Efectos de perturbaciones naturales y antropogénicas sobre las comunidades macrobentónicas en playas arenosas del cantón San Vicente, Manabí-Ecuador
Vélez Falcones, Jorge Enrique
En este estudio se describen efectos de perturbaciones naturales y antropogénicas sobre la comunidad macro bentónica de tres playas arenosas de Ecuador en base al análisis de 432 muestras de sedimento colectadas con una cuadrata metálica de 0.1 m-2 de cobertura, a 4 niveles intermareales, durante octubre 2015 a marzo 2016. Con el objetivo de identificar las variables críticas a escala espacial y temporal se utilizó un Análisis de Componentes Principales (ACP), con la finalidad de identificar los grupos en la ordenación multivariada se realizó un análisis de clasificación, y para evaluar las eventuales similaridades entre las estaciones y fechas de muestreo se realizó un análisis de ordenación no paramétrico de escalamiento no métrico (NMDS). Para probar la influencia de perturbaciones naturales y antropogénica sobre el macrobentos, se realizó un análisis de regresión y correlación de Pearson, también, para determinar el nivel de perturbación de las comunidades se utilizó el método de las curvas de abundancia-biomasa (ABC) con su estadístico W. Los resultados mostraron que hipótesis fue parcialmente cierta, pues las perturbaciones naturales (salinidad, oxígeno y composición granulométrica) tuvieron efecto sobre los parámetros comunitarios (Diversidad de Shannon, Equidad, riqueza de Margalef y la riqueza especifica), la perturbación antropogénica (afluencia turística) y los parámetros comunitarios no se encontró relaciones significativas (< 0.05). Las curvas de abundancia-biomasa permitieron describir el grado de perturbación de las playas evaluadas, indicando que
Briceño fue la más perturbada que la playa de Canoa y la menos perturbada Punta Napo,
mayormente afectadas por la baja salinidad, que por afluencia turística. Se identificaron 33 items taxonómicos pertenecientes a 6 phylum, presentando mayor número de especies Punta Napo. Su distribución general, refleja tres zonas bien diferenciadas, la zona supramareal habitada frecuentemente por poliquetos y bivalvos de la familia Donacidae, el crustáceo de la familia Ocypodidae. La mesomareal, caracterizada por el gasterópodo de la familia Olividae, poliquetos, bivalvos de la familia: Veneridae, Tellinidae. La inframareal tipificada por bivalvos de las familias Tellinidae y Mactridae (Strigilla chroma, Mactrellona alata respectivamente), Crustáceos decápodos de las familias Hippidae Albuneidea, poliquetos y anfípodos
In this study, effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the benthic macro community of three sandy beaches of Ecuador are described, based on the analysis of 432 sediment samples collected with a metallic quadrata of 0.1 m-2 coverage, at 4 intertidal levels, during October 2015 to March 2016. In order to identify the critical variables at spatial and temporal scale, a Principal Components Analysis (ACP) was used, in order to identify the groups in the multivariate management, a classification analysis was carried out, and To evaluate the possible similarities between the stations and sampling dates, a nonparametric analysis of non-metric scaling (NMDS) was performed. To test the influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the macrobenthos, a Pearson regression and correlation analysis was performed, also, to determine the level of disturbance of the communities, the biomass abundance (ABC) curves method was used with his statistic W. The results showed that the hypothesis was partially true, since natural disturbances (salinity, oxygen and granulometric composition) had an effect on community parameters (Shannon diversity, Equity, Margalef richness and specific richness, anthropogenic disturbance (tourist influx) and the community parameters no significant relationships were found (<0.05). Abundance-biomass curves, allowed to describe the degree of disturbance of the beaches evaluated, indicating that Briceño was the most disturbed than the beach of Canoa and the less disturbed Punta Napo, mostly affected by low salinity, than by tourist influx. 33 taxonomic items belonging to 6 phyla were identified, presenting a greater number of Punta Napo species. Its general distribution reflects three distinct areas, the supramareal zone frequently inhabited by polychaetes and bivalves of the Donacidae family, the crustacean of the Ocypodidae family. The mesomareal, characterized by the gastropod of the Olividae family, polychaetes, bivalves of the family: Veneridae, Tellinidae. The inframareal typified by bivalves of the Tellinidae and Mactridae families (Strigilla chroma, Mactrellona alata respectively), Decapod crustaceans of the Hippidae Albuneidea families, polychaetes and amphipods.
In this study, effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the benthic macro community of three sandy beaches of Ecuador are described, based on the analysis of 432 sediment samples collected with a metallic quadrata of 0.1 m-2 coverage, at 4 intertidal levels, during October 2015 to March 2016. In order to identify the critical variables at spatial and temporal scale, a Principal Components Analysis (ACP) was used, in order to identify the groups in the multivariate management, a classification analysis was carried out, and To evaluate the possible similarities between the stations and sampling dates, a nonparametric analysis of non-metric scaling (NMDS) was performed. To test the influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the macrobenthos, a Pearson regression and correlation analysis was performed, also, to determine the level of disturbance of the communities, the biomass abundance (ABC) curves method was used with his statistic W. The results showed that the hypothesis was partially true, since natural disturbances (salinity, oxygen and granulometric composition) had an effect on community parameters (Shannon diversity, Equity, Margalef richness and specific richness, anthropogenic disturbance (tourist influx) and the community parameters no significant relationships were found (<0.05). Abundance-biomass curves, allowed to describe the degree of disturbance of the beaches evaluated, indicating that Briceño was the most disturbed than the beach of Canoa and the less disturbed Punta Napo, mostly affected by low salinity, than by tourist influx. 33 taxonomic items belonging to 6 phyla were identified, presenting a greater number of Punta Napo species. Its general distribution reflects three distinct areas, the supramareal zone frequently inhabited by polychaetes and bivalves of the Donacidae family, the crustacean of the Ocypodidae family. The mesomareal, characterized by the gastropod of the Olividae family, polychaetes, bivalves of the family: Veneridae, Tellinidae. The inframareal typified by bivalves of the Tellinidae and Mactridae families (Strigilla chroma, Mactrellona alata respectively), Decapod crustaceans of the Hippidae Albuneidea families, polychaetes and amphipods.
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Ecología Aplicada
Ecosistema; Macrobentos; Biodiversidad; Daños; Impacto ambiental; Evaluación del impacto ambiental
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