Comportamiento nutricional y perfil alimentario de la producción lechera en pastos cultivados (Panicum maximum Jacq)
Núñez Delgado, J.
Ñaupari Vasquez, J.
Flores Mariazza, E.
Se evaluaron las variables inherentes al componente forrajero y animal para diseñar perfiles alimentarios de vacas de doble propósito sobre pasturas de Panicum maximum Jacq en un fundo ganadero de la selva alta peruana. Las variables forrajeras fueron tasa de crecimiento y disponibilidad de forraje y las variables animales fueron la composición química de la dieta y el perfil alimentario. El experimento se realizó en las épocas seca, inicio de lluvias y lluviosa. Se instalaron 14 excluidores en 41.9 has y se trabajó con cinco vacas adultas Brown Swiss x criollo en ordeño. Las tasas de crecimiento y disponibilidad se obtuvieron mediante el método de corte y separación manual, la dieta se obtuvo por simulación manual, el requerimiento energético a través del presupuesto de actividades y el perfil alimentario mediante el balance entre la demanda y oferta de forraje. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar para crecimiento y disponibilidad de forraje, y bloques al azar para la composición química. La tasa de crecimiento de forraje varió entre 8.16 y 46.28 kg MS/ha/día; la disponibilidad de forraje entre 2696.9 y 7764.3 kg MS/ha para las épocas seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. La concentración de energía metabolizable en el forraje fue 3.94 y 5.23 EM MJ/kg MS y la demanda total de energía de las vacas fue 102.0 y 90.1 MJ EM/día para las épocas seca y lluviosa, respectivamente. El perfil alimentario reveló un excedente en la época lluviosa y un déficit en las épocas seca e inicio de lluvia. Se concluye que el establecimiento ganadero está subutilizando la pastura, especialmente en la época lluviosa, debido a la buena disponibilidad forrajera y baja carga animal.
Variables inherent to the forage and animal component were evaluated to designfeed profiles of dual-purpose cows grazing Panicum maximum Jacq in a dairy farm in thePeruvian tropics. The forage variables were growth rate and forage availability and theanimal variables were the chemical composition of the diet and feed profile. The experimentwas carried out in the dry, early rainy and rainy seasons. Fourteen enclosures wereinstalled in 41.9 ha and five Brown Swiss x Creole lactating cows were used. Foragegrowth and availability rates were obtained through cutting and manual separation, dietswere obtained by manual simulation, energy requirement through the budget of activitiesand feed profile through the balance of forage demand and supply. A completelyrandomized design was used for forage growth and availability, and random blocksfor chemical composition. The forage growth rate varied between 8.16 and 46.28 kgDM/ha/day; forage availability between 2696.9 and 7764.3 kg DM/ha for the dry andrainy seasons, respectively. The concentration of metabolizable energy in the forage was3.94 and 5.23 ME MJ/kg MS and total energy demand of cows was 102.0 and 90.1 MJ ME/day for the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Feed profile revealed a surplus in therainy season and a deficit in the dry and early rainy seasons. It is concluded that the farmis underutilizing the pasture, especially in the rainy season, due to good forage availabilityand low stocking rate
Variables inherent to the forage and animal component were evaluated to designfeed profiles of dual-purpose cows grazing Panicum maximum Jacq in a dairy farm in thePeruvian tropics. The forage variables were growth rate and forage availability and theanimal variables were the chemical composition of the diet and feed profile. The experimentwas carried out in the dry, early rainy and rainy seasons. Fourteen enclosures wereinstalled in 41.9 ha and five Brown Swiss x Creole lactating cows were used. Foragegrowth and availability rates were obtained through cutting and manual separation, dietswere obtained by manual simulation, energy requirement through the budget of activitiesand feed profile through the balance of forage demand and supply. A completelyrandomized design was used for forage growth and availability, and random blocksfor chemical composition. The forage growth rate varied between 8.16 and 46.28 kgDM/ha/day; forage availability between 2696.9 and 7764.3 kg DM/ha for the dry andrainy seasons, respectively. The concentration of metabolizable energy in the forage was3.94 and 5.23 ME MJ/kg MS and total energy demand of cows was 102.0 and 90.1 MJ ME/day for the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. Feed profile revealed a surplus in therainy season and a deficit in the dry and early rainy seasons. It is concluded that the farmis underutilizing the pasture, especially in the rainy season, due to good forage availabilityand low stocking rate
Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Maestría en Producción Animal
Vacas lecheras; Pastoreo; Alimentación de los animales; Plantas forrajeras; Composición química; Comportamiento; Cultivos de pastos; Oferta y demanda; Consumo de piensos; Producción animal; Peso corporal; Control de crecimiento; Zona de montaña; Perú; Pastos cultivados; Panicum maximum Jacq
Núñez Delgado, J., Ñaupari Vasquez, J., & Flores Mariazza, E. (2019). Comportamiento nutricional y perfil alimentario de la producción lechera en pastos cultivados (Panicum maximum Jacq). Revista De Investigaciones Veterinarias Del Perú, 30(1), 178–192.
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