that the most pessimistic scenario is one that considers only suspended sediment transport, resulting in a 14% reduction in the derived flow. In contrast, in the other scenarios, the derived flow increases due to the rise in hydraulic load from bed movement. These findings recommend using scenarios involving suspended sediment transport for sizing diversion projects, and the total transport scenario to identify areas prone to sedimentation.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Recursos Hídricos
hidráulica fluvia
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